
A dark sense of humor

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

picture by Finn McCellan

Dante glances to each of the kitties, then with a subtle deep tone he questions "Where's Finn?"
Cecily edges to the door.
Servher pipes up "I think she must have his shirt and he is cold "
Dante looks from Serv to Cece "I need to speak with her a moment"
Mai "About your shirt?"
Cecily "Well, why do ya need to speak to her for a moment?"
Servher Welles smiles.
Dante points to both Mai and Serv, still looking at Cece "I'm not in a mood for games, please tell them to hush".
Cecily looks to the two "Chill for a moment please?".
Servher scowles " damn and I was just going to ask for a hand of goldfish".
Shaynee walks up behind Dante with a smile.
Dante nods and continues "Finn...where is she?".
Cecily sighs "Dante I asked why you needed her".
Dante glances behind him a moment before returning his gaze towards Cece "And I heard, perhaps when she's being spoken to...I can speak with you about it".
"How about we tell her you would like a conversation when we see her next?" says Servher "Kind of like tag not to press the whole game thing".
"Well.. whats up?" asks Cecily.
Servher smiles at Mei "Hiyas again".
Mei smirks, "Hi kitten".
Dante closes his eyes a moment, his shadows steaming from his shoulders and rushing around the current group....finally returning to his being his eyes open slowly. "She's not here" he states as he turns back to his family. Waving a hand towards the rest of the city and towards the North, "Spread out, find her".
Shaynee nods and walks away.
Cecily steps forward "Whoa.. hold up. What the fuck is up? Why do you need her so bad?"
Mei nods and pivots her frame towards the south and dashes off.
Dante's eyes haze with dark figures "When she's found...you'll be filled in." Then turns to make his leave.
Cecily "Nope... tell me " she walks in front of him "Your not *CENSORED*ing with my family members Dante".
Dante pauses midstep and turns his head calmly towards Cece, "Then perhaps keep your own kittens in check before they try their little acts", and sidesteps heading past the vet.
Cecily shrugs her shoulder "Keep your little demons in check and perhaps our little kittens would be also".
Cecily opens her phone and goes to walk inside "I need you guys to walk around and try to find Finn, and if you do bring her home".
"Wonder what's up with Finn.." she muttles "ok.. I'll head west".
Noir doesn't know how this Finn looks like...
Cecily hands Noir a picture "Here, since ya haven't met her yet".
Noir looks at it and nods.
Cecily "We cant let them get her".

Noir looks at the stray "Hey Finn! Please come to FishCo".
Finn grins and nods "Hi".
Noir smiles a little worried glancing around.
"Ok. What's up?" asks Finn.
"Hum, better coming there, Cece will explain it, I think".
Isabella Sideshow holds the silver steak in her hand and lets out a screach for her family to here "I have her . . ."
Finn tilts her head and scrunches her brows "Alright. Are you coming?"
Noir glares the stranger with the silver thing in her hand and follows the kitten.

Celebratemy pulls out her cell calling Ceci
Noir takes his phone and calls Cece but puts it away noticing Cele "Go ahead"
Celebratemy "Finn where you been. You in trouble?"
"Idon't think so.. I was fishing"
"Well you should go inside and hide" says Cele
Finn blinks, looking back in forth from Cele to Noir."Hide from what?"
Cecily "Gawd there you are".
Noir nods "I've found her near the KA place, she was alone"
Celebratemy "Idk, sounds like there's a problem"
Cecily looks over to Stralack.
Finn: "Well, I didn't know those fish were endangered"
Stralack looks to Cecily and then to Finn as she walks off
Cecily: "Problem?"
Stralack "No...no problem...."
Cecily smiles "good.. good". She twiddles her hand in the air and waves "C ya"
Finn: "What's going on?"
Celebratemy whispers "Did you do anything to any shadows?"
Finn "Whaddya mean?"
Celebratemy "Where you by their base?"
