
Switched demoness (part I)

The white winter sunshine made it warm enough for us prowlers to sit outside the FishCo and play.
So when Cierra saw my tail swishing in the air from the awning and she got the urge to yoink it so she gave it a tug giggling.
"Hey there Cierra"
"Hey there back to ya" she grinned "See I like you better as a tom"
I was about to answer when Quiet made a bee line for the post and after giving it a harsh poke "No more trying to woo and steal love from my kitten mister post". We laughed remembering Sabtina moment of love with the post but we suddenly turned serious as a Shadow stopped to glare at us, more hatefully than usual too. Looking up at Quiet she waved her down, "Hey sis you gotta help me... Pieter did that sex mind thing again".
Quiet looked down about to say something before busting out laughing and nearly falling off the roof.
Marana gave a slight nod as greeting to the Shadow while Cierra grumbled under her breath.
"Its not funny, and tell that CAT to stop looking at me ~" she clapped her hands over her mouth "~ I don't hate cats this much....."
"Well I ... Oh come on, you know from this side it is funny Blueray" Quiet snickered hopping down and heading her inside our home.
Cierra and Marana were not so happy to receive the visit of the Shadow when a second one approached "Quiet here?" she asked to no one in particular.
"Yea she's upstairs" Cierra motioned her head inside and the Shadow, without asking permission, just walked in, thinking she pretty much owned everything anyway. "QUIIIIIET" she yelled inside.

She just disappeared upstairs and walked off after several minutes, followed by Quiet that giggled "I have a job for you. I was hoping you could go to the library and get me some books on Voodoo" she asked fishing out a cam. "You have to see this " she pressed play.
We all saw Blueray curling up on the couch in a cross between pissed off, frustrated and well horny. Shuddering violently the overload on that body was immense, she was used to it in her own she was used to everything. Out of control unable to use anything or even keep her own mind safe, it became clouded and she got a lot of Picket's traits running through her head. Her moans started loud since she couldn't hold them back like she usually could, she put her hand between her legs to help herself along not that she needed to. A few tears rolled down her cheeks spilling on to the floor melting the surface, she had been betrayed least she felt a little betrayed by Pieter of all people he should have know it was her and not Picket. Arching her back she cried aloud her mind filled with erotic images the sensations, the scent, with a vicious shudder she orgasmed juices soaking her panties she laid on the couch after. Cursing Pieter's name both in love and hate with Picket's voice.

Quiet pressed stop and looked at our perplexed faces. "And that will happen every hour on the hour, that is why I let Picket inside, I knew it would be worth it"
"Whats the deal with this Pieter then.. I hear it pop up here and there.. but can't place my finger on it.." Marana looked puzzled.
"Well I don't know why but Pieter did this to Blueray a while back to teach her a lesson. I need the basic information. Also if there is anything on turning a doll back against the creator of the doll"
"To be honest" said Marana shrugging "that lady from the voodoo shop could tell you precisely what to do..''
"Well I want to learn about it so I know on my own " answered Quiet "I am sure they have a lot of books in the library"
"Ow Marana gee" Serv joined us " hey Noir I miss your boobs son "
Marana raised an eyebrow hearing Serv remark, looked at me and then started laughing.
Serv nodded "I could go to the library I need to get a book, then turned smiling" feeling better Noir ?"
"Yes, thank you. Oh btw Serv, when you have time I'd like to have a little talk"
He frowned "Look man I know maybe I looked at your ass a little much but I can explain" holds up his hands "I have no shame"
"Nah no worries. Nothing to do with that"
Marana looked at Serv slightly puzzled and he poked her with a samurai finger to the third left rib "Heee yahhh. Oh Marana you missed it Noir was a girl up until like yesterday he had awesome boobs and the thightest ass..."
"Ooook, didn't we have to go to the Library?" I cut off the embarrassing topic and Marana nodded ''Mmmh yes, before this becomes any weirder...''

