
The Fang Transformation: the Continuum

So the struggle has begun. Turning into a big mess.
Let's start from the beginning, at Haven...

Wotan Aeon flails and goes wild.
Terrox Eracktor looks at Wotan, "hey bump into someone else cat..."
Wotan Aeon mews and laughs at Terrox
Terrox Eracktor grumbles, "fucking pussy...."
Wotan Aeon: "silly RObot."
Terrox Eracktor: wanna take this outside kitty?
Wotan Aeon: mew?"
Terrox Eracktor: you heard me right.. come on...
Wotan Aeon bumps into him again
Terrox Eracktor pushes Wotan back, "fucking cat..."
Wotan Aeon hisses at being pushed
Terrox Eracktor: alright... outside now! March!
Wotan Aeon: "allright..You want to play Toaster?"
Terrox Eracktor nods sternly as he pulls his helmet down over his brow
Wotan Aeon: "ok..ill go outside with you"
Terrox Eracktor nods waiting for Wotan to head outside
Wotan Aeon walks out.

...and that's what I've seen after a fight between them

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Terrox Eracktor yanks on the leash, "come on cat... end of discussions... you're coming with me whether you like it or not...."
Terrox Eracktor drags Wotan to the factory.

Archer and me approached after Terrox and Wotan ending our run at the factory where we hided behind some crates. I report here what we heard:

Wotan Aeon: "Don't you Dare!!! Ill claw you pieces when i get free!!"
Terrox Eracktor: if you even have claws by the time she's done....
Wotan Aeon mews loudly
Fareabell Nishi pouts "come on kitty time to take a bath......" she giggles and opens the tank shoving Wotan in and shutting the door
RockPup Grut puffed his cigarello "interesting"
Fareabell Nishi smiles as she leans down and starts to hook up a few screens and her PDA "hhmm what to do what to do..."
Wotan Aeon writhes in the tank..and moves to the respirator to breath..staring at his captors angrily
Terrox Eracktor: this isn't the best of times Jason...
Fareabell Nishi taps on the glass as she looks to Wotan "i think it would be fun to get that nasty kitty bug out of you....... you might taste better to the Vamps no?"
RockPup Grut takes the cigarello from his mouth and takes a breath "a cripple can't watch?"
Wotan Aeon begins to claw at the tube
Terrox Eracktor: cripple? meh.. yeah I guess you can watch... just stay out of the way is all...
Fareabell Nishi giggles "hhmm i work on those first... nasty things claws......."
RockPup Grut tries to see the tube "whatcha got in there?"
Wotan Aeon tries to scream but his mouth fils with the fluid
Terrox Eracktor: we finally got a new labrat...but the rat's got the day off... I call this irony...
Wotan Aeon stares at her with a look of fear and rage
Terrox Eracktor snickers looking back to Wotan in the tank
Fareabell Nishi giggles as she tips on her PDA a light green fluid fills the tank as she rocks side to side "that should eat those claws off in no time....."
RockPup Grut breaths a puff of smoke "clippers could have done the same"
Wotan Aeon begins to whip his body in the fluid. feeling the mixture feel like its burning his flesh
Fareabell Nishi smiles and giggles under her mask as she reads one of the screens her eyes lighting up "hhmmm that's good to know" she jumps up and down a little
RockPup Grut coughs and puts the cigarello back in his mouth "can i see this subject?"
Wotan Aeon tries to hit the glass as he feels his body changing..like its absorbing the fluid and its ripping thru his skin, tissue, nerves and bone
RockPup Grut shrugs "I'm a science guy i like to watch"
Wotan Aeon struggles to resist the searing pain the overwhelmes his senses
Fareabell Nishi looks Jason up and down "sure... but don't touch anything...."
RockPup Grut takes a deep breath "thanks"
Wotan Aeon thrashes wildly
Fareabell Nishi turns back around and starts to work a little more adding a new chemical in to the water this time a deep purple she giggles and makes the mask move from Wotan's face "breath deeply now....."
Wotan Aeon struggles to keep from taking in the fluid
Fareabell Nishi humms a slight tune as she looks to Wotan "ooh don't worry.. its just going to mess with your DNA a little......."
Wotan Aeon eventually can no longer resist and breaths in the liquid..choking him as his lungs fill with fluid
Fareabell Nishi smiles as her hands move back and unhooks her mask tossing it across the room and she presses her face to the glass "just think your helping me....... i get to see if this will work..."
Cedahlia Fouroux: heeere, kitty, kitty.
Wotan Aeon looks now in horror at his captors after his violent throws of his body giving into the changes
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Legion glides with unearthly grace across the dimpled steel floor to Jason, smiling distant. A few words for him bubble from out of Her whispers "You felt...disturbed to Us."
Fareabell Nishi blinks and moves the mask back to Wotan her eyes growing wide as she looks to him "hhmm i wonder...."
Fareabell Nishi pulls out a glowing green liquid and hooks it to a small tube and injets it in to the mask "that might help the pain... I don't want to kill you after all... just see if i can cut the kitty out of you...."
Wotan Aeon takes the mask and uses it to help..accepting anything that will make him feel better
Terrox Eracktor blinks looking around the room
Fareabell Nishi looks to the reading on one of the screens and smiles "its almost done....." she giggles and jumps around spinning around a few times squeeking "i did it i did it" her eyes wild and wide
Terrox Eracktor: this experiment is actually a success?
Wotan Aeon lets out another cry of defeat in the liquid..knowing he has been ruined
Fareabell Nishi nods "mmhmm i might be a little mad, but i know what I'm doing " she halfway pouts "and you doubt me?"
Terrox Eracktor: I was calculating a probability rate of survival for Wotan of a mere fourteen percent...I had my doubts Farea... I know you too well
Legion turns Her eyevoids, and distant smile to Wotan in a jar. The whispers fall around Farae "May We request to know the nature of your experiment?"
Fareabell Nishi shakes her head "what i have only kill;ed five people trying this......"
Terrox Eracktor looks around the med bay hearing a strange noise, "we have broken pipe somewhere?"
Terrox Eracktor: oh only five people Farea....
Fareabell Nishi eyes flick back to her "ooh i just wanted to see if i could cut the kitty out of someone....."
Terrox Eracktor taps on the rusty machinery, "no... the strange noise isn't coming from here...."
Wotan Aeon breaths in the mask and tries to keep his wits while the pain subsides
Fareabell Nishi leans down and picks up a few things mixing them and injecting them in to the line "swallow, it will make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside..."
Terrox Eracktor taps on the wall as he puts an ear to it "where is that sound coming from?"
Wotan Aeon lets it take its effect ..feeling completely subdued
Legion smirks slightly at Terrox's words. The wall and air near to Terrox murmur "Does it not feel unnaturally cold as well?"
Terrox Eracktor blinks feeling a cold chill run up his spine looking to the eerie woman, "um... yes... how'd you know?"
Fareabell Nishi presses her nose to the glass as she looks to Wotan and mumbles "you don't look as cute as i thought you would... ooh well......" her eyes flick to one of the screens "hhmm your not a kitty anymore, but your heart seems to be sliping a little in its beat.. that cant be good....."