Cecily steps closer to Finn
Finn arches a brow and studies her closely "uh uh"
Celebratemy shrugs "Maybe we should all talk inside"says looking over at Starlack
Finn: "ok.."
Noir looks at Cece "Why don't we just ask to him?"
Finn is confuzed
Cecily nods "Good idea"
Noir glances the white demon approaching.
Stralack looks to Finn, "Finn, would it be okay if you would come for a walk with me?"
Finn "A walk?"
Stralack nods
Cecily answers for her "No.."
Mei: "We don't want to hurt you. We simply want to talk."
Stralack: "I was not talking to you Cecily..."
Cecily: "Well I believe I'm speaking to you.."
Stralack: "Well I am not so watch what you say to me...."
Finn tilts her head, hikes a brow and tugs on her ear in uneasy confusion. "Why not just tell me what's going on?"
Mei: "We'll explain if you walk with me.I will not harm you"
Cecily smiles "Hard to take something back that's already happened eh?"
Finn: "where do you suggest we walk?"
Mei: "Just follow me. We need to have a talk."
Cecily: "You take her.. I'm going with you"
Mei: "No.This is for Finn only.""
Noir looks at the snow demon "Don't touch her Finn, she could freeze you"
Cecily raises her brow "Oh really?"
Celebratemy: "Sorries it doesnt work like that"
Mei shakes her head, "I will not touch you, Finn."
Finn shakes her head to Noir "I won't. I just want to know what's the big deal.. I'm little miss popular all the sudden"
Cecily shakes her head and laughs "Get out of my face little boy.."
Noir nods a little worried
Mei: "Finn, I'm asking nicely. Please come with me."
Celebratemy: "Finn you stay right here. Thought you didn't want to hurt her?"
Stralack raises a brow and chuckles, "Little boy? you must not know who I am..."
Cecily holds her hand between her chest and Stralack "Get.. out of my face. Are you *CENSORED*ing deaf?"
Stralack shakes his head, "Well...you said get out of my face.....I was never in your face but I am next to you if that is what you were referring to....."
Cecily smirks "See this little space between us? Your in my *CENSORED*ing face"
Mei: "Stralack... we can settle this peacefully.Finn... I just want to speak with you"
Stralack sighs "Apparently you do not understand the English language.....I am not 'in' your face....."
Cecily rolls her eyes and mumbles something about her bubble and shoe polish on the guys coat
Mei: "Please, come with me."
Cecily shrugs "Let me rephrase..if you were any closer to me you'd be in my vaj.."
Finn winces at the amount of tension
Mei: "Finn, I've asked you several times...Will you come with me or not on your own accord?"
Shaynee walks over to Mei then to the one Quiet calls Finn smiles ever so sweetly
Finn chews her lip, looking uneasy and backs up a step or two
Cecily looks inside and sees Jason "Is this a *CENSORED*ing hotel?" then turning to Finn "Finn hunny, go inside"
Noir looks at Cece then to the white demon "Well, if it's only a talk you'll not mind if some of us will stay around out of 'hearing zone', just checking that she will not be harmed?"
Finn nods to Cecily, still confused, looking back over her shoulder
Mei: "If that is your wish, but I simply wish to speak to her alone in the Pit"
Cecily draws her attention to Mei "Why do ya need her.."
Mei "That is a private matter."
Dante casually enters through the back door of Fish Co, walking past the couch he gives Jason a nod as he approaches Finn from behind. Stopping just short of her, his voice echos through his chest "Evening, Finn"
Finn jumps about three feet off the ground
Cecily shakes her head then turning to hear Dante's voice
Finn: "Evening.. What's going on?"
Noir sighs
Finn "Yesterday no one knew me, today everyone knows my name.."
Cecily "Get out.." she takes Finn by the arm "Go sit down love"
Dante nods sincerely to Cece "Mhmm, you know I'm good for my word. I'll be leaving with this one" pointing to Finn "So she can be spoken to."
