
The Fang Transformation: the Prowlers

The pale woman carried him to the FishCo

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Wotan Aeon continues to dream. going thru events and situations in his life..from when he was a kitten..to his life in the cthulhu temple, to the days after he was rescued, learning to be a warrior..to Toxia..to grace..to the Prolwers ...to Nikita..he mumbles in his sleep
Noir Dreadlow puts in order the cushions on the couch
Cecily Fhang examins Wotan, not saying a word
Dia McCullough frowns looking at Cecily "Anything I can help you with?"
Cecily Fhang looks to the stranger.."What did you do to him?"
Celebratemy Destiny grabs blankets , covers his shivering body.
Cecily Fhang looks to Dia with a worried expression learking across her face
Noir Dreadlow finds hard to recognize the Fang
Cecily Fhang slowly walks over to the couch
Dia McCullough wipes a stray tear off her cheek and moves closer to the sofa
Wotan Aeon lies like dead lost in his growing nightmare
Noir Dreadlow covers his mouth with an hand, unable to say a single word
Cecily Fhang waits for her answer
Celebratemy Destiny notices his ears are cut off, gasping her mouth drops and gapes
Legion reaches down to place a thumb not far above Wotan's left eye, lifting the lid to look underneath, then repeating the process with the other. She turns to look at Dia, Her whispers sounding perhaps a little more in unison "He is hallucinating...and he is not in the most favorable place to be..."
Adora Aabye quietly looks mixing the sight of him with the terrible things she overheard and hangs her head in shock, horror and sadness
MyoKa Murakami refuses to look closing her eyes tightly , pretends nothing has changed
Celebratemy Destiny: "What? Hes with his family"
Dia McCullough looks at the person that brought him in, 'What did you do?' hangs her head at the sight of Wotan
Celebratemy Destiny yells..."Why aren't you answering, Lady....!"
Legion shakes Her head at the one pointing out he is with his family "Emotionally, or so it would seem"
Cecily Fhang notices the flush of his skin "Someone go get him a wet cloth"
Dia McCullough growls and walks up to the stranger so she's face to face with her and shouts 'What..The..Fuck..Did..You..Do?'
Dia McCullough looks around to the prowlers and rolls her eyes, running upstairs
Cecily Fhang takes a step closer, slowly bringing her hand down to meet his forehead .."A wet cloth someone?"
Noir Dreadlow hears the voice of Cece coming from a distant place while he glances Wotan's crippled body, unable to move or do anything
MyoKa Murakami curls into a ball covering her ears humming happy things to herself
Celebratemy Destiny runs to get wet rags and a towel, hands them to Ceci.
Legion turns to face the one before Her in kind. Two plumes of mist rolling, one from each nostril. Her whispers follow Dia as she runs "We saw images of Wotan in the surface thoughts of a fellow shadow, felt this shadow's perturbation, and went to find ways of helping. We then brought him away from the continuum."
Wotan Aeon talks in his sleep..its in coherent and feeble..he then begins to moan a bit and make a sound like hes trying to mew but his throat is still useless from being filled with liquid
Cecily Fhang takes the cloth from celebs hands and slowly places it upon Wotans head lightly
Archer Bleich glances down at Wotan from the corner of his eye
Celebratemy Destiny begins to cry
Dia McCullough rummages around upstairs for a few minutes before running back down stairs with some dry rags
Cecily Fhang looks over at the changes upon his body
Archer Bleich looks to Ceci and says in a soft low growl of a voice "I am going hunting......if I don't come back....I'm dead......Celeb has what I have seen and heard..."
Cecily Fhang looks to Archer.."What the hell do you mean?"
Archer Bleich shakes his head and takes his leave
Cecily Fhang sighs
Adora Aabye shakes her head slowly in shock and dismay the things she saw and overheard running through her mind, she tightly squeezes her eyes shut
MyoKa Murakami whimpers softly pressing her hands firmly upon her ears as she hums louder blocking out the voices around her
Cecily Fhang backs up looking to the rest of her family shaking her head as she dazes off for a split second, then saying in a calm voice as if she feels like she failed "I don't know what to do"
Legion turns back to look over Wotan. She watches his eyelids with with rapid eye movement. She looks up to the crying kitty, and then the nearest kitty to him. She looks to Myoka rocking in her happy place, and to the others. Looking back to Cecily, Her whisper wander "We can take you to where he is...in his mind...in his dream..."
