

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Pieter Seelowe raises his hand as speech comes back to those in the room again, hoping his point was made clear

Quiet Thunders nods waving a hand towards Calleigh urging her to continue

Calleigh Constantine looks about the room, catching the gesture from Quiet and presses on, "Alright, the so called door ways I presume are the ways that the Priests had gone through into our world. Question?"

Blueray Darkes finding she got her voice back, "More like a statement, the words were found to be saying something along the lines of. To put in to keeping a superpower ashes of a god, that is the jist of it".

Nerissa Dae lets a talon tap the table as she glowers at the throng of people spread out before her in a montlely crew of misfits and miscreants. "Of course." She hisses under her cold breath.

Calleigh Constantine nods slowly as she runs a few fingers through her hair, pulling back some bangs as she begins to pace back and forth on the table carefully. "I've heard that and a hebrew translation along the lines of this," She pauses, pulling out a piece of paper, "Evil, Was Told, On Him, Was Ordered, On his Right, while the single latter most likely mean Dagon." She puts it away, tapping her chin as a hand gestures out, "Perhaps this needs to be worked on more, it's a message or it's either just the means to open this gateway for these beings from this other world to enter ours-- these beings in the name of Dagon, yet I think there is something more to this."

Blueray Darkes: "Indeed there are two sides at current one who serve Dagon and one who are against him because they betrayed him"

Calleigh Constantine nods for a moment before seeing a hand out the corner of her eye, she looks up to Cosmo, "Yes?"

Cosmo Smythe raises a brow... "How sure can anyone be of the proper translation of the symbols? For certain many observations have been made?"

Calleigh Constantine: "As far as I've heard, there's only been two; and you've got a point, we can't but we cannot deny what is coming from them. Their all one way, yet we've got these creatures coming through-- case and point the creature in the hospital." She shakes her head, "Case and point we need to get rid of this all together- already the report came in that Dimentox is a mindless brain slug of one of the Priests."

Cosmo Smythe nods in agreement and silences

Blueray Darkes: "Oh well not a big loss there about Dimentox"

Athan Petrov: What about that thing which killed me?Does that have anything to do with all this shit?

Picket McDonnell says "Well in my opinion we need to speak to the fishfaces again... err the Priests of Cthulhu. Since he requested that we shove the Dagon guys into the portal, but the Dagon guys break the portals, we need something stronger. Anyone know how to summon those guys? Cause seriously they are currently the only ones that have shown no aggression to the city"

Nerissa Dae utters a low growl, "They know more about it probably then anyone." She mutters and turns back to Athan. "We'll worry about it later."

deserai Davidov: smiles " indeed they do they have written scrolls and manuscripts from the last time"

Calleigh Constantine looks to Picket and nods, thinking for a moment, "We might need to do this one on our own guys; get as many people as we can to try and create our own version... but the problem is that are they really meaning us no harm? Remember, once upon a time these guys had come to the city before and tried this once before-- I don't think we should give them the chance."

Picket McDonnell nods "well I don't say trust them... but its a lot easier to fight one evil then two at once right? Use one to take out the other, then kick the ass of the one left standing"

Fine Caliber gives up all hope of being called on, speaks out of turn anyway, "I've a few things to say."

Calleigh Constantine glances over and hears Fine, nodding, "Go ahead!"

Fine Caliber: In my opinion, either translation lends itself to the possibility that the writing is just a label of some sort, not instruction. With that said...Seeing things go in and out of the portal, the power of the chalice, isn't it safe to assume that something is coming? Especially with the increased number of the portals. In which case... Pending discovery of what exactly is headed our way, battle strategy should be our main point of focus.

deserai Davidov: coughs a little " indeed fine" wonders if the translations past to them have any significance

Fine Caliber: "Oh and another thing. I thought the mutated one in the hospital picked itself up from the Library's archives and made it's way to where it lays now."

Nerissa Dae snorts. "No loss, cousin. I am sure you would just grow another pair back." she states.

Kit: maybe....... They're trying to bring Dagon HERE *she murmurs*

Nerissa Dae 's glistening black eyes roll. "They did it once before. TRIED. Miserably. And failed. He was killed and the Gate closed before they could get through." She snarls quietly.

Stiletto Vendetta looks at the faces in the crowd who were not present at yesterday's meeting.. "has anyone else had luck in identifying the symbols on the radiate lines of the portals?