Finn looks around with a frown, her ears flattening with worry for the other prowlers and apparent danger she brought on them, she looks behind her ready to bolt.
Cecily raises her brow "And you know I'm good for mine to Dante, no.. your not"
Shaynee walks in behind Finn putting her hand on her shoulder "That's not true.... I knew you from the party"
Finn mews and lets out a low feline growl
Celebratemy looks around the suddenly crowed room, curious as to whats this is all about.....stand up touching to get a better look
Mei extends her hand to grip Finn on the shoulder as frost accumulates where she touches her and a dread chill runs through the feline's body, "You will come with us."
Shaynee: "Oh wait... No I've known you since before then you were looking for Lei I believe *smiles and stays close looking around* where is Quiet?"
Dante grins devilishly behind his mask as he turns his body towards Cece now "..We've been through much Cece, and you know when something needs to be done, or I want something...I get it" then nods towards Finn, yet still speaking to Cece "And what I want...is a talk with the little one here."
Finn: "Talk? Is this about me not being nicer to superior beings? because.. I've really been working on that."
Cecily "You wanna talk with her? you either do it here, or let me come with you all"
Finn nods
Dante smirks and shrugs "Sure, you may accompany her...the rest stay here, and you'll be checked at the door while she comes inside to be spoken to. You can watch from there."
Noir looks the snow demon hand on Finn's arm and frowns remembering her words
Celebratemy "Will be near I will go where I want"
Cecily shakes her head "No.. im going in there with her. take the offer. if not, shes not going with you"
Jason lowers his hand from his chin, causing the light reflecting off his watch to lower to the floor, he is quiet and gentally rolls his wrist to change the position of the orb
Finn jerks her hand away and jumps back with a hiss
Shaynee looks to Dante and smiles moving her hand out to Finn's "Ready to go?" hearing the hiss thinking she has a little spit fire in her.
Finn scuffs the toe of her shoe on the ground and chews her lip, her ears going flat as she whispers to Cecily.
Dante snickers, his head tilting to one side as he looks to Cece in amusement "You've always had claws...I'll give you that. However, you made one negotiating point...and that was the last. Either you come and get checked at the door, or we can simply take her by force?" Looking around Fish Co a moment he shrugs "Hate to mess this place up...I've grown fond of it."
Celebratemy prepares to follow placing her blades on her hips.....
Finn nods to Cecily
Cecily "Fine.. I'll come"
Finn "can't you just give a hint what this is about.."
Cecily looks around "But everyone who isn't a part of this family, I want you gone from here when I leave..And I want you kittens to stay put.."
Shaynee nods "at the Pit we will" shakes her hand for Finn to take it.
Celebratemy looks and frowns
Noir notices another shadow advancing from the back door and does the easy math
Finn looks at Shaynee's hand and shakes her head "No thank you. I can walk on my own"
Dante lets out a small sound of laughter from deep within his mask "Oh, they'll be coming...no worries." Looking to Shay he nods towards Finn, accompany her in front "Please...Shadows, follow behind Cece and myself"
Shaynee nods and allows her to take the first step.
Mai: "Uggh.. we can't just sit here while they slaughter the two of them.. did you see how many of them there were!! I don't care what Cece said, I'm not gonna let them get hurt"
Noir looks at Mai "Please don't give the shadows a reason to break the promise to be quiet"
Mai: "Hehe.. I won't.. just want to make sure nothing happens.. I don't trust them."
Noir nods and sighs and suddenly has an idea on how reach the Pit's roof without being noticed.

Noir rushes to the Voodoo Shop and looks around in search for a shop assistant "Anybody here?"
Noir looks at the little colored bottles lined on the shelf and figures out the writing on the labels tranlslating something like "Poison" -hum no- "Healing" -useful but no- "Shapeshift" He giggles "Yatta!"
Noir Dreadlow takes it and runs away.

