
...oh shit!

There's something going on, something... strange.
While I write this down I still can't believe it's happening. That's why I've waited three days before fix it on this diary. Ignoring the fact was giving me the illusion that all this was only a stupid bad dream. But.
Today something new had cast a light on this mess...
Ok. Let's start from the beginning.

Days ago I needed to help a family member sneaking near the Pit where she was confined. The place was guarded by many shadows so I had the bad idea to borrow a potion in the Voodoo shop. No one was around so I took the first green bottle with the writing 'shapeshift' and I drank it. All. Well it worked because some minutes after I was an anonymous big housecat.
And so was the day after. And the day after tomorrow, until...

***** ***** ***** *****

Noir rubs his eyes and stretches his arms, waving to the felines
Redd: "oh Gosh....!"..Redd looks ashamed.."Do ya want any gummis?"
Finn grins with relief at Redd and nods 'please'
servher: "Noir, Gosh I figured you was dead Man"
Redd fishes out the pack Finn gave her and offers them around.....
Noir smiles and yawns.
Finn scuffs the toe of her shoe against the sidewalk and looks around as she takes a gummie out of the baggie.
Redd pokes serv..."gummi sir?..gummi??..hey wanna gummi??"
servher turns and looks "got a green one ?"
Redd nods.."but of course"
servher smiles and opens his palm
Redd hands him the best green one in the bag.."here you are sir I love how gummy they are"
Finn nods and excuses herself for a moment, then walks toward Bato, nodding and smiling at Noir as she passes.
servher bows his head " thank You Ma'am " and he scoffs it greedy like
Finn "Hi Bato, how are you feeling?"
Redd hands the pack to Serv.."here you are sir..give them back to Finn..i cant eat at the library..well i can...but its a bad example ya know"
servher makes a contented sigh as he licks his whiskers "greens are best don't you think?"
Finn "I just wanted to tell you thanks for guarding us all last night. That was really good of you.
Redd shrugs.."I like pink!"
servher holds the pack delicately between his fingers like a rare treasure " ok they are Finn's ?"
Redd sighs...."I love you kitties..but I gotta go sweep now , noone wipes their feet in this town"
servher frowns and nods "I will from now on "
Finn: "Hmm ok. Well, just thought I'd tell you that."
Redd shouts.."byeee Finn!!!!..bye serv..bye everyones!"
Finn turns and waves at Redd 'See you at the party!'
servher "Bye Redd *waves frantically* sweep well !"
Redd turns and rolls up the street.."see ya tonight!"
Noir waves to the red haired lady while he stretches again
servher notices he has a packet of gummies in his hand so he eats a orange one
Finn scratches behind her ear and looks around. her ears flatten as she shifts from one foot to the other. "anyway. um.. bye."
Finn smiles to Noir and waves "Hi. I'm Finn"
Noir smiles back
Finn waves happily to Fritz.
Fritz smiles and waves to Fin 'Finn!! Heya serv"
Finn McCellan: how are you doing? We had a good party last night. i hope we do it again tonight. It was a no pants party we were all mostly naked. it was exciting.
servher looks up from a pack of gummies " Hi fritz gummi?"
Fritz "I'm good hun, you?"
Finn "good.. i got all hopped up on beer and catnip.. it was really great.
Fritz perks at the gummi "ohhhhh yeah! thanks!" plopping one in his mouth
servher slowly passes the bag in front of Finn on his way to Noir " gummi?"
Finn grins and plucks a couple out of the baggie and pops them into her mouth "thank you".
servher smiles " no worries Redd says they is yours "
Noir smiles "Thanks" he says reaching out an hand but he blinks hearing his strange voice
Fritz noticing Noir "I don't know if we've met..... I'm Fritz"
Finn McCellan laughs "well, they were, then I gave them to her, now she gave them to you. so they're yours"
servher takes a second look at Noir
Noir looks at the new cat surprised and coughs slightly
servher "Noir! You is hot what happened?"
Finn smiles to Noir "And I'm Finn. Nice to meet you."
servher peeks under the bill of the cap " Noir?"