Calleigh Constantine nods, clearing her voice, "Hence why I called this meeting, something is coming and well, there's no way on our own we're going to be able to fight. With this green creature appearing, the Priests and well," she gestures to the Shadow Men, "We got something comin' to us... " She pauses for a moment, tilting her head as if listening to someone as if whispering, "But guys, there is a shread of information, yes, the Priests from experiences past is trying to bring Dagon here, which in turn will bring something else... bigger."

Picket McDonnell raises her hand and says "they are pagan symbols but we really should ask the omegans what they mean since they are the same sort of portal that was used when they brought dime back"

Kit looks up at Calleigh, "What?"

Stiletto Vendetta: "That's the rub, myself and the Omegans have been working closely on them.. fruitlessly so far."

Redd Weston: "all of us present came after that event..you need to ask a Praetor later"

Kishi Bleac raises an eyebrow looking at picket "what do you know of pagan symbols?"

Nerissa Dae unconsciously jerks on Hizu's hair and lets go before she can hurt him further to sit back again in her chair and listen to the discussion further. "Should talk to those that were around in the beginning. But good luck on that."

Picket McDonnell says "I was there the night they brought Dimentox back and if I am not mistaken it was the work of Delrith, Omega herself and nareth... so maybe ask one of them?"

Blueray Darkes: Delrith is out of town

Stiletto Vendetta: "I am beginning to think there is nothing to be gained from deciphering them." she says of the symbols on the portals.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) sighed at the words and clenched his fists

Picket McDonnell shrugs "I don't know a thing about them Kishi. I am going by what I heard the night I saw the first portal of that kind"

Calleigh Constantine tilts her head for a moment thinking. "Let's put it this way, from what I was told that the priests had come to the City looking for converts to help bring forth Dagon to, well, Kill him and take power, and from that..." She shakes her head, "God knows what."

Redd Weston: "the devourer is an unrelated topic".."and one that need not be discussed here"

Nerissa Dae speaks under her breath. "How many more ya gonna hurt, Omegans?"

Fine Caliber: I think the symbols, which I originally thought to be astrological, could be in fact symbols belonging to a tightly knit group. Kind of like hobo symbols. I agree with Stiletto. No use in deciphering them.

Calleigh Constantine listens to the banter, quirking a brow before raising her voice slightly, "We should not be fighting each other at this time-- who ever and whatever if anyone concocted this plan to bring this reckoning upon us, I do not think it is one of the factions that would so deliberity wish to destroy our city."

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) looked up *The reckoning?* shi looked to Cal *Remember what happened to the Reckoning?*

Cosmo Smythe nods "If in hebrew why not call it the holy grail?"

Stiletto Vendetta volunteers, "I've learned of a way that is used to communicate to the old ones.. by a secret society. Perhaps that could be of some use?"

Fine Caliber looks to Cosmo "There was an earlier theory someone postured, apologies for not remembering who, that called the chalice the Cup of Collection."

Nerissa Dae moves to rise from her seat. "Anything is of use."

deserai Davidov: shouts over to Stiletto " the hebrew is a deterrent"

Stiletto Vendetta: "There are devices much like crystal balls that disciples of Dagon use to communicate with him, and the other old ones.. we could seek out one of these and attempt to use it ourselves." Stiletto Vendetta nods to Des.

Calleigh Constantine: "It's worth a shot Stil, if you want to give it ago, go for it and keep us up with details."

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) looks to Stil *Perhaps the Coven can turn it...*

Calleigh Constantine looks down to Nikki and grins slightly, "Not THE Reckoning, a figure of speach in this case." She looks across, seeing a hand go up, she winks for a moment before looking across, "Alright, Fine, this theory, we'll get to that in a second, but," She looks to Justinaa, "Speak up hun."

Nerissa Dae comes around to snap a finger against Athan's ear for his attention before she speaks something to him personally.

deserai Davidov listens to her method and nods " yes a good idea still

Merician Lacava nods agreement to Stil, "Use it to find Nyarlathotep, Stil."

Stiletto Vendetta: "The technique is known as scrying.." she explains, wondering if the Coven members know this technique

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) muttered to Cal *I didn't mean those pesky fangers either, but the way they were undone...*

Stiletto Vendetta: "There is a risk associated with that strategy, though.."

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Justinaa Asturias: "I'm really surprised at this gather of intellecutal people here but has anyone actually thought to sit and ask those two cloacked shadowpeople about any of this personally or are we to just sit her and grope around in the dark over looking the fact There here and might be willing to answer some questions"

Stiletto Vendetta: "The communication is .. two-way.. and the old ones will quickly become aware of the user on our end."