Wotan Aeon continues to rest and go thru different sequences of dreams
Cecily Fhang suddenly lets out a low growl.."You.. are not taking me or the anyone else in my family anywhere"
Dia McCullough stands by the couch watching over Wotan pondering what to do..
Adora Aabye hisses and bares her teeth as she hears the strangers words
Cecily Fhang looks to the woman then draws her attention to her surroundings
Dia McCullough looks over to the stranger 'How would communing with him save him?' raises a brow questioningly
Noir Dreadlow blinks hearing that words, trying to look away from the fang "...what.. what are you saying" he murmurs at the pale woman "..he will not come back from that place without help?"
Legion turns to look at Dia "He is not in physical danger. He may very well come back from his psychedelic-induced dream quite alright, but perhaps you would rather be able to communicate with him. Talk to him. Be with him. As opposed to being forced to stand by and watch him, unsure of what else to do."
Wotan Aeon displays various emotions.. twitching sometimes .moving a foot a finger.
Dia McCullough: 'No, we're staying here and waiting. We have one family member in a drugged up kitty dream we don't need to have to worry about another.'

RockPup Grut: he breathin'?
Dia McCullough lets out a slow quiet growl and answers 'Yes.' cautiously
Celebratemy Destiny facs swings around in horror at the wolf
RockPup Grut: good
MyoKa Murakami whimpers as she hears some of the chatter around her
Adora Aabye's ears twitch and she slowly looks to her left hearing strange footsteps
Cecily Fhang turns to stare to the wolf in the door way, lowering her head and letting out a deep growl
Dia McCullough: 'Can I help you with something,hmm?'
RockPup Grut takes the cigarello from his mouth "is he awake?"
Cecily Fhang looks to the wolf.."Whats it look like to you?"
Dia McCullough laughs 'Does he fucking look like he's awake?'
Celebratemy Destiny yells look at him does he seem awake?
RockPup Grut: he looks like he's sitting comfortably
Legion cocks Her head at Dia "...May We ask your name?"
Cecily Fhang: Her name isn't important
RockPup Grut: I know when I'm fucked up iI don't sit like I'm relaxing on the beach
Dia McCullough: 'Obviously mate, dontcha think if he was awake he would be walking around,aye?'
Cecily Fhang shoots back not letting the woman fully finish
RockPup Grut shrugs "after that even if he were awake i doubt he'd walk
Dia McCullough looks to the stranger 'Name's Dia, what do you want?'
Wotan Aeon starts to appear to be more frantic he makes his hands to form the claw. his body looks tense at it is apparent he dreams of something violent
RockPup Grut drops the cigarello and puts it out with his heel
MyoKa Murakami eyes flash open wide as a foul odour assaults her sensitive smell... hissing low at the wolf nearby
Adora Aabye walks to the doorway slowly, peeking out into the street, looking up and down it for any sign of Archer
Dia McCullough watches Wotan, stroking his forehead softly and gently trying to calm him down
Adora Aabye spots Archer and sighs in relief as she walks back inside
Cecily Fhang bends down next to Wotan reversing the cloth on his head.."You'll be okay kittie"
Cecily Fhang remembers the word kittie coming from her mouth as she looks him up and down at his new shape
Celebratemy Destiny looks at the lady and wolf with a mean face, wondering what they have done in this, wondering why haven't we killed them yet.
Dia McCullough hears Wotan referred to as kitty and closes her eyes attempting to hold back the tears
Legion crosses Her arms at Her chest "We won't patronize you by saying We know what you're going through. We are not a threat however, and We have not played any part in causing this to happen to him. Wotan is dear to Nikita. Nikita is dear to Us, in a rare and lasting way, and We respect that, if she holds someone in affection, he must be special. We therefore wish to help him, and help those who care for him. Can you understand this?"
Cecily Fhang nods
Archer Bleich looks blankly at the wolf and the other "what are they doing here...this is prowlers problem..."
Dia McCullough nods 'That I understand, what I don't understand is why you seem to know so much about his current state but yet have nothing to do with it.'
Wotan Aeon hears Nikitas name and begins to relax..
MyoKa Murakami crawls over to the sofa her hands trembling as they cling to the arm her eyes fearfully looking over to Wotan ... her voice strained as she howls he doensn't look alright ... we need his ears back for a start
Celebratemy Destiny leans on Archers shoulder, as tears fall down her cheeks, glad he has returned
Wotan Aeon snuggles into the couch for a moment
Dia McCullough wipes a few tears from the corners of her eye hoping nobody sees her crying
RockPup Grut walks up to Wotan and looks at him "might as well wake him"
Cecily Fhang turns to the woman and the wolf "So. Do neither one of you know WHY this happened?" slowly bringing her eyes to meet the wolf
Celebratemy Destiny yells NO!!!!!!!!!!