Noir clears his throat "er...yes?". He blinks again and touches his neck.
servher rubs his head looking confused " erm you got boobs, nice one's too "
Noir, still surprised, looks at Serv and gulps. He takes a moment to lowers his eyes towards his own chest
servher backs up not wanting to make Noir more uncomfortable.
Finn blinks and chokes on gummie bears as servher comments on someone's bewbs.
Noir blinks and rises his hands, trembling
servher smiles wide his face livid with delight " Dude you been erm damn "
Noir looks up at Serv again with a surprised look and slowly faints

servher's eyes grow wide and he gets quiet enjoying Noir's moment of discovery "...oh shit!"
Finn's eyebrows scrunch in concern for the obviously distressed young girl "oh.."
Fritz looks at Serv, "why are you calling her dude?"
Finn kneels down beside her and takes her pulse ,once determining she's just fainted, she digs through her medical bag for some smelling salts.
servher shakes trying to contain himself " well she was my mentor and she was like a dude "
Fritz: "Ohhhh" looking at Finn "Why'd the kitty fall down?"
Finn: "What is with all the.. gender and species swapping.. this is out of hand.. here serv.. take these. Break them under her nose.. when she wakes up she should see a familiar face, it'll calm her down..
Finn hands Serv the smelling salts. "I don't know, Fritz.. apparently she's not used to having boobs
servher palms the salts "Yes it just happened to Lei dissn't it "
Fritz: "OK I'm confused, she looks like a girl to me"
Finn: "yeah.. to me too. And yes it happened to Lei.."
Noir sniffs something pungent and wrinkles his nose muttering something
Fritz hisses at the mention of Lei's name and spits
servher's eyes follow Noir's body lusty then palms his face " just break this on his nose?"
Finn: "so that when she inhales, she'll smell it"
servher sets it on the sidewalk and slams it under his palm
Fritz: "Ok Serv, ya keep calling her him, you're confusing me!!"
Noir opens his eyes and rises his head looking around confused
servher scoots it with his finger closer and makes a yuckie face " it stinks "
Finn: " kk, lets get her off the cold pavement.. yeah it stinks..but it brings people out of a faint.. you did a good job serv."
servher whispers " Noir you ok buddy?"
Noir looks at Serv and to Finn and tries to speak "Is.... is it... a joke?"
servher pats Noir's head "I am afraid not .. you are dead sexy though pal"
Finn tries to give a comforting look and shrugs "We don't know.. but it'll be ok. I mean, we'll figure it out. and.. this happened to someone else and they went back to their true state.."
Noir sits on the cold ground
servher: "Come inside Noir by the heater"
Fritz tilts his head watching "Serv, ya just hit on her, who I take was a him and your friend"
Noir stands on unsure legs and slightly walks inside
servher looks over at Finn "I so did not hit on Noir "
servher: "He fainted you saw it!"
Finn: "... um.. no. you just said her boobs were hot, which.. is flattering, actually"
servher furrows his brow and his voice goes up an octave "well they are look at em "
Fritz "Then said she was dead sexy"
servher continues in the high voice so he must not be guilty " she is look at him "
Noir plops on the cushion still confused
Finn: "Noir? It's Noir, right? What do you remember?"
Fritz: "Oh that's her name, Noir"
Finn pats serv's shoulder "It's ok... it'll be ok"
servher turns red in the face " ok Finn "
Noir rises an hand and notices that all his body looks very female "What the fu-"
Finn: "what's the last thing you remember? you're not the only one who's had.. changes like this.."
servher stokes the fire with a stick " yeah you eat any cookies from the coven?"
Noir frowns listening his voice so girlish and rises his glance on Finn "...I.. I remember.. I was a ..cat"
Finn nods and gives a comforting scratch behind the ear 'you're still a cat. You're just.. at the moment, a girl cat. But like I said, I don't think it's permanent, others have changed back."
Noir looks at Finn with a little hope "Yes! You remember? You met me after I... I..". He purses his lips "..a potion"
Fritz "Better hope no boy cats get at her, then she'll change back and.........ewwww"
Finn "Fritz!"