Mai: "Hey"
Noir: "Hyas" he shows her the bottle just stolen
Mai: "nice"
Noir: "have you ever used one of this?"
Mai: "nope"
Mai: "what do they do?"
Noir looks down at it "Hum, it says shapeshifter. I'm going to try it"
Mai: go for it
Noir nods
Mai: "where'd you get it?"
Noir coughs a little "Err... in the Voodoo shop"
Mai laughs along "well I'm gonna go check on Celeb"
Noir nods

I ran towards a dark corner and uncorked the potion sniffing the content. "Oh well, let's hope it will work" I said, and shrugging I quaffed it.
There was no pain, no particular sensations. Just the point of view changed. Looking down I noticed that the ground was closer than usual.
"Meow?" I said trying to spell a word but I was just able to yowl.

Mai: "Noir.. is that you?"
Noir mews
Mai: "We need to get the the back rail.. do you know the way?"
Noir shakes his head
Mai: "Ok.. well I'm gonna go find it"
Noir turns and mews slightly


Legion nods pleasantly to the feline before the Fishco, looking down to the sidewalk for a moment. Stepping inside the Fishco, She draws the fan over the floor in a wide sweeping motion, and something begins to materialize there
Cecily heads to the doorway "Get.. out! Put her down and leave.."
Shaynee follows Legion and Cecily in "Ask nicely"
Cecily "Im telling you.. put her down."
Celebratemy "she can lay on the couch"
Shaynee shrugs and says again "Ask nicely"
Cecily puts her hand on her sword "Put her.. the fuck down"
Shaynee walks over to the hello kitty rug and just drops her
Legion smiles pleasantly as the form of Hello kitty appears on the floor, waving hello. She looks to Shaynee, bobbing Her head towards the blanket.
Cecily looks at Finn again and grins, thinking in her head of there next trick being a little more vicious "Well.. thanks for walking her home"
Legion reaches into Her kimono, producing a small form of a pig, and a small turtle, laying the small plush animals near to Finn
Shaynee looks at Cecily after she drops Finn on the floor "would have put her down nicely ya know" starts to chuckle and looks to Legion
Dante briskly passes through the entrace to Fish Co, waving his hand in a small circular gesture befoer Cece "Well?...the need for tempers to fly?"
"Alright.. get the fuck out" Cecily says drawing her swords to her hands.
Celebratemy gets on the floor besides finn, carefully placing a oxygen mask on her face....setting it at 2.0 l. She checks her pulse........looks at her watch.....
Cecily Fhang lowers her arms straight to her side, her swords dangeling on the cement causing a distinct scratching noise. She lowers her eyes in dantes direction with another growl "get them out"
Legion turns to Shaynee, and the others there, nodding that the job is finished, and looking round to the Prowlers. Her whispers drift down round the Fishco "We thank you kindly for your gift. We hope you treasure Our's giving bvack to you." and turns around to walk out
Celebratemy pulls out a needle taking some blood preparing it to be sampled
Shaynee yawns and awaits for Legion command eyeing the kitty that is getting the swords too close to her
Stralack turns around and walks away knowing that being here is no longer needed.....
Celebratemy runs a scanner over her torso "shes fine she just needs some sleep" standing up wiping her knees off
Vishous leans up against the wall and simply watches letting her eyes gaze over the room, crossing her feet at her ankles occasionally checking her nails and picking at them
Mai glares at the 'doggy' in the back
As Legion steps out the door, and onto the street, each of the plushies stirs just slightly, inching a little closer to Finn. As they start to grow, however, they fall upon her vishously, plying her flesh with jaws of needle teeth, and howls of fury
Cecily points her sword at dante "Did you hear me? get the out"
Celebratemy "follow the leader" she giggles
Quiet walking over to the entrance of her home looks a little suprised at all the guests
Shakirah walks in to find her friend surrounded by Shadows and inquires " Hey CeCe....do you need a hand?"