RockPup Grut: the factory monkeys did some shit to him
Archer Bleich steps next to the wolf watching him carefully, his fingers dancing over his gun
Celebratemy Destiny: "Let him rest!!"
Dia McCullough growls at the wolf 'Get the fuck away from him!'
Archer Bleich: I think you might want to listen to them.....
Legion nods, and gestures to the wolf at the door "Jason became aware of Wotan's captivity. I felt him. Saw his perturbation, and went to his side to keep the continuum from hurting Wotan further. We do not know why Terrox fought him, but the one that laid the experiment responsible for his change claims her motives are for science."
Wotan Aeon winces at the shouting..starts to fall into another sequence of violence
RockPup Grut: I would have happily broke him out but I'm not built like I used to be, one more hospital visit and my insurance will fail
Cecily Fhang lets out a smart ass giggle "Science?!"
Archer Bleich: you knew he was there, and didn't alert any prowlers?
Dia McCullough senses the change in Wotan's mood and calmly states 'Thank you for bringing him back but this is strictly a family matter now, could you and the wolf please leave now and we'll send word when he awakes.'
RockPup Grut: knew he was there and didn't cause trouble and get him killed in crossfire
Cecily Fhang bites the bottom part of her lip and stares off into the abyss whispering to herself "Maybe i should create a little science project of them"
Celebratemy Destiny: "We know you both had something to do with this....just let us find out what happened"
Legion shakes Her head, looking towards Archer "We walked past four prowlers on Our way in."
Celebratemy Destiny hisses
RockPup Grut: demanding isn't he?
Noir Dreadlow shakes his head slowly "That one, Terrox, was in the club and he got upset after Wotan bumped him. They started a fight for a silly thing, not enough for all..." he gestures towards the couch "...this"
RockPup Grut lights up another cigarello looking over Wotan looking for any major burns, cuts, needle marks, or bruises
Archer Bleich: Your right you did, and the four also heard you two in there. At least one of you protested against any violence, but neither of you demanded them to stop this....
RockPup Grut: what would have it done?
Cecily Fhang walks over to the wolf snatching his cigar out of his mouth taking it for her own, hoping it will calm her nerves
RockPup Grut: is it necessary for more people to die or end up like this?
RockPup Grut looks to the cat and pulls another from his pocket "they're peach, they're real good"
Archer Bleich: Do you think Wotan would wish to be like this, or dead?
Celebratemy Destiny claws appear
Dia McCullough growls and walks around the couch to steal the cigarello from the wolf and shoot it out the door, watching it land across the street and points to it 'Go fetch,pup.' walks back to the other side of the couch
Cecily Fhang: Wolf.. and you.. woman.. your friends of Wotans???
Legion turns towards Archer "Were We to protest, were We to put Our open hand entirely through the abdomen of the one that administered the agent of change, can you describe in detail what would have occured? Can you compare and contrast this with what did in fact happen to Wotan the way We decided to behave? The agent of change had already been administed when We arrived."
Aaryanna Parx blinks and wanders in, she tapped Jason on the shoulder. " What you staring at in here?"
Archer Bleich: I would have fought to the death.
MyoKa Murakami hisses standing by and watching is not better than actually assisting
RockPup Grut peers back at Aary "the equal of a roadkill chiuhuaua"
Cecily Fhang: Well, i know if i seen one of my so called friends in that sort of situation, id be doing everything in my power to save there ass
RockPup Grut: then what use would you be? a dead body is just another filled grave
Cecily Fhang shrugs.."The so be it"
Aaryanna Parx arches a brow slightly. " Um.. Alright.. "
Dia McCullough: 'Aye, trade places and let them run free.'
Cecily Fhang: "You wouldn't take your life for a friend?"
Celebratemy Destiny notices Rockpups sarcasm and doesn't like him at all
Dia McCullough: 'If you call him a friend you wouldn't have left him there to be mutilated.'
RockPup Grut: I would risk my life for family or friend if they were in immediate possibly fatal conditions
RockPup Grut: I was plotting, no sense in wasting good soldiers to save one
Cecily Fhang sits on the end of the couch feeling so many emotions wanting to explode
Archer Bleich closes his eyes to bury his frustration "Everyone who is not prowler...leave please"
Legion shakes Her head "I know you have tghe capacity to understand. If I had killed the woman as she was at the end of her experiment Wotan will have died. It was a continuum member that administered what healed him. Will they have been so willing if We had just torn the entrails from the would-be scientist? Will We have had time enough to dispose of every Continuum member there, AND have time enough left to save Wotan's life? Even if We had, he would still be changed, and doped up."
