
Switched demoness (part I)

The white winter sunshine made it warm enough for us prowlers to sit outside the FishCo and play.
So when Cierra saw my tail swishing in the air from the awning and she got the urge to yoink it so she gave it a tug giggling.
"Hey there Cierra"
"Hey there back to ya" she grinned "See I like you better as a tom"
I was about to answer when Quiet made a bee line for the post and after giving it a harsh poke "No more trying to woo and steal love from my kitten mister post". We laughed remembering Sabtina moment of love with the post but we suddenly turned serious as a Shadow stopped to glare at us, more hatefully than usual too. Looking up at Quiet she waved her down, "Hey sis you gotta help me... Pieter did that sex mind thing again".
Quiet looked down about to say something before busting out laughing and nearly falling off the roof.
Marana gave a slight nod as greeting to the Shadow while Cierra grumbled under her breath.
"Its not funny, and tell that CAT to stop looking at me ~" she clapped her hands over her mouth "~ I don't hate cats this much....."
"Well I ... Oh come on, you know from this side it is funny Blueray" Quiet snickered hopping down and heading her inside our home.
Cierra and Marana were not so happy to receive the visit of the Shadow when a second one approached "Quiet here?" she asked to no one in particular.
"Yea she's upstairs" Cierra motioned her head inside and the Shadow, without asking permission, just walked in, thinking she pretty much owned everything anyway. "QUIIIIIET" she yelled inside.

She just disappeared upstairs and walked off after several minutes, followed by Quiet that giggled "I have a job for you. I was hoping you could go to the library and get me some books on Voodoo" she asked fishing out a cam. "You have to see this " she pressed play.
We all saw Blueray curling up on the couch in a cross between pissed off, frustrated and well horny. Shuddering violently the overload on that body was immense, she was used to it in her own she was used to everything. Out of control unable to use anything or even keep her own mind safe, it became clouded and she got a lot of Picket's traits running through her head. Her moans started loud since she couldn't hold them back like she usually could, she put her hand between her legs to help herself along not that she needed to. A few tears rolled down her cheeks spilling on to the floor melting the surface, she had been betrayed least she felt a little betrayed by Pieter of all people he should have know it was her and not Picket. Arching her back she cried aloud her mind filled with erotic images the sensations, the scent, with a vicious shudder she orgasmed juices soaking her panties she laid on the couch after. Cursing Pieter's name both in love and hate with Picket's voice.

Quiet pressed stop and looked at our perplexed faces. "And that will happen every hour on the hour, that is why I let Picket inside, I knew it would be worth it"
"Whats the deal with this Pieter then.. I hear it pop up here and there.. but can't place my finger on it.." Marana looked puzzled.
"Well I don't know why but Pieter did this to Blueray a while back to teach her a lesson. I need the basic information. Also if there is anything on turning a doll back against the creator of the doll"
"To be honest" said Marana shrugging "that lady from the voodoo shop could tell you precisely what to do..''
"Well I want to learn about it so I know on my own " answered Quiet "I am sure they have a lot of books in the library"
"Ow Marana gee" Serv joined us " hey Noir I miss your boobs son "
Marana raised an eyebrow hearing Serv remark, looked at me and then started laughing.
Serv nodded "I could go to the library I need to get a book, then turned smiling" feeling better Noir ?"
"Yes, thank you. Oh btw Serv, when you have time I'd like to have a little talk"
He frowned "Look man I know maybe I looked at your ass a little much but I can explain" holds up his hands "I have no shame"
"Nah no worries. Nothing to do with that"
Marana looked at Serv slightly puzzled and he poked her with a samurai finger to the third left rib "Heee yahhh. Oh Marana you missed it Noir was a girl up until like yesterday he had awesome boobs and the thightest ass..."
"Ooook, didn't we have to go to the Library?" I cut off the embarrassing topic and Marana nodded ''Mmmh yes, before this becomes any weirder...''