Dante grins, winking to her casually "Mhmm...as much as i'd love to play with your claws, perhaps a bit later." then turns over his right shoulder to face the door "Shadows, let's go home."
Shaynee walks over and looks at Dante with a smile nodding
Legion getting briefly up on it's hind legs, the turtle exerts it's weight upon the pig, pushing it back, then turning back to sink it's needle fangs into Finn's throat
Quiet looks down at the plushies as she mutters" did that move?
Noir glances the feline laying on the strange carpet
Finn moans and shudders as the plushies tear at her flesh
Cecily looks to lorne and then down to the kitten, noticing something funny about the stuffed animals
Noir moves closer sniffing the thing
Celebratemy runs inside hearing Finn scream
Cecily tilts her head slightly "What the fuck! There eating her"
Cecily steos closer and goes to kick the animals off of the blanket
Noir blinks and looks at the plushies
Noir claws the one close to him
Mai kicks the animal closeby
The pig snarls, lunging back at the turtle, but missing, as the turtle turns glowing red eyes upon Noir
Noir gives a low growl
The pig is kicked, rolling away slightly
Cecily follows the pig, attempting to kick it the rest of the way out the door
Celebratemy shoots the stuffed animal and stuffing flies...the pig is no more
Mai claws at the turtle
Quiet circling around the cat and turtle she draws her blades
Noir extends a sharp claw and rips the back of the turtle, stepping a little back, a clear invite to follow him
Celebratemy takes aim and shoots the turtle twice stuffing looks of snow in fish co...its crumbles
The pig had righted itself with some effort, bending low to marshall itself for a lunge back at Mai, growling hideously as it's fabric lips pull backl across it's very fleshy looking gums. It explodes into a cloud of fluff as the bullet rips it
Shakirah gasps. "What the hell are those things?"
Quiet yelps as she nearly gets hit with shrapnel from the guyshot
The turtle had inclined it's head, growling low at Noir. It's head comes off, however, as it's body bursts, but still the head snarls, snapping it's jawes at Noir's hind legs
Shakirah "By the way....you have a visitor , Q. He is waiting for you on the boat out back."
Mai stabs her sword straight through the head, pinning it down for it's last goodbyes
Quiet Thunders shaking her head she swings her drawn blades towards the head but hold up short seeing Mai was a little faster than she
Noir gives a yowl of surprise and steps back a little further
Mai twister her blade, thus ripping the head into two, vanquishing it once and for all
Cecily bends down, her eyes scavaging over the kitten "Noir.. go get the medical box from upstairs please"
Noir nods and rushes up
Shakirah keeps an eye on the front and back of the Prowler base of operations to make sure no one sneak attacks her friends.
Cecily pulls finn towards her, bringing her to roll over on her back and puts her hand on her face "I hope they know this only means were going to get them back twice as hard"
Finn bleeds and shivers, her eyes open but are glassy and rolled back. She weakly raises a hand to swat a halluciation away and makes whimpers a bit pathetically.
Being cloth, though the gums drip with slobber, the head is no match for the blade. It heaves a sickenning rattle, cleaved in two with a wet hollow *clitch* sound
Cecily oulls her face away quickly to avoid the swat
Noir drops the medical box near Cece's feet and meows slightly
Cecily shifts her body to rest on her legs, "Ok Mai.. i need you to come here and get outa cloth, medical pads, gauz, and the alcohol
Heart is almost afraid to ask, "Is she gonna be alright?"
Cecily opens one of Finns eyelids
Finn 's eyes are dialated, glassy as if drugged and in shock. she mews a little and growls, not seeing the prowler in front of her, but something terrifying. Her mouth curves downward and she tries to pull or roll away.
Heart walks closer to Shakirah and whispers, "Where the hell have you taken us?"
Mai takes the gauze and alcohol in hand
Cecily pulls finns legs out and crinkles her brows a little "No fins, stop.. its cece. calm down"
Shakirah responds. " These are my friends...and when they are in trouble i help them. They would do the same for you or I."
