
Just another day in Toxia

You don't really need to kill yourself to bump in odd situations in Toxia.
Well, if you're lucky enough.
That day I felt lucky so I walked down the street to the Voodoo Shop with the hope to meet someone inclined to share some information about potions, shapeshifting and sprouting tits.
But I stopped as I spotted a gathering of demons and two.. mutants.
One of them, with mixed features of a cow and a duck, was standing with a furious look in her eyes, running up behind another with a tiger head. Leaning close she looked like she was going to bellow "Squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek" was all she was able to express.
A woman stepped outside the shop hearing the noise and looked to see what was happening. "What in the hell..?"
The cow-duck, whining like an excited horse, reached for her sword with her wing. Batting at it over and over before figuring she couldn't grab it any more.
"I heard moaning and ass slapping.. kinda wondering why I decided to brave coming outsid--" the woman looked over to the thing that made the horse sound."Oh god.."
"Just another day in Toxia" stated a masked man sitting arm crossed by the entrance of the shop.
"Another fucked up day..." the woman commented eyeing the thing, deciding it might be wise to keep her mouth shut.
The 'thing' tried for the sword with her other hand. A dull think was heard about when her cloven handed hit the hilt. She snorted shaking her head swinging around her horns, then she turned and left in a huff.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

She padded to the FischCo and jumped awkwardly on the cantilever roof.
"Holey shit there is something on our awening Noir". I almost jumped hearing Serv's voice. He stared mouth agape trying to reason what it was. "Did you speak to it yet?" he whispered out the side of his mouth. "Nope but if you get a little closer it smells like Quiet...".
"You think it ate quiet?" he gasped.
The mutant glanced down and looking like she was going to yell just "Squeek squeek squeek" like a little mouse.
"It has Quiet's saber swords look it" he nudged me "I think it is Quiet, go touch it ".
"Hmm... I've seen it near the voodoo shop some minutes ago..."
The mutant hoped down and slowly walked closer on unsteady hoofs.
"Woah god it came down" Serv looked as it wobbled closer "Oh shit Quiet?"
"Bbbbaaaaaaa bbabaaaaaaaaaa bbbabaaaaaa" the mutant shook her head up and down.
"See it is Quiet" Serv looked at me "don't be scared go closer"
"Err... Quiet? But... but it..she has horns!"
Serv sighed "Ok stay here, if it eats me aveng me".
The mutant barked suddenly.
He stared into it's eyes "Oh fuck Quiet sweety what have you done?" asked as she huffed and pointed her wing in the direction of the voodoo shop.
He touched the wing as it extended "Damn, the Coven. You drank something?" he turned to me "Noira come closer it is Quiet and she is fucked bad"
The mutant Quiet shaked her head and thumped her chest with the cloven hoof; heaver than her hand and harder she knocked her self off her cloven feet.
"I've told you, something happened to the Voodoo shop. I've seen another mutant with a tiger head".
Serv tried not to chuckle but couldn't help it "No no be still Quiet be still"
She shivered and started balking and clucking.
"Ok I'll go ask, Noir you watch it ..erm her"
I helped her to sit while she holded up her cloven, barking and growling glancing up.
Someone started laughing hard. The pack leader and his she-wolf were staring Quiet. "My god!! What the fuck is that!!!" Wotan pointed frantically.
"Bawk bawk bawk bbbbbbbawk bbbbbbbbbawk"
Aaryanna Parx placed a hand on her stomach as she laughed even harder... She was almost doubling over she was laughing so hard.
"The fuck?!!" Wotan stopped "Wait a minute..Chicken!!!"
Serv came back and talked to Quiet like she was deaf " QUIET I brung Callieh to help, stay calm"
"Quick call the Wolves!! We are having Chicken!!" Wotan hoped up and down but Calleigh glanced at Wotan and groaned "No eating faction leaders!".
Quiet snorted slashing at the air with her horns
"Hey... He did it before.. Why not now?" Aaryanna stated.
Calleigh grumbled darkly not having much to say to that one, kneeling down next to the Quiet creature. "Well it's apparently stupid to ask you to talk.. or..cluck..or.. well fuck."

