
Switched demoness (part II)

Walking back to FischCo, I spotted Quiet, Ian and Marana that, spotting me, grinned in anticipation "Mmm wonder what he found this time. He's doing a little thingy for me, finding some books. But the poor dear got a bit confused. And came with a book called animal mating habits I think it was called. Almost fell of my barstool laughing''
I asked for Quiet's attention showing her the two ancient books "I've this for you from the Library. Marana over there asked me to take them and yeah, never listen Serv babbling around".
Quiet rubbed her paws together "Oooooooo what do you have there" so I handed Quiet both the"Voodoo dolls" and the"Curses" books.
She almost stumbled a bit to keep one of the books tried to slid away "Well looks like I have some reading to do"
"Just take care of them or they will rip me" I smiled looking the ancient tomes.
"Uuummm no worries I won't spill the milk on them I promise"
"Mmhmm would be a shame. Spilling that delicious milk..." Marana giggled and Quiet handed both the books back to me, her attention drew by Picket running past in the back.
She returned after few minutes slipping a little filled orb back away safely "Oh yea but there was no way to hit her with the little present"
Marana smelled the air picking up a scent becoming all to familiar to her ''sheee's here again..here we go again.... oww its you Shay''
Shaynee blinked looking over "ummm Hi"
''Saw someone walking up in the corner of my eye and thought it was one of those interlopers again.. hehe'' Marana turned to Picket finally back "Hey Picket.."
Shaynee stays back from Picket that stalked inside, and just flopped down on the floor, ignoring everything and everyone in sight. She held her arms around her knees, the flames burning around her, engulfing every inch of her. She didn't care though, she didn't even notice. All she could do is rock herself back and forth, back and forth.
"Shaynee can you help with Picket" asked Quiet to her wife that swallowed hard "Ummm.... I don't think she wants anyone near".

A wolf was sitting on the edge of the overhang. She turned and wrapping her legs around the support cable, she hung upside-down and looked under it and back into the FishCo. She looked at everyone from her position hanging over the edge by the cable, giving an awkward, upside-down nod to Quiet "Afternoon everyone.... anything fun going on down here"
"What.. the..'' Marana walked into the street and stared up at the lycan sitting on the edge of the roof, frowning and mumbling something to herself while Quiet glanced up "Well she is on fucking fire. I would guess for a demon that is ok but I would rather she not set everything in FishCo on fire".
The wolf smiled as she lifted herself up some to look at Marana "Don't worry about me... if I wanted to cause trouble for you, I would. Unless you want me more involved, I tend to have a soft spot for you guys.... either that, or I'm just bored stiff"

Picket was on fire and not far away from her the dried leaves of catnip were ready to burn.
Shaynee walked in slowly but staying near the door "Hey ummm Picket..."
Picket's flames suddenly burst higher and brighter as Shaynee approached, reaching half way to the ceiling. She began to scream in rage again with every step she took closer.
Quiet winced watching the flames "Thanks but so far I don't have an idea what to do"
Shaynee covered her ears "Ummm Picket....the kitties might be upset if you burn their catnip up, maybe we can go back to the Pit and search a revenge on Blue. Yeah... because she was playing with your body in the library"
The demoness on fire snarled and hissed at Shaynee, her voice no longer Picket's but deep, it came from within her and all around her "Let the cats buuuuurrrrrn". No doubt she still hated cats far more then Blue.