Finn frowns at him and shakes her finger 'Bad cat!'
servher smiles glad he has been quiet
Finn looks back at Noir. "I.. a potion? Where did you get the potion?'
Fritz shrugs "Well I'm just saying, already got Serv hitting on her, err umm him, whatever.....either way still could happen"
servher turns stone faced " I dissen't hit on her erm Noir I just wanted him to know what has happened "
Noir looks at Fritz as he just realizes that he maybe should check between his own legs but Finn's question drives his attention on her "The Coven shop. I.. well, I stole a potion in the Voodoo shop"
Finn: "Noir! ohhh!"
Noir blinks
Fritz shakes his head "Ohhh that's not good Noir, not good at all"
Noir sighs
Finn sits on the couch and wraps her arms around him "Sorry I'm so bad with names.. but now I remember.. I remember. You took that potion.."
servher smiles " wooo I only shrank I feel so much better! "
Noir nods to Finn
Finn: "...and you turned full on kitty and cuddled with me when i was hurt.. I remember.. oh we can fix this. It's ok. It's a potion. They wear off or there's an anti potion.. We'll fix it."
Finn nuzzles Noir, comforting him gently "Where have you been since that day?"
Noir smiles slightly to Finn looking at her grateful
Fritz: "Ok I'll be back, I'm gonna go see if I can find my friend, she might help"
Finn nods and smiles at Fritz
Noir crawls on the couch "Oh I've spent two days.. I think, in cat form"
Finn: " See, Noir. It'll be ok.."
servher begins to shake as his smile breaks his face in half " you .... you will be Ok buddy * cough mock cough * I better go outside "
Finn tilts her head and studies serv.
Fritz stops hearing that "What what?? She wasn't even a kitty before?"
Finn "Yes she was. He was a neko".
servher giggles his way to the door holding up his hand
Finn: "and then he took a potion to help me when i was at the pit.."
Fritz: "Ohhh ok, ok I misunderstood"
Finn: "and it made him.. a cat. a little kitty.. like a housecat.. only bigger.. sort of.."
Noir finds the bravery to check his own tail, at least
Fritz: "Ohhhhh, gotcha"
Finn smiles and continues to cuddle Noir gently "Try not to worry. we'll get you back. And no more potions for you."
servher snorts cupping is laughter in his hands
Finn: "serv! bad cat!"
Noir looks down at his chest and blushes slightly
servher full on belly laughs being scolded by Finn " baw hahaha ha ha ah Noir AAhahahahaa"
Noir zips better the jacket
Finn gives a pouty look "Don't listen to him, Noir. We'll beat him up later."
Noir Dreadlow takes a cushion and throws it to Serv. He looks desperate "Gosh I'm acting like a girl!"
servher deflects a cushion as he wipes his face " I'm sorry , it is horrible I know man but .." bites his lip
Finn smiles and shrugs
Noir buries himself in the couch
Finn: "Hey, at least you're a pretty girl! I bet if i was turned into a man I'd look like some bad road.
servher gasps "oh bad kitty stop flirting"
Finn: "I'm not.. but if you're going to.. temporarily... switch genders, I'd rather be a cutie".
Noir sighs "That's bad. People already think I'm gay. That's my end"
Finn "oh who gives a fig what people think?"
Noir shrugs "Nevermind"
servher's face screws up "I never thought you were gay Noir "
Finn: "I didn't either".
Noir looks at his hands "On the bottle... There was the writing 'Shapeshift'"
servher: "well there was that time I had you strip to your underwear"
Finn takes out pen and paper and writes that down "what color was it? How'd it taste?"
servher: "You will be so much more fun in truth or dare now"
Finn: "Oh I love that game.."
Noir rubs his face and looks up at Serv making him a face
servher grins and winks " hey there doll "
Noir: "Well, the potion was.. hum.. green, I suppose"
servher: "at first you were full cat ?"
Noir nods
servher "can you remember how long ?"
Noir scratches the back of his head "Hum... today is?"
servher: "Sunday the eleventh. Full moon tonight"
Noir counts on his fingers "hum... I was cat Saturday. And I remember I felt tired all of sudden and I took a nap"
servher: "anyways Miss i would wait and see maybe this will wear off. Who knows what else might happen if you take another potion"
Noir looks at serv worried "Oh... that's a good point..."
