

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Eurydice Aeon walks through the graveyard, then suddenly stops smelling a lovely blood scent.
She looks around and sees the kitty standing lonely between the the gravestones sunken in mist, obviously sunken in deep thoughts.
She grins and sneaks behind him without making any noise "Lovely night, isn´t it?".

Noir Dreadlow has a start hearing the voice whispering in a soft, melodic tone.
He turns and glares the pale woman he already met once.
"Oh..." he smiles "Yes, lovely".

Eurydice lets her fingers touch a gravestone as if she would want to feel who is resting there, then looks at him and smiles friendly
"I remember you...your name is Noir...black like a starless night".

Noir follows with his glance the elegant movement of her pale fingers, then looks up at her gray eyes "I'm honored you remember... we met long time ago".

Eurydice lets her big curious eyes rest on his face "Guess you left an impression on me then..." as her eyes look into his it seems as if she would look directly into his soul "And...you remember who I am as well?".

Noir looks away feeling bared at her deep glance "Yes" he says a little embarrassed "I remember very well your voice".

Eurydice smiles knowing that her voice drags victims to her like flies are dragged to to the light, she also feels his embarrassment and lets her eyes wander around the graveyard, then lightens herself a cigarette
"What are you doing in this dead place, Noir?"

Noir peeps her concealing his glance behind his hair "Oh..well.. this could sound weird but this is one of the best place to think about life..."

Eurydice nods and inhales deeply on her cigarette not letting him know she is inhaling his blood scent..."You do that often? Thinking about life...and death?" lets her eyes rest on his again suddenly.

Noir's eyes linger over the burning red tip of the cigarette, dropping on her pale and perfect face orange reflections "Not so often. Sometimes I need to stop and ..." he hesitates "organize my messed thoughts"

Eurydice keeps looking into his eyes, seeing a slight shimmer of melancholy in them. She moves a bit closer and lets her melodic voice turn into a sweet whisper "Sometimes...you maybe wish to be dead, is that right? When things get too much and you ask yourself for the meaning of life?"

Noir doesn't step back as he usually does, something in that sweet, melodic voice prevent any movements of his tense body. He looks in her eyes trying to tell something and opens a little his lips to say something but he finally simply drops his head, glancing the shadows on the ground.

Eurydice sees him looking to the ground. She drops her cigarette into the wet grass and takes another deep breath inhaling his scent, then slowly reaches out and lets her fingers touch his hair which is a bit wet from the rain. She brushes it away from his face and speaks softly..."Don´t be afraid...there´s no reason in the world to be..."

Noir moves back his head in an instinctive gesture but her quiet and deep glare tranquillizes him. He lets her fingers touch his face, her amazing voice giving him a rain of shivers.

Eurydice lest her eyes catch his glance again, a deep dark shimmer is visible in hers now, almost looking hypnotic, as she moves closer and lets her fingers touch his neck softly, feeling his pulse, which is a bit risen.
His blood scent now so close and sweet..."Are you afraid of me?" she whispers.

Noir feels her soft touch on his wet skin feeling a little confused by her sweet human smell in contrast with her peculiar eyes . He swallows his worries and asks in a whisper "Should I..?"

Eurydice lets her fingers wander towards his cat ear and pets it skillfully, while she keeps moving closer until her lips are close to his ear "Not at all, Noir...not at all..." she whispers softly..."Say...do you want happiness?".

Noir feels his tummy turn over when the woman reaches his ears, a pleasant sensation coming up from somewhere in him. He closes his eyes while his heartbeat rises "...who...who doesn't.." he murmurs in a low voice.

Eurydice nods feeling some raindrops falling on her skin, while the mist around them seems to get more, as if hiding them from the outer world. Everything seems to get quiet around them, she hears his heartbeat and his breath, smells his blood as she lets her fingers open his scarf a bit and then slowly lets her nose trace along his neck, not touching his skin though, smelling he has never been touched by a vampire before. This makes her hunger grow as she whispers..."I can bring you happiness..."

Noir's breath turns slightly heavier, feeling the sensation of the danger tickling his feline's awareness but his body doesn't agree, the sensations she's giving him are so pleasant... He even relaxes feeling her fingers open his scarf.

Eurydice lets her fingers caress over his ears knowing it´s a pleasant feeling for a neko while she slowly opens her lips, letting her long sharp fangs shimmer in the pale light, resting like this for a second, then letting her arms wrap around him and pulling him closer to her "Don´t be afraid, it won´t hurt, my sweet..." saying this she lets her fangs pierce his neck skin directly over his vein, feeling his sweet blood on her tongue immediately.
She holds him close just in case he would try to escape now although she´s almost sure he wouldn´t.

Noir keeps his eyes closed while she caresses his ears, feeling her hands warmer than before. Her arms wrapping him are so thin... they can't be a danger...
His eyes open wide as he feels something sharp piercing his skin. He gasps and almost steps back but her arms around him hold his body in a sweet grip...

Eurydice holds him close as she feels him shiver a bit "Ssshhhh..." she whispers while removing her fangs and starting feeding on his sweet blood hungrily, loving the taste.

Noir lets a little groan while his head drops back struggling against the wise suggestion of his awareness to run away and the pleasure that his body insolently sends him.

Eurydice continues sucking on his neck wound faster and hungrier, feeling his life energy flowing inside her as she keeps draining him, her eyes have turned deep red now while she presses him closer towards her.
She feels his excitement which lets her hunger even grow, but she still keeps enough control over her instincts not to take too much blood and hurt him.
Her hand wanders on his chest and rests there, feeling his heartbeat while she feels him getting weaker in her arms.

Noir feels like a swarm of bees is flying throughout his body. His strength slowly slips away from him, his knees surrender to his weight.

Eurydice feels him getting too weak to stand and holds him from falling, with a strength which is unbelievable for such a small and fragile looking body like hers. She slowly gets on her knees together with him, still drinking his blood until she feels his heartbeat getting slower. She stops feeding then, licks over his wound before pressing her hand on it to stop the bleeding.
She looks down to him breathing heavily a satisfied smile on her face, her lips covered with his blood.

Noir's sight is clouded and he can dimly focus her face while he drops on the ground, not owner of his own will anymore.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Eurydice lets his head rest in the grass while her fingers work over his hair and face softly.
She licks his blood from her lips, then moves down and kisses him whispering "Rest now, sweetblood...you will feel happiness when you wake up...".
She gets up smoothly and walks away touching some graveyards with her fingers, then turns back to him another time "I have the feeling you will see me again..." she smiles and disappears in the darkness.

Noir listens some words reaching vaguely his ears.... maybe it's only a dream and that figure swaying elegantly away from him is only a shadow...
He faints with a smile on his lips.