Aaryanna Parx glances to Archer and pouts just a little bit. " Awww, even me? "
RockPup Grut flicks another cigarello from his pocket and puts it in his mouth "everyone that wants him alive stay"
Archer Bleich: Mut, do not start barking orders at me again....
Dia McCullough rolls her eyes and lays across the back of the couch, legs sore from running.
Cecily Fhang: No Aaryana your ok love
RockPup Grut: don't bark orders at me puss in boots
Celebratemy Destiny: So you are a co conspirators
Cecily Fhang snaps her head to the wolf" Excuse me.. Where are you right now?"
Aaryanna Parx smiles softly. " Yay. " She listen to Legion for a moment before blinking. "What happen to Wotan?"
RockPup Grut: want my diagnostic? don't stand around while he dies, go in there kick some as and get the info of his health from them
Cecily Fhang: Since your so worried about him, you gonna help?
RockPup Grut: womble is fine he needs rest that's all, if anything gonna make him better it's antidote
Aaryanna Parx growls lightly. " What happen to Wotan? " She glanced around at each of the kittens and then to her own family.
Dia McCullough slides her hand down the back of the couch, stroking Wotan's arm softly 'We'll get ya through it..'
Cecily Fhang looks to Aaryana "why don't you ask this lady here and the wolf. Apparently they were there for the whole thing"
RockPup Grut snaps a few times for a light on his cigarello "factory monkeys used him as a rat, burned off his fur and took something or another i was too busy planning how i could distract the guards long enough to crack him out"
Wotan Aeon relaxs and starts to take on a more natural seeming state of rest
Mako Nozaki turns her back to doorway and walks off
Archer Bleich his annoyance growing more with the wolf "he is laying here injured..and your smoking around him.....Put that out, your in a prowlers home..show some respect"
RockPup Grut puffs the cigarello intentionally away from Wotan "i say we don't yell we're all on the same team here, i say we go and fuck up the machines til the compute an answer to us"
Cecily Fhang jumps up.."Fine.Lets go then"
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Legion steps within inches of Archer, and trains Her endlessly empty eyevoids upon him. Murmurs roll up his back, and over his shoulders "If you need to blame any and all individuals that possibly can be, then so be it, but you will not make Us leave. You may attack Us. We will stand idle, and evacuate Our flesh, as We have so many times. We will then stay in the space near to your ears, and whisper everything in Our mind We might consider until you have developed a thought process more beneficial to the life and wellbeing of your friends than "it bad. we kill!""
Celebratemy Destiny: are you fighting with us wolfy?
Dia McCullough eyes the wolf 'You're in our home put out your wretched smelling cigarello and learn some damn respect.'
RockPup Grut takes a slip of paper from his pocket and writes a note with his claw before setting it on Wotan "depends can we fight together or are y'all going to die apart?"
Archer Bleich smirks at the Lady. "indeed it bad we kill, When i want your advice lady...I'll give it to you.."
Archer Bleich: Ceci they dispearced after you all left, i stayed and watch 3 leave
RockPup Grut lets out a breath of smoke towards the roof "here's an interesting question"
Wotan Aeon breathes normally and sinks into good rest
RockPup Grut: if you were in proximity to listen to us be at the scene why are you yelling at us for not getting involved when you were in a close enough area to get involved?
Aaryanna Parx pats his leg lightly as she listened to everyone.. After a second she reached out and tried to take the cig away from Jason. " Gimme. "
Cecily Fhang smiles "No no.. the question infact IS.. you were there. In the same room. Why didn't you bother? You say your close friends with him, and like i said id take my life for a friend"
Dia McCullough flips the cloth around again, sticking 2 of her fingers on Wotan's neck feeling his pulse, she counts silently in her head 'His heartbeats normal, for now.'
Cecily Fhang: To risky eh?