So we reached the Library. Empty.
"Mmmm seems no one is home... " Serv dropped his book on the stack "I need a book about reproduction cycle of the feline" he yelled calling out to the spirit of the library.
So, that was the Library.
Suddenly I felt my thoughts fade and the echo of a voice "You may want to get some paper and pen from the Library because I have a feeling you will be finding new words to use on your enemies"
"Owww why every time the left side library spirit?" Serv's cry brought me back to the present as he got hit in the head by a book. He picked up the book and red the title aloud "Are you my mommy by dr zuess?. Awe come on I readed this already! " and he tossed the book on the stack but it floated back to his hands "Awe ok I didn't finish it but it is dumb"
Marana giggled as he cried at her "Oh just think of the subject you desire and allow the library spirit to help. Mr Grrr told me all about it "
Marana got hit with an erotic book on the side of the head.. ''Oooww..dammit..''
We heard someone clearing her throat: was a young Lady sitting on a wheelchair "May I help you?" she asked looking at us warily.
"Greetings Madam. We're looking for a book about--"
"Why do you get bowed to?"
it was the voice of that Shadow of before, Picket.
"Now lets remain calm" said Serv while Marana frowned taking a drag from a cigarette ''Only meant as a small gesture of respect..''
"Excuse me..." the Lady on the wheelchair moved a little closer to them "there is no smoking in the library"
"Oh you got some of that I can smoke?" the demoness asked sneezing because of the cats near her, probably.
Marana dug out a crampled pack of cigs hitting the bottom and reached it out to her ''Sure take one..'' she flipped a lighter from her hip and lighted it.
"I said, there is *no*smoking in the library" the Lady repeated looking up at them while the demoness was deliberately ignoring her.
"Light for me too?" the second demoness stepped in, looking at the Lady and pulling out a cig from behind her ear with a sneer.
"You still jabber too much" the Shadow said to the Lady that narrowed her eyes "That may be, but you will obey the rules. Or you will all leave".
Picket looked at Blueray "Yeah Blue obey the rules"
Blue shrugged and lighted the cig with a flame from her fingertips "I am following the rules... my rules"
"In your House, you follow *your* rules. In this House, you follow our rules, or you leave".
Picket stamped the cig out on the floor "Okay one more Picket trait and I will flip... Uh oh" while Blueray blew a smoke ring into the air and just smiled sweetly.
"It is a shame one cannot expect more from demons that petty unruliness" commented the Lady while the demoness dropped the half smoked cig on the floor and put it out with her toe, leaving the butt on the floor.

We heard someone whistling "Headbanging?! Yes folks, Denenthorn is in one of his rockstar moods again, run, run while you can...."
The lady looked up at him "Grandfather...?"