Marana let her hand slip into a pocket and pulled out a round cylindrical doggy snack, sniffing it.. "Yup still fresh" then looks at the lycan ''You want these hun? They still fresh.. and i can't stand the things..sooo''
The wolf laughed at the dog biscuit, "That makes two of us...." before looking back at Q and watching the light from the fire inside, "...might I suggest a few fire-extinguishers... the CO2 ones, not the flame retardant foam, so that the fire goes out and so does she...."
"Well don't think we can get close enough to use a fire extinguisher" stated Quiet and the wolf grinned "then throw it next to her... they explode under extreme heat, which would probably put out the flames... if not the CO2 will"
Shaynee took a deep breath as she stepped inside of the FishCo "There is this pup out there talking about putting you out with fire extinguishers, now we could let her come in and do that or we could go back to the Pit"

Marana shrugged, pushed the snacks in the gl of the rifle and turned her face in the general direction of Haven. She tilted the barrel upwards and let it rip with a satisfied smile on her face. The snacks shot of like bats out of hell arcing beautifully over the building in the back of the streets.. She probably stood there smiling to herself chuckling at the thought of the foul snack raining down a few streets further.

Taking advantage of the distracting shoot I stepped closer to Quiet "Is there someone of her family we can call to help her? I mean, one of her closest friend or so?"
Quiet just shrugged, her eyes on the burning demoness "Well that would be Blue but from what she said I think even Blue is pissing her off"

Picket stood slowly and walked out the door as she had heard the wolf's comment and suddenly her wrath was redirected.
She shrieked "DIE MUTT SCUM" her voice multiplying, becoming high and shill... sounding much like a multitude of angry ferrets. Her fire rose higher and brighter now, and she begun to fling it in waves at the wolf, trying to burn her alive.
The wolf looked up with an "Uh...oh" and dropped off the ledge, stepping into the street, to move away from the fire and probably to protect the FishCo form more damage.
Picket explodes another volley of fireblasts in the wolf's direction, her voice changing once more, now becoming the screams of millions of people in anguish "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
The wolf dived to the side, skidding in the snow on her stomach, standing up and pulling blades, lifting her tail and putting out a small flame caught on the tip "Damnit, that's not very nice...." she rubbed some of the snow into the singed fur, looking at the demoness as if deciding for the hell of it to toss some at her.

Quiet, Marana and me backed off from the fighting area, trying to shield ourselves form the heat of the fire.

Picket McDonnell snarled, all reason gone from her, she was fulled solely by the wrath she had boiling inside her like a furnace. She began to chant "adeo mihi creatura of atrum" but suddenly she was smacked with snow. It broke her concentration and her flames flickered and died, but as the fire subsided roaches and and scorpions began to crawl out of every corner, every crack in the pavement and surrounding buildings. They headed straight for the wolf that looked around at the advancing skittering masses with a growled "You have got to be shitting me....".

Shaynee looked down seeing the bugs crawling all over the place "Gawd... bleck" she squeeled as she looked for a place to jump to.
Right. Shaynee. I pulled out one of the book from under my jacket and silently I moved behind Picket hoping that the demon attention was all for the wolf.
I safely reached the wooden stand where the shadow was sitting showing her the book "Madam do you think this one can be of any use right now?" but shook her head "No hun I don't know about Voodoo yet". Well, the wolf was unlucky in that turn.

The wolf looked at the all of us kitties momentarily before dancing to the side a bit away from some of the crawlers "None of you would happen to have a few industrial bug bombs would you..." but Picket smirked as her little minions crawled towards their goal. She barked at the wolf that was dancing further to the side, stepping on one of the larger crawlers as she came down, causing her foot to slide, sending her to the pavement with a rather loud clatter as her blades were knocked out of her hand. Her ankle made a rather awkward angle with the rest of her leg as she let out a rather loud howl of pain.She started to struggle to her feet again, several of the scorpions crawled onto her arms and legs, stinging her thrice before she was able to knock them off, causing her to grit her teeth and growl at the pain, grabbing her paw and wrenching it into alignment with another howl.

Picket began to cackle as she watched the wolf howl in pain. She became smug and let her guard down for a moment as she turned around to make a snowball, probably intending to toss it at her to add insult to injury -though she had to pay close attention to forming it, as it would melt in her hands if she wasn't very careful.
The wolf gritted her teeth and snarled as she took a dive at Picket, to knock into her and break her control over the insects, finding the opportunity too, worthwhile to waste, trying to cause them both to crash into the road-snow.