Archer Bleich: Do you dimwitedly go into building full blast with out ever having to see the inside...that place is very large..i heard voices, i did not know where they were comming from. So if you were so worried about crossfire thinking we weren't...well suck on that instead of that cigarete butt
MyoKa Murakami slips off her fuzzy jacket an places it around Wotans shoulders keeping him warm as he sleeps
RockPup Grut: i was in the same room, I'm also on medical leave, know what was going on, and i assessed the situation and determined that too many guards would have only accounted for more deaths
RockPup Grut: sounds more like you want enemies
Cecily Fhang rolls her eyes biting her tongue
RockPup Grut: if you really want to kill me because i decided the death of many wasn't worth something that was going to happen anyway when i died then go right ahead and shoot me for watching my friends back
Archer Bleich: I trust my family, no one else. The simple fact that you have said Nakita, that you are friends. Is the only reason you are not dead. If your wanting to storm the castle then by all means you go storm it. And the prowlers will take care of it in our own way.
RockPup Grut points to womble "all i want is to drink and be merry with my bro, cause this motherfucker right here is one of the best people i know, if i got involved equipment could have been damaged and womble would have potentially be killed by the failing power
MyoKa Murakami some what irritated , wrinkles her nose
Aaryanna Parx grumbles. " How about you lot just drop it and try to figure out how to help Wotan.. You know go find a Cyber to torture until it tells you what they did."
Archer Bleich: Now if you have anyother suggestions, write them down put them in that bucket over there, and i will feel free to take a piss all over them later. But now we have to worry about Wotan.
Cecily Fhang shrugs "I was ready to do that 10 minutes ago"
Archer Bleich: There is no one there Ceci they left.
RockPup Grut shrugs "that's up to them, I'm on medical leave all i care about is checking that my friend is going to survive not to place fingers
Cecily Fhang: I don't care archer. Doesn't mean they're not around the city
Cecily Fhang: There has to be a familiar face
Dia McCullough rolls her eyes 'Look, arguing obviously isn't getting us anywhere so why don't we just quit with the bickering for a moment and focus on Wotan, after all he's the reason we're all gathered right now.'
MyoKa Murakami mumbles maybe an occultist can find out what happened and reverse it
RockPup Grut: you want to piss on my ideas go right ahead cause i don't give ideas to pissants like you
Aaryanna Parx: Jason knock it off.
Archer Bleich: Then come show me how much of a pissant I am..
Cecily Fhang: THATS ENOUGH
Dia McCullough sighs
RockPup Grut: right now i know she had him in the tube which if the power went off because of damaged systems would have shut him down and he would have drowned, once he was in there i couldn't do anything
RockPup Grut: his fur was singed off while he was in the tube
RockPup Grut: whatever is fucking him up now happened before they had him on the table
Aaryanna Parx wrinkles her nose. " I've seen them use that tube before.. You don't wanna mess with it. " She still was lightly peting Wotan's leg.
RockPup Grut: i want you to know why i was in there
Dia McCullough: 'Who cares why the hell you were in there, can we please just stop the bickering long enough to help Wotan, please.' her expression changes from irritation to sadness and desperation for her friend
RockPup Grut: your suggestion is welcomed
RockPup Grut: i told you mine, dig the antidote out of one of those machineheads
Archer Bleich looks frustrated at Dia then nods in agreement before going out alone to hunt
MyoKa Murakami grumbles as her mind spins wildly .. her paws wanting to slap Wotan for getting caught
Wotan Aeon sleeps comfortably
Dia McCullough watches Archer leave and turns her attention back to Wotan, letting the tears fall freely and coldly asks 'Is it better to leave him sleep or go find a doctor to wake him?'
Noir Dreadlow clears his troath slightly "What about the Coven? Can't they help with their magic stuff?"
RockPup Grut spins the cigarello in his fingers then closes his palm around it, causing it to vanish "in my oppinion there's nothing that can be done other than letting him sleep, personally it seemed they wanted to get something from him more than damage him"
Aaryanna Parx nudges Jason a bit. " Maybe you could go and try to find something out? Not really fight or anything. " She pouted up at him slightly before looking to Wotan. " I think its better to let him sleep.. You dont' know what waking him will do to him. "
Cecily Fhang: .me nods.."Not to menchin hes going to be in shock when he notices his changes and fully comes to"
RockPup Grut: someone stands watch, pays attention to his activities and records them, if something happens you tell the rest"
Dia McCullough lets out a long shaky breath 'Alright, for now we let him sleep and I'll monitor him, if yall wanna go and run around for a bit I'll text you if anything changes.'
Aaryanna Parx smiles lightly. " I'll stay also.. Just in case ya know?"
Cecily Fhang turns to look at her family with a blank stare before heading out the door
RockPup Grut: if he's calm when he wakes we'll assess from there
RockPup Grut: to me it seems he's fine, if things go bad, we investigate
Dia McCullough: 'Aye, I'm with ya on that pup.'