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Wotan Aeon doesnt notice how weak he is feeling..only that all is becoming hazy while the drugs take effect..sounds start to distort and colors pulse
Terrox Eracktor attempts to forget the sounds and focuses on Farea and Wotan
Legion simply smiles a moment at him, and turns back to Wotan, cocking Her head as She watches. She speaks to Faraebell "Do you...dislike felines?"
Fareabell Nishi blinks and starts to work on one of the screens "uummmm Terrox" she squeeks "if i dont want him to die...... i might need him out and on the table and fast...." her eyes flick to her "no its in the name of science!"
Terrox Eracktor: yeah yeah yeah... I guess I could put the kitty... er... whatever he is now... over on the table..
Wotan Aeon continues to fall into a state of numbness and hallucination..
Fareabell Nishi nods as she starts to dran the tank
Suee Haystack: Soo what kind of experimenting is going on?
Wotan Aeon floats down with the fluid
Fareabell Nishi: well i took the kitty out of him.... but hes going to die if iI dont get his heart to stabilizes
Suee Haystack gives a grin: Oooh surgery! want some help?"
Fareabell Nishi nods "yes... I'm going to need it..."
Terrox Eracktor: heh so get 'em out of there and I'll put 'em on the table already...
Suee Haystack walks over to the medical table "Good good after this Ill show you .. something amusing." she grabs a pair of gloves and smirks, pulling them on,"good thing i just washed."
Fareabell Nishi blinks "you think i an carry him.. you do it Toaster......"
Terrox Eracktor: that's what I'm here for...
Fareabell Nishi pops open the tank door
Wotan Aeon lays like a noodle on the ground..useless and lost in a sea of hallucinations
Terrox Eracktor bends down picking Wotan's wet body up off the ground and carries him over to the lab table
Fareabell Nishi blinks "his heart is missing beats....... and i took the kitty out of him, terrox almost killed him....."
Terrox Eracktor: his status? I beat the crap out of him and drug him here by a leash... Farea's been doing "research" ever since....
Terrox Eracktor plops Wotan down on the table, "oh lovely... I'm soaked... I'll be right back in a clean set of clothing..."
Fareabell Nishi: he was a walking fluff ball.......
Terrox Eracktor sighs and walks away to change
Fareabell Nishi: he was a kitty.... i have been doing a little research to see if i could do it.. and well.. it worked only after five deaths too
Fareabell Nishi: uumm blood, and cut and slice
Fareabell Nishi blinks and looks to her "and that's where you come in...... i don't get my hands to bloody now adays...." she blinks "your blood should work and might get his heart to work...... well like it shold..."
Terrox Eracktor walks back around, "he dead yet?"
Fareabell Nishi blinks "Wotan..... umm is he still with the outher kittys?"
Terrox Eracktor: heh I'll take that as a compliment... I've always loved this style of clothing
Terrox Eracktor: um... the peanut gallery?
Terrox Eracktor smirks looking to Jason and Legion
Fareabell Nishi smiles and humms a slight song happy that this one has not died yet.....
Legion's voices wander towards the questioner as She turns Her eyevoids to regard him "The injured one is known to Us, and dear to someone dear to We."
Fareabell Nishi blinks and pokes at Wotan's side mumbling "well i hope he makes it....."
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Suee Haystack leans over,"You, tattoed man, Don't know if you hear me but my bloods a base, can match any type. Enough regenerative properties to make a bag of jerky bleed, so drink up. or something." she says, watching the tube.
Wotan Aeon listens in a suggestive hallucinatory state and drinks slowly
Suee Haystack glances up,"Terrox, show Fara the prototype if you want."
Suee Haystack opens the valves all the wy on the tube, feeding the blood directly into wotans veins, watching, tapping her foot,"What am I supposed to cut, or uhm.. not cut? you want him to have a glasgow smile?"
