

Lost in my daydreaming I haven't noticed her approaching. She looked up: "Hm?".
I started like a jerk. "Ah.. sorry"
She tilted her lovely head,"Whatcha sorry for huh?"
I felt uneasy for the unexpected visit, it was my first human contact. "I was lost in my daydreaming" I answered trying to appear relaxed.
She scratched her right ear,"Oh..".She shrugs,"Its okay." She popped a few sweet tarts in her mouth,"So whatcha doing up here hm?"
"Well... it's quite up here. I'm not totally ...hum... how can I say... relaxed among the crowd" I answered faintly.
She pointed to herself,"This is my family's house, that why I'm up here." She nodded,"Guess quietness is fun if you wanna think to yourself."
Maybe I was doing something wrong. "Oh... am I in a private property?"I asked little worried.
She shaked her head,"No, no, you're not here spying on anyone so its fine!" She wiggled her tail,"I'm Brianna, whats your name huh?" She leaned in as if to hear better.
I scratched my head "Hem... I'm not sure to know my name". I felt really dummy.
She blinked, leaning in to look at me more,"You don't know your own name huh?" She frowned a bit, her tail flicking side to side.
I slightly shaked my head "No... when I woke up I.... well, you know, any personal ID cards or something.."
She giggles,"Oh, I woke up here once too when I was just a kitten." She grinned,"No name tags at all huh? I remembered only my name when I woke up here."
I was interested in her words "Really? So it's a common matter forget anything about the past. I was wondering if it's a collateral effect of the pollutioned water".
I shivered.
She shaked her head,"Well the toxic water and gas doesn't bother me." She looked to me,"Not used to the weather either huh?"
I crossed my arms tight "No... it's that sound... Don't know why but I cannot stand it". How was I talking? I felt this is not my primary language. I shaked my head. "Sorry, my speaking isn't clear".
"Sound?" She twitched her ears,"Sirens...." She muttered looking to him,"You sound clear to me."
I nodded and smiled slightly. "May I ask you something? Maybe it may sound odd but..." I had a little cough "could you choose a name for me?"
Brianna blinked and scratched her head,"A name huh?" She shuffled her feet,"Hm...well do you have any preference?" She giggled.
I bit my thumbnail "Hum.... no clue... Nothing girly, though".
Brianna nods and pulls a large candy cane from her backpack, poking at him,"Maybe we can look at stuff you got and get an idea huh?".
I galnced down at my belt "Well...." I produced my sketchbook and a pencil."That's all I have. Wait... some scissors, too".
She looked at my little book and pencil,"Sketch or Pencil?". She blinked,"Or Scissors?". She giggled.
I giggled back. "I'm lucky that I haven't candies in my pockets".
Brianna nodded,"I'm just about made of candies...". She placed a finger to her chin,"Well, I don't think you wanna be called pencil or scissors." She giggled.
I shrugged "Guess I don't have many choices". I glanced down at the blood spots on my clothes "and blood is not exactly a good idea for a city like this".
Brianna nodded,"Only good thing seems to be Sketch huh?" She wiggled her tail,"If you were named Blood someone might try to eat ya."
She smiled and I smiled back.
I've a name once again.