RockPup Grut: i have a name and it's not pup
Wotan Aeon turns on his side and lets his arm take one of the cushions to him.
Dia McCullough jumps slightly at Wotan's sudden movement but relaxes a bit when she realises what the movements from 'Well, I haven't gotten your name now have I? So, until I do it's pup.'
Aaryanna Parx lowers herself down onto the floor to sit, her hand never leaving his leg even as he rolled over.
RockPup Grut looks at legion "can we get nikita here"
Wotan Aeon nods in his sleep and mumbles "Yes Nikita ...im your kitty Nikitaaaaa"
Dia McCullough laughs slightly 'Least we know he's having good dreams for the moment.'
Aaryanna Parx chuckles softly.
Aaryanna Parx she did chuckle and then she frowned sligthy. " Sad really... He isn't one anymore.. At least not for the time being. "
Dia McCullough ruffles Wotan's hair softly 'Take care big'un I'll catch you after.' saunters off crying
Wotan Aeon dreams of a peacefull happy moment.
Wotan Aeon then suddenly begins to feel uncomfortable..he notices something wrong with his state
Wotan Aeon starts to feel his body remarkably still....not followed with vibration normally associated with his happiness and comfort..his skin crawls for this absence of purring
Wotan Aeon starts to move his body as if its trying to find whats wrong. he starts to try to wake himself.
Aaryanna Parx sits up slightly when she felt him go still, after all her hand was on his leg and she would feel it. " Wotan? " She asked softly as she started to get up off the floor.
Wotan Aeon moans like he hurts as he struggles to get conscious
Adora Aabye hears the noises and murmers coming from Wotan and turns her head sharply and looks at him
Aaryanna Parx gives his leg a small squeeze. " Its alright Wotan.. " Well really it wasn't but he didn't need to know that until he opened his eyes. " Take it easy big guy. " Now that sounded just weird.
Maze Bade walks up to Wotan and mumbles.. "What the hell"
Wotan Aeon makes more sounds as he tries to move..he tries to speak.."Huh? Yeah?" the way one normally does when they struggle to respond when passed out
Adora Aabye whispers "oh..I think hes waking up.."
Wotan Aeon starts to see more clearly..the faces of those around him. Staring at him. his vision blurry then starts to focus
Noir Dreadlow looks away pretenting to hide his worried expression
Maze Bade scouts Wotans body, looking for things he is missing
Aaryanna Parx frowns lightly as her head tilts her head, just watching him. " Hey there.. " She said when his eyes opened. " How do you feel?"
Adora Aabye reaches out and touches his bare foot, "Don't try to get up too fast..."
Wotan Aeon looks at the faces of his friends and family ..he looks at them. He starts to speak "heyy.." but his throat is still incredibly unconfortable from the screaming..from the breathing fluid...from being dry.. He tries to swallow to speak..a terrible taste in his mouth "I am ...I am..i feell like shit"
Maze Bade tries to catch Wotan's sence by sniffing, ending up confused.. "Wotan.. ?"
Wotan Aeon: "yeah? whats up?"
Aaryanna Parx nods slightly. " Someone get him a glass of water... Maybe something for the pain also.." She didn't have her porch with her so she couldn't help to much.
Maze Bade looks a bit shocked.. "What the fuck happend too ya?"
Wotan Aeon takes a drink..the moment it starts to go down his throat he remembers the fluid he was immersed in..and a look of horro comes across his face
Aaryanna Parx reaches out to touch him once again as he got that look upon his face. " Easy there big guy.."
Wotan Aeon tosses the flask and cringes up onto the crouch.."Omfg..oh shit.." he looks at himself ..he doesnt notices at first..thinks hes ok..just a bad experience
Wotan Aeon: "what the fuck happened?...holy shit...what the fuck happened?"
Maze Bade: "I.. I think you turned human"
Adora Aabye jumps out of the way of the flask and looks at Wotan, trying to hide the sadness on her face "try not to move too quickly..." and looks over at Noir and Myoka for help
Wotan Aeon hears maze say it..and then remembers what the continuum said to him..they were gonna cut the kitty out...they were gonna change him
MyoKa Murakami stays stonily silent
Maze Bade shivers
Noir Dreadlow catches Adora's glances but can't say anythng useful to help
Adora Aabye squeezes her eyes tightly shut as she remembers the terrible things she overheard and hopes that Wotan doesnt remember everything
Adora Aabye shudders
Wotan Aeon then remembers the horrible pain..realizes hes still very drugged by painkillers..gratefull for that he begins to look hiself over..he quickly notices his legs..his huge feet gone..his claws gone..his hands even more human than before
Aaryanna Parx removes her hand from him again and just watches for now.