Finn writing down notes 'what did it taste like?'
servher " but then I am no doctor I just play one upstairs"
Finn smirks at serv
servher pipes up " she said it tasted green I think "
Finn "tasted green? no she said it was green. The color. Right?"
Noir turns to Finn and tries to remember "hum... taste. It was like... a rusty tube and rotted spinach"
Finn bites her lip and writes that down. "When you took the potion, you wanted... what was your desired effect? to be a full cat?
Maybe as long as the potion is in your system, you can shape shift.. not saying you wanted to be a girl.. but if you fell asleep maybe you dreamed it.. and that's what made you change.. dunno.. just thinkin'".
Noir touches his throat muttering something but turns again to Finn "Ah.. yes. I wanted to be an anonymous cat to jump on the roof of the Pit while they... well, you know what"
servher stops looking at Noir's breasts and turns to Finn's " so you think she should just rest ?"
Finn nods..
Noir narrows his eyes "A dream...". He purses his lips "I was... I've dreamed my sister"
Finn: "I don't know.. but it couldn't hurt.. maybe rest and while he rests we'll keep looking into it and see if there's an anti potion.hmm.. Noir.. close your eyes and concentrate on being a boy.. on how it felt,.. you know.. um.. just sort of go back to your last moment as a guy.. and see if you can will yourself back to being yourself...couldn't hurt, right?"
Noir nods slightly "Guess I'll be ok..."
servher nods " explore yourself and try to think about men i agree "
Finn "you'll be fine.. we'll figure it out. just relax and.. you know, imagine yourself doing things as a guy.. i don't know.. imagine.. peeing standing up.. or.. opening tightly stuck jars...
Noir smiles at Finn and zip up the jacket, shivering slightly
Finn: "Hey Fritz. Did you find anything?"
Noir folds his arms and leans back in the couch "You said something about.. Lei? Something smilar happened to her?"
Fritz runs is and jumps up on the couch "Yeha kinda, I got Nikki coming over. She said Detain Noir till she gets here, well like detain as in keep her here so she can get a grip on what this is that did it and stuff"
Finn nods
Fritz hisses again hearing that name
Finn shows the paper "I wrote down what Noir could remember about the potion..
Noir looks up at Fritz and mutters "Sumimasen"
servher "yes but i am not sure what happened to Lei"
Finn: "prolly not the same thing, but if she can change and change back, then Noir can too"
Noir lowers the cap on his forehead and nods "I want trust it"
servher: " Well I know not to drink anything green"
Fritz: "Yeah that's usually a good rule to follow"
Noir flashes a glance to Serv "Unless you want tits"
servher smiles
Fritz snickers thinking of serv with tits
Noir folds better his arms around his chest feeling unease at the soft thing against them
servher "I have had tits before just not attached to me"
Fritz "I'd never leave my bed I'd be playing with em all the time " mocks like hes playing with jumblies
Noir almost kicks Serv and giggles
servher laughs at Fritz "I know right " and mocks it too
Fritz almost falls off the back laughing
Finn laughs lightly and shakes her head
servher collects himself " Noir tell your sister she is Hott "
Noir Dreadlow: "pfft"
servher smiles and scoots back a bit
Noir: "you know her very well dude, and yes, she's hot, actually"
servher looks closer at Noir
Noir draws back and frowns
servher rubs his hair back "Noir don't worry pal we will get things straight "
Finn nods in agreement
Noir nods "Thank you"
servher: "but you should stay indoors it is the full moon and well you are sexy now"
Noir gives a look outside "What's with the full moon?"
Finn: " the werewolves go a little nutty."
Noir gasps "Oh. I see"
Fritz: "Ohh they went nutty? glad I was gone"
Finn: " yeah. A bit. Bato protected us. Isn't that nice?"
servher "did you mention a party Finn ?"