So we reached the Library. Empty.
"Mmmm seems no one is home... " Serv dropped his book on the stack "I need a book about reproduction cycle of the feline" he yelled calling out to the spirit of the library.
So, that was the Library.
Suddenly I felt my thoughts fade and the echo of a voice "You may want to get some paper and pen from the Library because I have a feeling you will be finding new words to use on your enemies"
"Owww why every time the left side library spirit?" Serv's cry brought me back to the present as he got hit in the head by a book. He picked up the book and red the title aloud "Are you my mommy by dr zuess?. Awe come on I readed this already! " and he tossed the book on the stack but it floated back to his hands "Awe ok I didn't finish it but it is dumb"
Marana giggled as he cried at her "Oh just think of the subject you desire and allow the library spirit to help. Mr Grrr told me all about it "
Marana got hit with an erotic book on the side of the head.. ''Oooww..dammit..''
We heard someone clearing her throat: was a young Lady sitting on a wheelchair "May I help you?" she asked looking at us warily.
"Greetings Madam. We're looking for a book about--"
"Why do you get bowed to?"
it was the voice of that Shadow of before, Picket.
"Now lets remain calm" said Serv while Marana frowned taking a drag from a cigarette ''Only meant as a small gesture of respect..''
"Excuse me..." the Lady on the wheelchair moved a little closer to them "there is no smoking in the library"
"Oh you got some of that I can smoke?" the demoness asked sneezing because of the cats near her, probably.
Marana dug out a crampled pack of cigs hitting the bottom and reached it out to her ''Sure take one..'' she flipped a lighter from her hip and lighted it.
"I said, there is *no*smoking in the library" the Lady repeated looking up at them while the demoness was deliberately ignoring her.
"Light for me too?" the second demoness stepped in, looking at the Lady and pulling out a cig from behind her ear with a sneer.
"You still jabber too much" the Shadow said to the Lady that narrowed her eyes "That may be, but you will obey the rules. Or you will all leave".
Picket looked at Blueray "Yeah Blue obey the rules"
Blue shrugged and lighted the cig with a flame from her fingertips "I am following the rules... my rules"
"In your House, you follow *your* rules. In this House, you follow our rules, or you leave".
Picket stamped the cig out on the floor "Okay one more Picket trait and I will flip... Uh oh" while Blueray blew a smoke ring into the air and just smiled sweetly.
"It is a shame one cannot expect more from demons that petty unruliness" commented the Lady while the demoness dropped the half smoked cig on the floor and put it out with her toe, leaving the butt on the floor.

We heard someone whistling "Headbanging?! Yes folks, Denenthorn is in one of his rockstar moods again, run, run while you can...."
The lady looked up at him "Grandfather...?"