Suee Haystack laughs softly. "or are we healing him up and letting him go? you want a homing beacon implanted?" she looks over,"oogly boogly boo miss wizard, mistar quiet and let me work here." she shakes her head,"people today no sense of humor."
Fareabell Nishi giggles as she looks to the screen reading his vitals "hes heart is right now...but it looks like i gave him a little too much happy juice...... he will be seeing things for a few hours "
Suee Haystack hmms and nods,"So detox and cleanup?"
Fareabell Nishi nods "mmhmm... I got to see what i needed, I'm done with him"
Suee Haystack moves closer, watching the blood flow and looking at Terrox,"So why'd you beat his ass, other then for the fun of it?"
Fareabell Nishi nods "mmhmm I have a few things to scrible down...... but i know what i need to do...."
Suee Haystack shrugs,"Id have to see the documentation on the procedure to know what was done." she ahhs,"I see, so you, did the borg thing." a smirk. as she nods, watching the blood flow,"Alright, if you need help ill lend my assistance."
Fareabell Nishi pokes Wotan's side as she looks to him wondering if he will try to purr when he wakes up.....
Suee Haystack looks over,"The whispering wind.. person, I'm assuming you will sign any treatment papers he requires?"
Wotan Aeon continues to fall into his trance..letting himself go into it
Suee Haystack looks over her shoulder,"Hun if your trying to scare or impress me, you will have to do harder, I'm the Iron Bitch. " a smirk as she looks over back to the patient,"Been around way to long to be disturbed by some hocus pocus." leaning over she scans the patient with her headset,"hmm yeah he looks high as a kite."
Fareabell Nishi yawns a little "a say we drop him off some where and call it a night...... i got what i needed......"
Terrox Eracktor: lemme guess Farea... the dumpster?
Terrox Eracktor: that's where the rejects go though... he lived suprisingly...
Suee Haystack nods at Fara and glances at Terrox,"Tinpants show some spine." she smirks,"its a display to mess around, we're helping him after all." She hmms "there we go," reaching over she detaches the needles and seals the port off; taping the wound shut. she tosses the needles into a disposable bag and watches her arm a moment, the wound closing on its own.
Fareabell Nishi blinks "uumm some where where will people think we did not do this, like the.." she stops "uum ok... just don't kill himm... i want to see if he lives a few years..."
Terrox Eracktor: sorry for showing fear but I'm not exactly gonna be fearless as I slowly dissolve do nothing by some vapor... excuse my mortal sense of fear.. but technically I'm not completely robotic.... yet
Fareabell Nishi giggles "i only took eight of his kitty years..."
Suee Haystack laughs,"Live as long as I have, you'll change your tune, and we can make you more metal." a wink,"hes healing now, the blood will supplant any problems in him and help flush the intoxicants away soon enough, for now yes put him someplace with low light and if he acts strange, contact us there may be some lingeing effects to whatever was done to him."
Wotan Aeon starts to babble a bit as he is swept away on a psychedelic ride.
Terrox Eracktor: he's gonna be pretty pissed off when he wakes up isn't he?
Fareabell Nishi: yeah.......
Suee Haystack hmms,,"depends on how badly you beat the crap out of him."
Terrox Eracktor: um.... far as I know he was conscious but... pretty aggravated about the collar
Suee Haystack nods.
Fareabell Nishi growls a little as she looks to a few tiny blips on the radar "i think we have a few people that want to see us.........."

A pale woman appeared holding Wotan unconscious.

Legion looks to each prowler in turn. Her whispers rise "He needs a place to rest"
Archer Bleich glares deeply at the one handing to what he has heard to Celeb "follow her please.."