Quiet yell running in after her" I am helping her" giggling
Finn: "yeah we had the no pants party last night, and i think we're having another one tonight"
servher waves at Sabby and Quiet
Finn smiles at Sab
Noir looks at Sabtina and Quiet and nods sighing
Finn waves at Sab and quiet
Quiet gigg and take a straight lign for the run "hiya everybodies"
Fritz: "Heya Quiet, ya see Noir is a girl"
servher nudges Quiet " look at Noir closely your kittyness"
Finn grins and taps her pencil on the little notebook
Noir buries himself again in the couch
Finn tries to comfort noir by scratching behind his ear. "It's ok"
Quiet looks about to the kitties and then up to Servher "where is he?"
Finn: "right here."
servher bites his lip and breathes through his nose not wanting to laugh again and points
Finn "that potion.. that he drank, to turn full kitty when i was hurt. apparently it's got some kind of side effects or.. we don't know. he said it was green and tasted.. like rust and spinnich..he went to sleep as a kitty and woke up as a girl. did i forget anything, noir?"
Quiet follows her arm finally looking to the new female kitty" uummmmmmm nnoooo your kidding
Fritz: "I got someone coming to look into it, she's a friend from the coven, Nikki, ya'll know her"
servher nods his eyes welling with tears
Noir 's lower lip trembles and shakes his head, a little vexed by his so girish attitudes
Fritz snickers quietly watching Quiet
Finn frowns and points at fritz and Serv, then nuzzles Noir a little.
servher cackles "I gotta find a mirror " and he runs upstairs
Noir takes another cushion and throws it to Serv, folding his arms again leaning back against the hard structure of the couch
Finn's pointing makes it worse and the snicker gets louder, Fritz's face getting red
Quiet shakes her head" uuummmmmm well this is different"
servher: " Ahaha ha omg too rich"
Quiet : "maybe it is only temporary"
servher searches lockers till he finds a compact
Finn: "That's what I thought.. you know, he said the potion was called shape shifter. When he took it he wanted to be an anonymous kitty.. so he was. Then he fell asleep and dreamed of his sister.. so he woke up.. looking like her I guess..maybe once it wears off he'll go back to normal."
servher hands Noir the compact "I think it is your shade "
Fritz falls off the couch this time in a fit of laughter
servher: "no seriously look in the mirror Noir I am so sorry .. again"
Noir tries to bite Serv's hand taking the compact harshly
Fritz laughs uncontrollably snickering "Your shade"
servher squeels "Eeek careful " and prances about like a girl
Quiet scowls at the two males in the room before looking back to Noir "well maybe it would be a good idea to ask the coven or toasters for help"
Fritz crawls over the back of the couch
Quiet: "depending on if it was magical or non magical"
Noir snorts at Serv and nods with a smirk
Fritz: "I got Nikki from the coven coming over"
servher: "he got it from the coven originally"
Finn watches Noirs reaction to seeing him/herself
Noir opens the compact hesitantly.He closes his eyes tightly and rises the little mirror in front of his face. He takes a deep breath and opens one eye
Finn holds her breath as she watches
servher looks at Finn " should i go get eyeliner?"
Finn scrunches her brows at serv "you should be spanked"
Noir opens both and blinks. He opens his mouth as if to say something, then snaps it shut again
servher wipes his eyes " i agree Finn but not for this "
Finn shakes her head but can't help but smirk
servher socks Noir in the shoulder " come on fella it will be ok "
Noir closes the compact and hands it to Serv again, remaining silent
Finn: "yeah, it'll be ok Noir. Do you look like your sister?"
servher pockets the compact and listens
Noir shakes his head "Not at all"
Finn "hmm interesting"
Cierra turns to enter the Fish co.
Finn waves and smiles at Cierra
Noir rubs his face as if to delete it
servher looks as a shadow grows " hi Cierra "
Cierra waves back to fin and the rest of the kittehs "Hiya Serv" scratches behind her ear "Hows everyone today?"
servher fidgets suddenly feeling ashamed of his antict at Noir "I will go now and ask Lei about her experience "
Noir Dreadlow stands, looks down the street and rushes out.
Cierra looks puzzed "did I miss something?"

***** ***** ***** *****

So, that's what happened. "You'll be ok". "We will fix it". I clung to those words, the hope that the effect of the potion would be finished soon.