"Well kitties I am out of here it smells funny today" Servher said span the globe near him.
Blueray folded her arms over her chest and sighed, looking at the non existent watch on her wrist "One... two... three..." she began to count... waiting for shit to go down while Picket leaned up against a bookcase. She braced her back against it, bending over, gasping for air acting like she was being fucked to kingdom come. Trying and failing to keep her pleasured noises under any format of control, her voice of highly charged eroticism echoed around the stone walls of the library. She slumped to the ground still uttering moan after moan when her back slammed in to the bookcase, her body spasmed with the release the scent of sex around her while her fluids soaked her thighs. "Hate so much.. hate hate hate".
Attending the scene was embarrassing for me so I just walked out with Marana and Serv, waiting for a better time.
"I KNOW you aren't Picket I'm Picket but you're Blue who is Picket and I am Picket who is Blue but its all so damn confusing" I heard Picket's voice yelling with frustration.
"Hello ma'am..Tonky!".
I turned with a little hope. Wasn't that the voice of that kind girl used to visit us? I peeped in and I spotted her smiling to a lady with a white dress. "Mind if I come in Lady?" I dared to ask and she waved at me in smiling.
"Redd..now might not be the best time to entertain friends" the Lady on the wheelchair but I needed the information so I walked in, carefully avoiding the two demons.
"Piss off Nareth... I am in no mood for you. If you've something to say, say it or shut your stinking mouth" Picket growled low in her throat.
Blueray sneezed "You really are allergic to cats"
"Sorry bother you but.." noticing the demon's reaction I stepped a little more away from them "May I ask your help, please?" I whispered to Redd and she smiled kindly as she always do.
"Then I *will* say it..." said Nareth, looking threatening even sitting on that wheelchair "Near as I can tell...I am presently senior staff in the library...And near as I can tell, whatever you two are up to, would be better conducted elsewhere".
"Nareth shut the fuck up seriously" Picket said behind my back
"I may look helpless... But that is not, I assure you, the case. Now..I am asking with as much civility as I can muster..please leave now"
Blueray exploded with anger, launching herself up the stairs and right at Nareth, doing her very best to shove her entire weight at the chair and send her flying "I just want my body back and when I get it back I swear I will be as civile as you want BUT NOT RIGHT NOW SO SHUT IT"
A soft golden flash glowed in the middle of the room and an elegant wolf-like person materialized, snapping his pocket mirror closed and looking about, sniffing.
Nareth gripped the ruby tighter and helds up a hand. "Grr...."
"Picket you can't attack anyone in the library" the second Shadow demoness commented at her sister's reaction.
"What tha fuck is this all about?" the newcomer asked obviously puzzled.
"I will not be intimidated, nor will I see members of this House intimidated" said quietly Nareth but the man she called grandfather turned up to her "I am senior staff and if you think otherwise you my dear are sadly mistaken, NOW HOLD YOUR TONGUE"
"Denny, these days I don't know who the fuck you are half the time, and neither do you" she almost sighed.
"I don't give a fuck anymore about the stupid library or its stupid fucking ghost" Blue screamed as she shoved at the chair again "Shut your bloody fucking mouth!"
"Tonks..Redd..stand behind me" Nareth said low keeping her eyes fixed on the demoness.
"Picket, Blue downstairs" ordered the grandfather/Denny man while the elegant wolf-like man postured to back him up.
Blue spats at Nareth and stormed off "I will see you torn apart bitch" growled leaving the library in a huff of anger.
"Oh fucking great, now she just ran off with my body".
Nareth seemed ignore the spittle, but the ruby at her neck began to glow. "Then you should follow her, yes?"
"You should have shut your mouth, god I hate you so much right now and I gotta find Picket who is me...... DAMN IT FUCK THIS"
"ALL Omegans and non Omegans downstairs, except or me and Miss Nishi" the grandfather/Danny ordered while Nareth glanced him anxiously.
We all descended the stairs compliantly, from my part caring to stay away from the demoness.
"The feeling may be mutual.....but this is not the place" whispered Nishi, her voice almost covered by the one of the white dressed woman "She didn't say much, Blue....but I don't blame you...you look better in blue"
"You got books here we need books.. hey an ant" the demoness suddenly crouched interrupting her sentence.
"Over here, folks, park yer asses and hold up yer yappin for a minute" the elegant wolf-like man pointed at the chairs and directed people rather directly to sit.
"I hope you've the presence of mind to understand I meant no disrespect, Grandfather" Nareth whispered at the man standing near her that growled "Look at me...." but she glanced back the elegant one "Grr..they were only trying to defend me and the library..."
Blueray, that was chasing some of the ants around on the ground, suddenly stopped as she just realized she was doing it "Need to fix this, don't understand my body isn't normal" she said frustrated, then turned to Nareth "Picket says make Nareth leave and she will come back"
Nareth answered keeping her eyes on grandfather/Denny "Nareth is not leaving. This is the house of my Sire, not the fucking Pit".
Grandfather/Danny snarled "If you so much as EVER think you outrank me even on one of my bad days, I'll reign shitstorm down on you so hard your skin will darken" he growl even more "And don't EVER seekers of knowledge no matter what or who the ARE!"
" As you say, Grandfather. Then deal with this mess..." she kept her hand wrapped tightly around the ruby.
"Blue-Shadow, come on down here, let me have a look at you, will ya. Nareth and Featherpants are gunna have a little chat" said the elegant Mr.Grr
Time to leave. "Thank you for the help. I'll be back soon" and without waiting an answer I just stepped out.

Marana was sitting at the bar "there you are".
I showed her the book I asked to Redd in all that mess "Lady Weston borrowed us this one". On the cover there was the title 'Mating Behaviors'.
She laughed out load taking the book and reading the title "You must be joking" then she started to laugh again.
I looked down the book and back up to her blinking "er... no?"
"Well I'm curious now. What kind of info were we looking for Noir?" she looked in my eye's with a lopsided smile on her face.
Suddenly I realized that I caught the wrong request "Hm. Something suggests me I'm wrong"
"Haha.. silly kitty.." She looked down at her pad and turned the page to fresh one. She wrote something down before ripping it from the pad and handing it over to me.
Totally wrong.