Mai applies the alchool to the gauze "now stay still.. this will sting a little.."
Finn lets out a soft little yowl and closes her eyes to concentrate on Cece's voice. She shudders and winces, sucking in a breath.
Cecily holds the kittens hands down with one hand and attempts to calm her by scratching behind her ear with the other
Finn stills even more, relaxing as she feels the comforting scratch behind her ear. She purrs and shivers, her chin trembling a bit
Cecily moves her body to the left giving room for mai to work, then nodding to her "go ahead kitten.."
Noir meowing softly, curls near Finn purring to help her to relax
Mai finishes wrapping the last of Finn's wounds
Finn still trembles and shudders, occasionally winces with pain but is greatly comforted by the nearness of other kitties. Her eyes stay mostly closed, for each time she opens them, her glazed gaze seems to focus on something unseen. something terrible
Cecily rolls finn to her side and stands up "Ok, let her rest for awhile"
Mai "they really did a number on her.."
Cecily folds her arms lookin down to finn "wait til we get our little number in"
Finn starts to revive a bit, not as out of it, feeling much better now that she's bandaged.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Noir thinks it's a good idea let her rest on the comfy FichCo couch
Shakirah is relieved to see that Finn is going to be ok. " I take it the Shadows are a lil pissed about the other night and wanted revenge. "
Noir walks a little towards the couch and mews to Finn
Finn turns and rolls a bit, she stumbles as she brings herself up and decides to sort of cruch / crawl to the couch.
Noir helps her offering his back
Finn takes the help gratefully, purring weakly to Noir
Noir waits that Finn is properly resting and looks at the boiling thing on the stove, tilting his head
Finn smiles at them weakly. "Thank you. Thank you so much"
Noir whishes he had hands to offer something hot for the kitten. He now thinks was a bad idea quaffing that potion
Shakirah Savira grabs Heart and heads out to the street. " We will give you time to get Finn together. H and I are goin out to see if we can find out anything else. We'll return in a while to make sure she is ok. "
Finn scoots a bit, offering part of the couch to the kitty, eager to share warmth.
Noir jumps on the couch and curls up near Finn
Quiet wanders over to Finn looking down with a little nervious smile
Finn blinks with sleepy somewhat glassy eyes at quiet and gives a shakey smile. She cuddles with Noir a bit, trembling as they share warmth
Celebratemy "Mai you were wonderful tonight"
Celebratemy "thanks for standing wif me against that doggie guy"
Mai "no problem, I had to. Couldn't let anything happen to anyone"
Celebratemy nods in agreement
Finn cuddles with Noir and shudders a bit, drawing a shaky breath "Guess they didn't think our joke was as funny as we did."
Noir sniffs Finn's left ear and starts to lick it
Quiet "um Finn are you ready to talk?"
Finn's chin trembles and she squeezes her eyes shut tight for a moment. she hugs noir tight and then nods, drawing a long breath. "yes." she says, her voice just barely above a whisper. "Yes." She says again, more clearly this time.
Quiet smiling softly she kneels dowm beside the couch. Bitting her lip she humms for a second before starting " You are quite the trooper hun. Um I can guess this had to do with the little prank we played. So I guess they grabed you at some point tody?
Noir licks her ear again purring softly
Finn licks her lips to moisten them and squares her shoulders. She shudders remembering and opens her mouth to start speaking but can't seem to find the right words. she closes her mouth and considers. "Well, .. Thank you" She blushes a little, encouraged and flattered by the compliment. "I went fishing for most of the day.
When I got back to town, almost immediatly i ran into Noir." She gives him a scratch behind the ear. "He said that he heard there was some kind of trouble and I should go to the Fishco. There was a shadow nearby, yelling about how they found 'her' . i didn't know they meant me.