Zoie suddenly ran off screaming "They are everywhere!!!!"
Quiet pointed a wing at the screaming feline and started quacking.
Zoie ran up to the others trying to keep composure and asked through grinned teeth " do you have a razor . . . anyone ?"
Quiet shaked her head and pointed at Zoie and then pointed up to the second floor of FishCo.
My sister was acting weird after a bad meet with some Shadows and I knew that Quiet had a cure for her. "Yes... yes we have one, Zoie" I said with a smile "we have a very nice razor up here. Please, follow us so you can get it".
Serv hugged Zoie "Come on upstairs we can fix it".
Zoie dug her claws in her own leg screaming "Get off get off get off!!" and Serv whispered "Of course I will get the razor for you come along".
Zoie realized we were speaking of a razor and said with a plastic smile "I'll need to be alone with it if you don't mind".
Noir Dreadlow pads a little more closer to Zoie "Sure, we just show you where find it. This way" I moved few steps to the doorway and smiled to her.
She placed her hand on the stub that once was her beautiful white tail trying to hide the severd spot, she clawed her leg once more and followed me upstairs where
she grabbed me by the hair and got inches away form her face saying with grinned teeth "I must stop them, you hear me".
"..yes, yes I'll help you.." I winced gesturing to Serv to reach the couch.
She let go my hairs and cried covering her face "They won't shut up they are telling me awful things and I should die" she slashed mid air with her claws.
Serv grabbed between the cushion and produced a vial and passed it to me, trying to restrain her "Be still Zoie I'll help listen to Noir sweety".
She wiggled away slightly saying forcefully "Ahhhhhh I don't know who is talking to me your all running together shuuut up!!!"
Serv pulled at Zoie's arms trying to restrain her now in a full bear hug as she kicked and ranted "Calm down let me get them Zo", so I grabbed the vial and reached out the free hand towards Zoie's face to caress her cheek "Shhh, we're going to kill them all"
Zoie cried out distracted from all the voices at once not fully hearing either kitty and too distracted to realize either of them dug her claws in the arms around her seeing demons all over and around them.
Serv squeezed harder feeling her claws dug deep into his arm and the warm blood ran to his elbow. He grunted "Hurry make her drink it Noir".
She was not listening, lost in her mad illusions. "I'm sorry Zo" I whispered and quickly I uncorked the vial, grips her mouth and pours the liquid in her mouth plugging it.
Serv, surprised by her sudden strength, wrapped his leg about hers and applies his full weight, her claws digging out of his arm the flesh splays back with his shirt "Noir hold it shut make her swallow" he said as they stumbled about in the struggle while Zoie choked and sputtered the blood.
She finallywent limp in Servher's arms, exhusted from hours of fighting the demons, tried to regain her breath.
We carried her on th couch "There finally some good comes from coming to meetings" Serv hoofed while I took place near her.
"Stay with her sweety, it may be a while before she wakes up" he said before turn to bolt downstairs.
Zoie began breathing hard and shivering harder as thought ice ran through her veins, fully unaware of anyone in her presence, only dreams of the hidious demons and her tail. The only thing needed was resting and let her relax so I caressed her locks, kissing her forehead "It's over Zoie, they're gone. Now you're with us, with your family".
She flinched then opened her eyes partially and whispered "Thanks Onyx... " then she falled back to sleep, voices and demons gone jsut exhustion.
I felt tears in my eyes hearing her calling my old name. I leaned on her, kissing again her forehead for a long moment. "Sleep well Cookie" I whispered caressing her cheek "I love you" and slowly I stood up, letting her rest.

"You want me to shatter your puny little brain with what I know about the shadows? Guess what, I don't care what you think you know about me. I couldn't care less than I do about whatever respect you think you deserve".
Finn's voice was full of anger as I approached the sidewalk outside FishCo.
Serv raised his voice for the second time ever in Toxia "Finn please".
"Finn, you realize you being an ass to my wife". Quiet finally was again herself.
"Again do I know you? No... Do I know my family? Yes... Did you know that Picket and Quiet have played around before with spells and magic in the past? Which I keep saying but apparently you aren't catching on". The pale skinned woman, Quiet's wife, was standing arm crossed near our Leader.
Finn grumbled and sighed, then cleaned her claws.
"Noir show me that green potion so I can drink it and understand this shit" Serv was evidently exasperated.
During this past days I've learned to appreciate that feline's humor and kindness.
But even in girly features I was -and I am- still unable to understand female psychology. I smiled at him while he made his way inside FishCo and I just waited I for the tension to calm.
That shadow was right: just another day in Toxia.