Picket toppled her face first into the snow as the wolf's weight hit her back, bashing her chin into the pavement and snapping her teeth together with a painful clacking sound. "FUUUUUUCK!" she screamed as she tried to scramble out of the snow, but couldn't seem to get out from under her. Tears of pain began to flow from her eyes, dropping onto the sidewalk with a hissing sound, the ground slowly being eaten away by the acid. Without her full attention the bugs went about their business and crawled away.
Shaynee jumped down seeing her sister take the fall running over towards them but keeping back some so as not to interfere and Quiet suddenly ran inside FishCo grabbing me with her going for the stairs."Quick gather up the snow near the edge so we can try and shove it off" she said running around, dropping to her knees and using her whole body to shove the snow towards the edge of the roof "we need to get our piles over where we can dump it on Picket".

Meanwhile the wolf grabbed one of the chains hanging from Picket's tail, tearing it off and slinging it around her neck and pulling back on it firmly, using it to garrote the demon.
"If she only moved a little closer..." I whispered to Quiet helping her to gather the snow and she nodded her agreement. "If you can pull her over we can help " she yelled down to the wolf standing behind the huge pile of snow.

Picket gagged but she didn't passed out since demons don't breath. It however did make it nearly impossible to swallow and the glue from her saliva began to pool on the ground in front of her. She used all her weight and strength to pull free of the chain, but only succeeded in slamming her face into her own glue mess and hopelessly stuck herself to the pavement. She growled, exhausted "I fucking give... you win"

The wolf heaved herself up, taking the demon at her word. She wanted evidently stop and heal her visibly broken and swollen ankle. She hobbled off to the side under the overhang, leaving the chain wrapped around Picket's neck. She unceremoniously dropped to the ground, to take pressure off her ankle.

Shaynee ran over towards Picket, to help her up. "Owowowowowowiiiieeeeeee! My face is glued to the pavement!" she screeched.
"What is there superglue on the road or something?" the pale skinned Shadow stopped pulling only to try to wiggle her fingers under her cheek.
Picket screamed in pain as her fingers wriggled in between the pavement and her skin "Shayyyyy huuurrry" her wrath seeming to subside for now, returning a bit to normal Picket.
Fire dripped from From Shaynee's fingertips as she wiggled her way across Picket's face, pulling it free from the pavement but looking as her hand was stuck to her face. "What the hell!" she started shaking her hand growling "LET GO!". She span both of them around where Picket's back was towards the FishCo.
"NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW" yelled Quiet shoving with her legs to push all the snow on top of Picket while Shaynee put her foot up onto Pickets stomach pushing against her trying to pull herself free.
Picket looked up rolling across the pavement quickly, just as the snow plopped behind her. She just looked up again and gave us all the finger.
But I was not helping Quiet. Shaynee was too close and I not wanted hit her by chance.

Marana let herself drop from the ledge to the ground and held a fieldflask out to the wolf ''Here, it will help against the pain" and the wolf smiled with a grit of her teeth, gladly taking the flask and opening it ".... thank you".
''Your welcome.. you need that bone set dear? I'm no mender but I have had my fair share in the past''.
"If you would be so kind, it's been a while since I've had to set my own bone... I'm out of practice".
Marana crouched down in front of the wolf ''better take a few more drinks of that bottle hun.. this gonna hurt..''

Shaynee got free and Picket rubbed her cheek where there was now a swollen area in the shape of Shaynee's hand. She grumbled a bit and stalking off she shouted "REVENGE"
Quiet watched Picket go and got a little grin. She hopped off to other roofs " take care of Jamie" she yelled back as she followed the demoness.
I took back the books I left on the windowsill dusting a snowflake from the cover following the demoness run until she turned the corner down the street.
At least, now she has a real reason to hate me.