So we came here." She takes another breath and absently teases the edges of the bandages on her arm. "Some of the other prowlers were here, and then shadows. That one.. Shaynee she kept asking me to go on a walk with her, and Celeb and the others said no, and I should come inside. so i did. But that one.. Dante was in here. Behind me.
It was getting to be a standoff, and I was worried that kitties would get hurt because more and more shadows were showing up. And I thought, if they know it was me, the plushies, they'll hurt me but i didn't want everyone hurt if we could avoid it.. I wanted to run, but i thought they might not just follow me.. Anyway then Cece made up her mind and agreed we'd go with them to the pit.
Quiet nods slowly listening and smiling proudly at how well Finnn was doing after all this
Finn shudders and licks her dry lips again. "Once we were there, that Dante ushered me inside and kept the other kitties outside." She closes her eyes for a moment and steadies herself. She plays absently with the bandages and cuddles closer to Noir for comfort. "While i was in there, there was one with big tentacles, and that Dante and Shaynee.. and some more.. Have you been in there? it's hot and smells like burned things..
"Anyway this other one showed up and.. she scared me the most. She was.. elegant. but not in a good way. Asian i think.. beautiful and she hid her face with a mask but that was even more terrible, that i couldn't see all of her. you know? She said that they appreciated the gifts but they weren't the right style. I offered to go find the person who did it.. just in case. I mean, why would i come right out and say it was us?
Quiet sniffles shaking her head " Yeah I am sure a little scary with them all surrounding you
Finn says "She got close to me... and.. It gets hazy. Yeah they were all around and I didn't have a real exit and i knew if the others heard me scream they'd be inside.. but i didn't want anyone to get hurt and i didn't want to scream if i wasn't in real danger.. and they weren't hurting me...
Noir narrows his eyes remembering when months ago the same elegant Lady was in the cyber's place, supporting the experiment on the now Pack leader
Finn tenses a bit and trembles a little, tears welling up in her eyes. "But then that one, the asian lady thing, she got real close to me and put her hand on me and then i felt a sting. sharp.. like a shot.. It didn't hurt too bad.. but.. i didn't think it was good.. It felt like a bee sting..
Then I started getting dizzy.. and I kept seeing little... ratbats.. or something..
I don't know, some dark furry little tumor things.. with rat eyes and teeth.. running around, and I was trying to step out of their way.. I lost my bearings.. I couldn't stay up straight.. then i woke up here.
Quiet nods" so do we have any idea how long they had you uncontious"
"Well.. i don't think it was that long.. cece and noir were outside.. so it couldn't have been that long... i don't think.
Noir mews a nod
Quiet sighs reachs toawrds Finn but holds back figuring better to not accidently shifter her causing her kitty more pain than she already has received
Finn jolts slightly and sucks in a breath but reaches toward Quiet, eager to be comforted by the touch of a familial kitty as she is with Noir
"I hope .. well next time we'll just plan our joke better so they don't know who it was"
Quiet reaching out she takes her paw and nods" yea that well will have to do.
Finn sighs and snuggles into the comforing warmth of kitties
Noir gives out a slight sigh and moves closer to Finn
Finn scratches behind noirs ear and nuzzles him a little to thank him for his gentle comfort
Quiet smiles " well don't you worry hun you just rest and get better.
Noir mews softly, still feeling a little uncomfort being unable to speak
Finn nods and wipes at her eyes. she trembles a little and nods more emphatic. "I'll be ok. A little payback... nothing to whine about, right?"
Quiet nods" well lets take our time though"
Finn nods "Well, I'm not.. I'm gonna rest a while."
Quiet giggles shaking her head" well yea that is an order you will rest up
Finn gives a weak chuckle and nods "Is everyone else ok?" blushes with shame "I'm sorry.. i didn't even think.."
Quiet patting her paw" yes hun everyone else is fine"
Finn relaxes, relieved
Quiet shakes her head " what a good kitty worried about your family
Noir purrs to Finn nodding
Finn responds with a purr and a nuzzle then she rests silent.