"Blucket! Can't you do that OUT OF SIGHT?".
I peeped in the Library back, in time to see Picket stomping her foot while Blue was throwing herself down by the fire racked with both Picket and her own personality traits. Curling herself up she was determined to keep this one whit and yet will fail miserably at it because it was not her body. Her unguarded mind was flooded with those damned sexy images, that came along with all the sensations too and once more overloaded that she half passed out. Clawing at the ground she shook with the surge of pleasure arching her back as she laid on her front arching her back to slam her hips against the floor, half out of consciousness she screamed both in rage and sheer released as she burst. When she came she panted softly breathing hard, she rolls her eyes at Picket. "I can't... control your body.... you aint.. used to this".
Pieter, the Shadow Lord, was sitting there.
"You can take it off? Take it off me damn you take it off" she hissed to him.
Picket facepalmed and grumbled "then PLEASE make it stop Pieter. This is really beginning to piss me off". She narrowed her eyes and said "I fucking hate all of you" then quietly walked out the door once more, thinking that her family was proving to be asshats to their own members, probably.
"Shadow Lord enough with these shenanigans in my Library, perhaps you should torture your own in the pit cause you are boring me..." said the grandfather/Danny while Blueray curled up on the floor unable to get the stupid body to comprehend what was happening.
"Take it off me, I didn't know you could you said you couldn't the last time... Stop being an ass, I want my body back". Curling up tighter she shook choking, "This isn't fun".
"You know my name Denny, please do use it properly.The name is Pieter Denny, you know that.." the Shadow Lord said in his dark tone and smirking slowly he lifted himself out of his chair, some flecks of shadows whispering over his body slowly "Alright Blue, did you learn a lesson?".
Blueray was burning holes in to the cushion "Never leave mindlinks open ever".
Pieter the Shadow Lord nodded into not Pickets direction "That will suffice, now come along" he patted his tight once as a gesture for her to come along "we're going to have a little talk in the Pit".
"Yes my lord".
"That's nice Pieter Denny.. accept your fate Shadow Lord" the grandfather/Denny provocative, obtaining the Shadow Lord's attention "Do not test my patience boy, the pain I can cause you, will have you begging me to end your existence" and he left, followed by the demoness.

