
Pack's feast

If you live in Toxia, the sight of plenilune is always supported by the howling of the wolves. Werewolves.
There were many tonight, very close to FishCo.
Hiding in the shadows of the park, a pack of wolves was gathering around something. *Someone*.
That someone let out a growl when the Pack Alpha bit on her shoulder, a black blood seeping out the wound.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

A demon was struggling to survive the attack of the Alpha and the Zeta while two wolves were biting her legs.
The demon grunted as she was tossed aside into the more open, her hand going to hold the wound she growled.
Was clear that it hurted like hell but seemed she wouldn't let it show.
Aaryanna, the Zeta, wiggled her way back and got up onto her feet. She began to pace a bit, growling lightly as she eyed the demon.
The Alpha roared out loud for the other wolves to attack the Demon that harmed the Zeta.
An huge wolf hunched down low and licked the blood off his muzzle. His eyes widened at the sound of a aggressive roar.
A Grey wolf jumped aside to avoid her fist, but wasn't possible so trying to find another weak point of her, made some jumps around her left and right, within the area surrounding him, the other wolves and tree and the tank behind the Zeta.
She watched the other wolves for a moment.. She watched them all jump at her and she decided the best part to attack would be her legs seeing everyone go for her upper body. She growled deeply and jump at her right leg, her jaw wide open.
The Alpha roared in the face of the demon and reached back his left claw, looking into her eyes with pure rage and menace. He opened his claw as he thrusts it forward to try to impale her with them. He the keeps her held there gripping her by the space between his fingers... He then lifted her up and kept her there while the other wolves attacked her.
The demon's eyes went wide as the Alpha roared and then she let out a demonic roar as Wotan pierced her chest making a weird sound.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Grey wolf made another attempt to jump on her side, as best as he can, made an attempt to bite her belly from her left with his jaw full open, with rage.
Aaryanna growled as her jaw came down around the demon's leg and she bit into it, her fangs quickly piercing the skin.
A White wolf bit into the leg she had harder and dug her teeth into the flesh more and started ripping the meet of the bone. Parts of meet fell to the ground that she wasn't catching at first and soon would get to where there was bone and chomped down harder to brake the bone in her leg.
The Omega arrived, smiling as she walked up seeing what was going on as she reached out and grabbed onto the demon's horns.
A black wolf bit her ass trying to take a big chunk out of one of the cheeks.
The Grey wolf bit the demon from her belly on her left, his teeth buried grasped a piece of meat from there furious, shaking his head rapidly left and right to snap the meat from her body.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Omega grinned and cackled as she held the demon's head in place letting the others rip into her.
Aaryanna pulled her head back, pulling a chunk out of her leg. She began to chew on it.
The demon let out a loud roar griping onto Wotans's arm trying to dislodge his hand from her chest. She would start to cringe then letting out a yell as one bit her ass she started to swing her arms to hit anyone she could. She had already lost a lot of her blood and she was losing her energy. She turned her head trying to bite the Omega, her tail idly twitched on the ground as it had now fallen off.
The teeth of the white wolf brake the bone and she started to chew more on the parts of the leg that were still attached to the rest of her body so she could rip it from her body dodging the attempts at hitting her and growled louder as she started to yank on the leg to rip it from her body.
The Omega growled and gave a toothy grin as she began to try to rip the horns from her head laughing sadistically.
The huge wolf growled and gnawed on her shoulder, pulled chunk flesh off her, gnawed it and snapped jaws tearing pieces of her apart.
The Grey wolf finally snapped a piece of meat from her flesh, stepped a little back for other members of the pack to grab a piece of her, started to chew the meat between his bloody teeth chewing quickly.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The black wolf bit down on her right arm hard trying to rip it off.
The Alpha became satisfied that the Demon was now in the height of being destroyed. He tried to sense her horror and took delight in it. Feeling satisfied enough to grip down and finally tear out the center of her chest and took her heart and watched it stop beating before his eyes.
The demon's head was pulled back as the Omega pulled. She would have a hard time getting the horns as they were rooted to her skull she then started to loose strength.
The Alpha stepped back, satisfied with what he has taken.
The White wolf growled loudly as she felt the leg ripped form the rest of her body and ran off with it finding a place to eat it in peace growling as she ate while the Black one growled a little at the Omega trying to say he understands and threw his body forward to bite another piece of flesh from her body. He swallowed the first one, his nose buried to the open wound he made before, got wet from blood, his saliva mixes into her blood, snapped another piece shaking his head crazily after biting her.
Aaryanna swallowed the piece of meat she had taken from the demon and she looked around at everyone else. Blood was now covering her shirt. She looked to Wotan and watched him pull the heart out. She then watched the demon's body begin to fall to the ground. She jumped the body quickly, her claws out she shoved her hand into stomach.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Omega pulled out her sword and looked into the demon's eyes "You ready to pass?".
while the huge wolf bit at pieces of unrecognizable flesh, licking blood off his nose.
The demon's eyes went wide as her heart was ripped out. She looked at it making a sort or sound, surprised more then ever her body then dropped like a rag doll as her body let out a demonic roar and her demonic essence tore from her body shooting away.
The Alpha held up his prize and licked off the bits that surround the heart. He cleaned the heart off with his tongue to look at closely and admire it when he has gotten all other parts removed from it. Nuku's demon heart alone in the palm of his hand. Ready to be enjoyed and tasted by itself.
Aaryanna pushed her hand into her stomach, blood getting all over her clothing but she didn't mind at all. She growled deeply feeling around in her stomach for her liver. She grabbed a hold of her intestine and began to pull it out.
The demon's body just laid on the ground starting to grow black from the blood and being an empty shell even as her head was chopped off and the Omega taking her horns and teeth.
The Zeta grumbled a little bit as she kept pulling out the lower intestines. "Fucking hell" she growled and threw them over at the kitties that were being so loud.

The Alpha took the heart and hold it up over his mouth letting the last few drops of black blood spill onto his tongue. He has already tasted it but uses it to wet his appetite and clear his pallette for the one thing he wishes to taste and injest the most. Her cleaned and ready heart.

Turning the gaze away from the scene I noticed three Shadows standing next to me. They were flicking pieces of popcorn up in the air with a claw, snapping at it catching it as they watched the rest of the scene.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

"Been fun sister" I heard from down below, the voice of the Zeta "Shame things had to end this way".

I forced myself to watch down again, in time to see black dust where the body of the demon was and the Alpha sinking his teeth into the heart.
Enjoying the sensation of piercing it with his teeth as he closes his jaw on it to pull off a nice piece, careful to make it last at least three bites. He chewed the piece slowly and breathes a happy sigh at how good it feels and tastes to him. He finally took the rest of the heart in careful bites and finished his meal.Content with what he has taken and done. He looks at the others wolves who have fed and feels a sense fulfillment that they have fed well.
He has done a good job as Alpha.

Savage howls of satisfaction raised from the Pack while the Alpha watched at the rest of the demon body disintegrated into nothing, before heading off barking to the brothers and sisters happily as they padded off.