Cosmo Smythe: "I say a lot is known that isn't being shared for the good of all here..."

Arthores Faulkes: so keep the priest alive and make it speak on our behalf

Merician Lacava snorts softly, "Find Nyarlathotep. He will not wake the Old Ones, as he serves them and would not want to know he is compromised."

Stiletto Vendetta: "any ideas on how to get a scrying glass?" she asks the room

Arthores Faulkes shrugs "ask the shadow men" laughing as he says that

Calleigh Constantine glances over, eyeing the beings as she leans against the wall behind her. She murmured "I don't think they would talk to us, they think them all high and mighty." Her eyes flicker over to the conversation of Nyarlathotep, "Coven has scrying glasses, we can provide, and this outer beings, even if these Priests summoned Dagon, killed him, took what ever power he had and tried to call in this new diety, I don't believe it'd get through, but it is best to presume the worst."

Rhaven Twine breaks her silence, finally. "I would need a purified crystal." She murmurs, glancing over to the known members of the Coven.

Stiletto Vendetta looks to Calleigh, nodding "There is something perhaps we've all been overlooking about these so-called 'old-ones'.." she interjects.Their power comes in part from their protean, ill-defined nature.. the very thing that causes us insanity."

Arthores Faulkes: "guess I'm the only one who wants this new diety to get though, i think it would be an intriguing fight"

Calleigh Constantine she bows her head after she had given a small nod, "Stiletto, if you like, speak about the old-ones... after that, I suggest we move into coming up with a plan."

Athan Petrov speaks up "Someone agrees with me! It would be fun even if we all died!"

Stiletto Vendetta: "Well, the elusiveness and intangibility is what they thrive upon..Once they are formalized into symbol systems and related to intellectual metasystems, some of their primal intensity is lost. In other words.. we should try to NAME them..As soon as you name something you remove its power ."

Fine Caliber: "Fuck it. Let's get to it then."

deserai Davidov: "and return as drageons minions"

Kit: "So how would we name them?"

Stiletto Vendetta smirks. "It has to be the correct name of course..maybe by scrying, we could get them to reveal their name.."

Tonks Akina: "Yes, naming is a powerful move. Name then in symbol and word?"

Calleigh Constantine murmurs, "They have names, various names of dieities we already know-- true names lost unless dug through ancient texts..." Her hands slipped under the cloth at herwirsts, fingers brushing over the gold bracelets as she tried to remove them once again.

Tonks Akina: "Do we have to name them the the names they claim?"

Arthores Faulkes: "it has to be their original names, cause most likely the names they claim are not there original ones"

Stiletto Vendetta nods, pondering her thoughts. "The very nature is hard for the minds of this world to comprehend. they can barely be perceived, and forever 'lurk' at the edge of awareness..I wonder who among us has the capacity to even perceive these beings in their fullness."

Merician Lacava gazes to Call, "Can their associated elements be used to defeat them?"

Rhaven Twine lisings, falling quiet again, to the laymen metaphysics bouncing about the room; legends and lore of mays and may nots. She'd spoken up once but, now, contents to sit and quietly observe.

Fine Caliber: How can we even trust what we 'know,' when all we know is what's left for us. Things that were probably filtered through them, might I add.

Calleigh Constantine closes her eyes as she thinks, "Beings that would know and be able to say these names..." Her eyes looks to the Shadow men once again, shaking her head as she murmurs, "There's gotta be someone in this city that's gotta be able to." She looks over to the man speaking, "Perhaps, it's worth a shot, if we can dig this up and apparently, its safe to say these diety's element is of water, so, battle it with it's opposite."

Stiletto Vendetta looks to Calleigh.. If any among your family is silent, perahps you could encourage them to offer their thoughts.. this is no time for shyness.."

Fine Caliber: "That's for damn sure" nods to Stiletto.

Nikki (Dimitri Matova) says '... Water...? Heatray...'

deserai Davidov turns to Stiletto " If the scrying glass succeed then we could be summoning up an evil that we are not ready for yet as toxians we need to be together and prepared for what is to come may it be through the portals until you have an accurate translation on the symbols and readings is it best to study the archives for now"

Stiletto Vendetta nods to Des, and shifts her gaze to Calleigh. "I agree that the risk is multifaceted.. Someone more knowledgable in that area should be the one to evaluate that strategy." frowns at the whispering.

Fine Caliber looks to deserai, "I still think it's just a label. Even if we were if to find the meanings, I doubt it's going to be an operations manual. Besides, the true meaning laying behind the words is only kept with the ones who wrote them."