But today, at FishCo, my hope crashed like a sheet of glass.

***** ***** ***** *****

servher looks at Princess puppy pants " Lei I would like to ask you something personal"
SahngLei "ok serv, shoot"
servher: "when you was turned uhm nonfemale how did that happen? Cause my friend Noir has got boobs and is worried"
SahngLei: "Well serv I have something called Bi polar disorder....and because I am non human it manifested in two seperate sexes"
Noir turns hearing his name.
servher gasps "No shit?"
SahngLei: "Yep"
servher "that is ... is ... all you life?"
SahngLei "I will time from time turn into Andie"
Noir drops his shoulders
servher waves Noir over "come here sweety "
SahngLei: "Depending on my state of being....He just comes when he feels like it but he has no idea who I am although I know everything about him"
servher looks at Lei "That must be hard on you doll"
Noir steps closer and rises and hand "Hallo..."
servher frowns "I am afraid Lei does not have a similar problem Noir I am sorry"
SahngLei "Yes it's difficult because I get locked inside and I cant speak for myself. Whats wrong with her?" points to the kitty
Noir nods and smiles faintly "That's ok, Serv, thank you for caring"
servher stammers " y y you see what is happening when you are Andie?
SahngLei "yes I do"
servher rubs his chin "Do you feel stuff?"
SahngLei "Yes just as if it were me, I feel every hit every cut everything Andie goes through"
servher scratches and smiles "I can't imagine"
SahngLei: "His emotions, his stresses, his fears, we are the same person, essentially"
servher furrows his brow "Afraid of homosexual talk maybe just about guys"
SahngLei "Homophobic?"
Noir looks at the beautiful wolf and hardly figures her in male shape
SahngLei "There is no instant cure for that....only time and positive reinforcement that it is normal and ok to express and that it doesnt mean that one has to be homosexual to comprehend and understand ones feelings that might be".
She smiles at Noir.
servher: "Oh sorry Noir this is Lei, Lei this is Noir who had a accodent with a shape shifter potion and became recently female, and hot"
Noir smlies back "I've met her when I was in housecat form". He nods "Nice to meet you again".
SahngLei "Ah! Potion...Yes thats how I got my disorder. I was given a potion"
servher: "with her cute perky breasts and tight bumm"
SahngLei: "you too Noir"
Noir kicks a little snow against Serv flashing him a severe glance
SahngLei: "Serv *snaps her fingers* back to the problem at hand"
servher: "huh ? you took a potion and oh"
SahngLei: "Yes I took a potion and it gave me this disorder"
servher: "Well then perhaps you could take Noir private someplace and help him maybe tell him anything to help?"
SahngLei: "And now randomly I switch between sexes"
servher: "her"
SahngLei: "If he wants. She. Her. It" She shrugs "whatever".
Noir blinks "....er... may I ask.. what color was the potion?"
SahngLei tries to remember back to the day...."was Green as snot"
Noir nods ".. I took one greenish... with a bad taste"
SahngLei Xue blinks "You may have the exact disorder I have...if so...it's incurable"
Noir drops his jaws
servher: "well Noira better get used to it sorry"
SahngLei: "but... the good news is...you can control it...I'm still learning how to control mine"
Noir rubs his face and takes a deep breath "Ok. Ok, it was green. There are *many* green potions, isn't it?"
SahngLei: "Perhaps...."
Noir bites his lips tring to stay calm
SahngLei: "This ones taste was unmistakable however...like rust and spoiled cabbage"
Noir slaps his forehead and covers his eyes with an hand
servher points at Noir " man that is almost exactly "
SahngLei yawns slightly
Noir steps a little back "O..ok... I need to sit... a moment"
servher stops looking at Noira's boobs
SahngLei blinks
servher stops again " damn I feel funny "
Noir tries to organize his thoughts and starts to bite his nails
SahngLei suggests one thing "Think about something you liked doing as a guy...and maybe it will trigger him back out of you"
servher coughs and fans his face
Noir nods slightly and takes his sketchbook, the thing he loves the most. Not really a male thing, ever. He puts it away and looks at the wolf, thousand questions coming in his mind while she and servher run down the street.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