MyoKa Murakami kicks the floor uneasily an watches
Wotan Aeon then looks up at the kitties and friends around him..to see how they look at him..to see in thier faces how bad it is ..
Maze Bade continues glacing at Wotan
MyoKa Murakami keeps her head lowered avoiding the glance
Adora Aabye looks at Wotan and tries to smile and hide her true feelings and thoughts and concerns
Aaryanna Parx smiled just a little bit.. She was actually kinda glad that it was nothing to bad.. Okay well maybe to him this was pretty back but it could be worse, she saw what the cybers did to one of Ami's kittens.. Not a pretty sight. She plopped down on the couch next to him.
Kobe Ariel knocks on the wood colum next to her "Hello? anybody home?"
Wotan Aeon rocks in his seat...and tries to calm himself as he looks about..
Maze Bade turns his head in Kobe's direction and nods
MyoKa Murakami belly grows anxious and tense from the picture of her fellow kitteh's pain
Kobe Ariel tilts her head and pouts askin "May i come in?"
Aaryanna Parx places a hand upon his shoulder and just pats him sotly as he rocked, she really wasn't sure what else to do other then that.
Adora Aabye reaches down and squeezes Wotans arm lightly and encouragingly
Wotan Aeon frowns and looks at thier concern. He then decides..though he is in really bad shape..he can think ok..he decides to sit and try relax as best he can while his body feels strange and weary to him
Maze Bade nods at Kobe and turns his attention back to Wotan
Noir Dreadlow moves to the entrance glancing down the street in search for the only one that can heal the Fang's unsettled emotions
Adora Aabye picks up the flask again and hands it back to Wotan
Wotan Aeon: "ok..Im gonna be ok.." he says it and hopes it will be so
Kobe Ariel enters Fishco for her first time and nears the crowd
Aaryanna Parx nods. " Yea, you'll be fine hun.. "
Wotan Aeon reaches for the flask to take a drink..his arm aches in its socket as it moves
Maze Bade mumbles.. 'Who did this to him?"
Wotan Aeon looks over to Maze and lowers his brow. "Continuum"
Maze Bade looks down and sighs
Adora Aabye looks at Maze and nods in agreement with Wotan's words
Aaryanna Parx: Some of your kittens are out looking to see if they can find out what they did to you and if there is anyway to change it.
Adora Aabye shudders again
Kobe Ariel turns her head to nod to Maze as the corner of her eye noticeing something wierd, she turns it in the direction of Wotan's feet, her eyes widen with a perked brow, she leans towards it nerrowing her eyes on his feet with a brow still arched, she smells the air in the Feet's and Wotan's direction, saying softly and silently "This smells like, no wait, can it be?" her eyes widen again as she pouts
Wotan Aeon: "well..that is good. we need to know what we can.." he turns to Kobe and realises how obvious his difference is
Maze Bade nods at Kobe
Aaryanna Parx nods. " I think Jason is looking too but I'm not to sure about that. "
Maze Bade: "Wotan.. can you remember.. How they did this..?"Kobe Ariel lifts her head a slight looking into his eyes, try's to look deep saying softly but silently, almost whispering "Big Kitty? something happend you wish to share here?"
Adora Aabye murmers softly "oh god I hope that he can't...at least not all of it" as she remembers how it all sounded to her
Wotan Aeon loks up to maze and gets an angry expression "Yes..I remember..Oh..I remember..They did it while i was concious"
Maze Bade shivers
Aaryanna Parx growls lightly. " Was Toaster there? "
Wotan Aeon: "taoster is the one who took me there"
Adora Aabye nods remembering hearing someone being called "Toaster"
Aaryanna Parx grumbles. " Have to set Blue on him. "
Wotan Aeon decides to lighten the mood "well..i always wondered what shoes were like"
Kobe Ariel tilts her head as her face fall
Maze Bade tries to laugh
Aaryanna Parx chuckles. " They pinch your feet and make them sore"
Adora Aabye smiles and laughs softly "at least they didnt touch his sense of humour"
Wotan Aeon: "listen up..I need to get my self togehter a bit..once i feel like i can move well..then i will see what can do about this..Rightnow..i just need to take it easy ...Cause i feel like shit"
Aaryanna Parx nods. " Of course."