Calleigh Constantine glances around at her brothers and sisters as she sighs, "This is also why I held this meeting, for the help of all those in the city, not just the Coven, but all. It's really relying on each and everyone of us to get through this..." She looks to Justinaa again, nodding, "Go for it."She glances around at her brothers and sisters as she sighs, "This is also why I held this meeting, for the help of all those in the city, not just the Coven, but all. It's really relying on each and everyone of us to get through this..." She looks to Justinaa again, nodding, "Go for it."

deserai Davidov nods and turns to the person leaning on her friend "Do you have something you would like to share with us some knowledge perhaps helpful to this"

Rhaven Twine: "An actual Witch, a practiced Pagan, might have been able to help." She speaks up again. "Or have some inkling to what might have been needed if not the resources to discover how to proceed." She shrugs, quieting once more.

Calleigh Constantine notes that Justinaa doesn't speak up and looks back to Rhaven, "I can see who in the Coven maybe able to help this, however, I would like to get help from all the houses, all of us search for an answer. Many minds than one is better..." She taps her chin as she thinks, pausing, "Alright, if there's more info, requests, ideas, lets speak them now, how in the hell we as citizens are going to deal with this"

Stiletto Vendetta: "my suggestion remains.. attempt to ascertain the names of the old ones by scrying.. perhaps seeking allies amongst their host.."

deserai Davidov smiles at calleighs perceptivness " my thoughts exactly"

Justinaa Asturias raises her hand and looks over to Calleigh "just let us know what you need us to do right now its hard to keep up so come speak to us when its more calm here please"

Dryl Morgwain whispers, "As for their names, I can give them to you in a list within an hour if need be."

Stiletto Vendetta nods to Cici.." such as the old one you mentioned, or the one called Yig.."

Rhaven Twine: "There are witches outside of the Coven" She responds, nodding as well. "You needed a scrying tool. A purified crystal; unflawed and untainted, and the power to infuse the stone."

Fine Caliber speaks up, "I've a skeletal battle strategy worked up, and as a portal has shifted from in front of the Factory to in front of the Church, I think The Continuum base may be an ideal command center."

Stiletto Vendetta nods to Dryl, "lovely.."

Jarne Corvale looks to Fine, "Ryder base doesn't have a portal either."

deserai Davidov thanks dryl for the valid information " it is a start"

Merician Lacava nods to Still, "There is also Yog-Sothoth, the gate keeper."

Calleigh Constantine smiles and nods, "Alright then, Miss Dryl, I'd appreciate it, then we'll get the information out about the city." She taps her chin, snapping her fingers, "An idea, we work in all of our strengths; gather together three groups from all the families; One group for information, another for the magic and mystical aspect, the third for the actual patrol watching our new guests of the city. I'll take names and seek help and guidence from them all once again."

Fine Caliber looks to Jarne. "True. Would be nice to have something in the South as well."

Stiletto Vendetta nods in agreement with Calleigh.

deserai Davidov bows his head slightly deep in thought " tell me omegans is it possible they could have changed their names

Fine Caliber raises her hand. "Calleigh, I'd like offer the strength and services of Continuum resources."

Stiletto Vendetta looks to Dryl. "I shall meet with you immediately following this council, my dear."

Calleigh Constantine glances over to Fine and grins, bowing her head, "Thanks, I will keep it in mind but here's the idea, I'll leave notes with members from each of the city for the names of all those are willing to help.. at that I think it's time to call this meeting to an end."

deserai Davidov: leans over and whispers to dryl " can you tell me the significance of these umbridges and what they mean to draegon"

Stiletto Vendetta looks over to Cici. "Please, sister, I would like your company."

Dryl Morgwain whispers, "What do you mean, sir? I must also hasten to add that it seems quite a bit of the assumed historical data I have access to is.... vague and self-contradicting as was noted yesterday..."

Stiletto Vendetta nods to Calleigh, "I thank you on behalf of the Kindred Alliance for your efforts at organizing this meeting."

Calleigh Constantine waves her hand as she summons a pad of paper to herself from flames and began to write as she stepped down from the table, a satisfied smile appearing as she scribbles away.

deserai Davidov: smiles " well i heard someone trying to communicate to draegon through a member of our community and he reffered to her as an umbridge as he seemed to be speaking directly to dreagon himself

Calleigh Constantine: "It's my pleasure, I'd rather this be over and done with so we can go back to our normal lifestyles."