Redd was a little aside with the white dressed woman. As she spotted me she smiled and I stepped towards her showing the book with a little embarrassment.
"What do you need dear?"
"Well... I'm sorry bothering you again but my friends suggested me to borrow the wrong book... So I'm here to deliver it back and ask for the real one... if I'm not bothering you too much"
She looked at me puzzled "It is a book on mating behavior yes? I'm confused dear"
How explain her that my mind just switched off once in the Library? Well, was easier tell her that was a joke "Er.. yes the book is right but my friends were kidding me, I think. They thought maybe this way I could learn something but the argument was wrong".
"Oooh.. I see Dear.......hmmmmm..I'd be happy to help in any way i can" she smiled wider as i returned her the book "thank you for returning the book so quickly. If there is anything you need to ask me feel free okay..don't be embarrassed, it's all kinda new to me too".
"Thank you. The right argument was about curse and voodoo dolls. Something I'm totally ignorant about"
She giggled "We have a great book on voodoo if you need it hun"
"Oh really?"
"You do have a library card right..I forgot to ask before..it was so hectic....please don't tell anyone"
Never heard about a card. Well, never been in a Library before, so i simply asked "A.. card?"
She grinned "I'll fix you right up my friend!"
"Thank you. It's so nice hearing some politeness".
She handed me a piece of paper and a quill before scampering off to the shelves."fill that out love, and I'll be right back with your book!"
The white dressed Lady smiled "Hi, I'm Tonks" and I smiled at her before filling up the request.
"Fuckity fuck fuck fuck" Danny yawned looking in Redd's direction as she gasped "where is it berry...oh yesssss......thank you. Cover my ears berry..thank you"
"Yo, Tonky, he's right here, if ya wanna ask him those questions we were yarnin about the other day" I heard Mr.Grr tell waving a clawed paw at Denny.
"I think he answered my questions" she answered.
"Omegans do no fear to ask questions, isn't that right, Spirit?" Danny asked apparently to the Library itself that, I can swear it, shook its walls.
Tonks nodded to my surprised face and headed down the stairs while Redd scampered back with two big old leather bound books, dust free.
"Here we are...now don't hurt yourself with those...you're much too cute" she winked and handed over me the big books.
"Oh they look... ancient"
"They are quite old..but notice how not dusty they are" she grinned and twirling.
"Thank you very much Lady. I'll take care of them like my own skin"
"Very happy to help" she smiled widely while I handed her the filled request and after signing a brand new library card, she handed it to me with a curtsy.
"Here you are..enjoy!"
"Thank you"
She grinned blushing "You have lovely manners"
"Oh you're the lovely here"
She looked down the filled request "Yer so lucky to live in South Tox Noir.. those sort are killed before they make it to yer end of town"
How tell her that those sort were the last of the problems? But why destroy her nice point of view "South is a nice place, we have the beach where you can sit and stare the ocean when no one is around to shoot at you but.." in my mind flashed Serv telling to a new kitty he was showing the city "Oh, most interesting place are located in North like the sexy shop.." I cut out the thought in 1/2 second "...here in North there are amazing places just like the Library. I love the smell on the books"
She nodded, apparently not noticing my hesitancy "Me too..it is a wonderful smell".She rubbed her chin "Though ..you kitties have that machine" she grinned blushing "Finn showed it to me".
Ah. That machine."Er.. yes. Yes it's a strange thing even to me. I must confess I haven't tasted the... product of that yet. It scares me somehow..".
It gives me the shivers.
"I wonder about it..like if some people are better than others" she giggled and still with my lips curled in a grimace I confirmed as if it was my opinion as well, and I was obviously misunderstood "Soo who do you wanna try?" she whispered leaning in and smiling from ear to ear she poked gently my arm.
"Oh I.. I've only heard them say something about it. I don't feel the desire to taste someone" I hate myself when I blush every time someone looks confident. I feel so clumsy.
"Aren't you curious????" She looked surprised and screwed up her lips in a look of puzzlement, leaning back on her heels and arching her eyebrow, shrugging "well I'm curious".
"Well, a kitten gave me a little flask of the sample. You can find it in my back pocket. You can take it just as a souvenir.."
She giggled "....."whooo???....whisper it to me ....i don't wanna taste just anybody"
I turned slightly in order to allow her to take it if she wanted after whispering her the name.
"Wait, what? Who's in tha bottle? suddenly Mr.Grr asked from his chair.
She scrunched up her nose "You keep it.....no offense....just not my type"
"It's milk Sir" I smiled at him while Redd span and laughed.
"Milk? From a person?" he was curious.
"She's very nice...but..I dunno...she doesn't make me hungry" then she nodded to him "Yes mister Grr"
"Someone got milked? Ha, and here's me without my wheatbix . . . "
Redd ran to the fireplace near him "Mister Grr..it's upstairs at Fishco..an you put your....you know..you dun got em..in these cups and away it goes into a biig bucket"
"So, -who- got milked?" he asked and Redd whispered to him the answer, then again aloud like an excited child "They showed me! They all do! Thats where the milk they have comes from"
"Wicked! fresh milk fer my cookin. But don't ya have ta be lactatin fer that to work?" he asked and Redd shrugged "I think it's a team effort".
"Hahahahaha" he laughed "that's awesome, talk about self sufficency"
"I still prefer the milk from the bar.." I muttered embarrassed.
Redd nodded seriously "It is quite a thing.. I do declare, I just wanna taste the people I know.....see who's...more milky..it's a scientific thing...for the library ..I think" she paused "don't give me that look Tonky"
My cell flashed silently, my family was calling me. "Oh. Well, thank you again for your help Madam. I'd be happy to help you back so, feel free to use my number if needed"
She smiled "You bet!"
I nodded to the white dressed Lady called Tonk and to the elegant Mr.Grr "Have a nice evening" and I stepped outside hearing Redd's shrill pleasant voice 'be safe Noir!"