Adora Aabye nods "just rest Wotan ..."
Kobe Ariel shakes her head as she lets out by accident "More human then human..."
Adora Aabye cringes
Wotan Aeon: "rub it in why dont you"
Kobe Ariel pouts "Sawwwry"
Wotan Aeon: "i could really use a shirt."
Adora Aabye looks around
Aaryanna Parx glares over at Kobe for a second from her seat next to the wotan. " I'd give you mine but it might look silly. "
Wotan Aeon: "yeah but the effort would make me feel better" he winks
Kobe Ariel holds her mouth holding her laughter back hearing Aary's comment
Aaryanna Parx slaps his arm lightly. " Bad Wotan. "
Adora Aabye laughs softly and rolls her eyes "that would exert the strength you are trying to regain"
Wotan Aeon winces "omfg..that hurt!! wow im worse then i thought"
Hunterr Aeon: tilts his head... hey everyone
Kobe Ariel: Greetings
Aaryanna Parx smirks a little bit. " Oooh So I could hurt you now?" She let her finger trail up and down his arm.
Adora Aabye: hello Hunterr...
MyoKa Murakami: /mew quietly as her nose lifts sniffing the air as a familiar scent enters the fish co
Hunterr Aeon: hey addy, what's goin on... we've a lot of company here I see
Adora Aabye continues to look at him unable to say much, her eyes showing her worry and sadness
Wotan Aeon leans back and wiggles his arm to hunterr. "hi Hunter..its going to be a rough day"
Kobe Ariel leans forward and taps gently on Wotan's shoulder assuring him with a warm smile "Dont worry, you will be back as Big Kitty soon enugh i belive... untill then rest and regain your powers, Be well my dear" she takes her leave waving
Maze Bade takes off his jacket and throws it at Wotan
Hunterr Aeon: chuckles softly purring... it definitely looks like you have it rough right now... so what's happened?
Aaryanna Parx nods. " it can't last that long.. When I was a cat it only lasted 5 days.
Hunterr Aeon: oh wow, nevermind. You're definitely not yourself are you wotan
Wotan Aeon: "no i am not"
Wotan Aeon pulls a shirt from between the cushions and covers himself
Adora Aabye leaves her flask of water with Wotan and steps away toward the door, shaking her head to try and clear the things she heard and has seen from her head
Aaryanna Parx makes a face. " Actually wearing something you found in the couch.. Ewww Wotan. "
Adora Aabye turns her head back and looks at Hunterr and shakes it whispering softly "I'm not, just over her" and turns back gazing out into the night
Hunterr Aeon: well big guy.. I'm the last one here, and I'm sure you've told everyone... but color me clueless... lez see if I can make some rhyme or reason out of anything. you or someone know what's happened?
Wotan Aeon puts on his shirt and slides Mazes coat back to him
Maze Bade raises his shoulders and puts his coat away
Adora Aabye peeks behind her over her shoulder and looks at Hunterr
Hunterr Aeon: how ya been Maze... Myo
Wotan Aeon decides to try to stand
Maze Bade offers his hand to Wotan as he tries to stand
Aaryanna Parx gets up with him and offers a hand to help him.
Wotan Aeon feels the hard grond on his feet ..he quickly decides to sit down
Hunterr Aeon: takes a step back to watch...
Aaryanna Parx wrinkles her nose. " Just rest for a bit dearie, no standing yet. "
Maze Bade turns his head and smiles.. "I'm fine"
MyoKa Murakami figets restlessly upon the cushion rolling over onto her knees claws digging into the ground .. springing out the door so she may clear her head from the horrid sight
Hunterr Aeon: looking over at aaryanna... I've seen you around plenty, but don't think we've officially met... I"m Hunter.
MyoKa Murakami: *mews* I'm not sure at the moment ... this is bad news ..looks over to Wotan before takeing her leave
Aaryanna Parx nods. " I'm Aary. " She smiled lightly to Hunter and looked back at Wotan.
Hunterr Aeon: nods to Aary, gathering her presence here is for wotan... under other circumstances I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you, but considering... I'll save pleasantries for another time
Aaryanna Parx looks over at him once again and smiles. " Sounds like a good idea. " She took her seat next to Wotan again.
Wotan Aeon: "ok..im gonna need some rest and some shoes"
Adora Aabye nods "rest is probably the best thing for you at the moment.."
Aaryanna Parx smirks. " Anyone got big feet around here to fit your size?"
Hunterr Aeon: chuckles softly... now that is gonna be a tall order to fill...