"Well kitties I am out of here it smells funny today" Servher said span the globe near him.
Blueray folded her arms over her chest and sighed, looking at the non existent watch on her wrist "One... two... three..." she began to count... waiting for shit to go down while Picket leaned up against a bookcase. She braced her back against it, bending over, gasping for air acting like she was being fucked to kingdom come. Trying and failing to keep her pleasured noises under any format of control, her voice of highly charged eroticism echoed around the stone walls of the library. She slumped to the ground still uttering moan after moan when her back slammed in to the bookcase, her body spasmed with the release the scent of sex around her while her fluids soaked her thighs. "Hate so much.. hate hate hate".
Attending the scene was embarrassing for me so I just walked out with Marana and Serv, waiting for a better time.
"I KNOW you aren't Picket I'm Picket but you're Blue who is Picket and I am Picket who is Blue but its all so damn confusing" I heard Picket's voice yelling with frustration.
"Hello ma'am..Tonky!".
I turned with a little hope. Wasn't that the voice of that kind girl used to visit us? I peeped in and I spotted her smiling to a lady with a white dress. "Mind if I come in Lady?" I dared to ask and she waved at me in smiling.
"Redd..now might not be the best time to entertain friends" the Lady on the wheelchair but I needed the information so I walked in, carefully avoiding the two demons.
"Piss off Nareth... I am in no mood for you. If you've something to say, say it or shut your stinking mouth" Picket growled low in her throat.
Blueray sneezed "You really are allergic to cats"
"Sorry bother you but.." noticing the demon's reaction I stepped a little more away from them "May I ask your help, please?" I whispered to Redd and she smiled kindly as she always do.
"Then I *will* say it..." said Nareth, looking threatening even sitting on that wheelchair "Near as I can tell...I am presently senior staff in the library...And near as I can tell, whatever you two are up to, would be better conducted elsewhere".
"Nareth shut the fuck up seriously" Picket said behind my back
"I may look helpless... But that is not, I assure you, the case. Now..I am asking with as much civility as I can muster..please leave now"
Blueray exploded with anger, launching herself up the stairs and right at Nareth, doing her very best to shove her entire weight at the chair and send her flying "I just want my body back and when I get it back I swear I will be as civile as you want BUT NOT RIGHT NOW SO SHUT IT"
A soft golden flash glowed in the middle of the room and an elegant wolf-like person materialized, snapping his pocket mirror closed and looking about, sniffing.
Nareth gripped the ruby tighter and helds up a hand. "Grr...."
"Picket you can't attack anyone in the library" the second Shadow demoness commented at her sister's reaction.
"What tha fuck is this all about?" the newcomer asked obviously puzzled.
"I will not be intimidated, nor will I see members of this House intimidated" said quietly Nareth but the man she called grandfather turned up to her "I am senior staff and if you think otherwise you my dear are sadly mistaken, NOW HOLD YOUR TONGUE"
"Denny, these days I don't know who the fuck you are half the time, and neither do you" she almost sighed.
"I don't give a fuck anymore about the stupid library or its stupid fucking ghost" Blue screamed as she shoved at the chair again "Shut your bloody fucking mouth!"
"Tonks..Redd..stand behind me" Nareth said low keeping her eyes fixed on the demoness.
"Picket, Blue downstairs" ordered the grandfather/Denny man while the elegant wolf-like man postured to back him up.
Blue spats at Nareth and stormed off "I will see you torn apart bitch" growled leaving the library in a huff of anger.
"Oh fucking great, now she just ran off with my body".
Nareth seemed ignore the spittle, but the ruby at her neck began to glow. "Then you should follow her, yes?"
"You should have shut your mouth, god I hate you so much right now and I gotta find Picket who is me...... DAMN IT FUCK THIS"
"ALL Omegans and non Omegans downstairs, except or me and Miss Nishi" the grandfather/Danny ordered while Nareth glanced him anxiously.
We all descended the stairs compliantly, from my part caring to stay away from the demoness.
"The feeling may be mutual.....but this is not the place" whispered Nishi, her voice almost covered by the one of the white dressed woman "She didn't say much, Blue....but I don't blame you...you look better in blue"
"You got books here we need books.. hey an ant" the demoness suddenly crouched interrupting her sentence.
"Over here, folks, park yer asses and hold up yer yappin for a minute" the elegant wolf-like man pointed at the chairs and directed people rather directly to sit.
"I hope you've the presence of mind to understand I meant no disrespect, Grandfather" Nareth whispered at the man standing near her that growled "Look at me...." but she glanced back the elegant one "Grr..they were only trying to defend me and the library..."
Blueray, that was chasing some of the ants around on the ground, suddenly stopped as she just realized she was doing it "Need to fix this, don't understand my body isn't normal" she said frustrated, then turned to Nareth "Picket says make Nareth leave and she will come back"
Nareth answered keeping her eyes on grandfather/Denny "Nareth is not leaving. This is the house of my Sire, not the fucking Pit".
Grandfather/Danny snarled "If you so much as EVER think you outrank me even on one of my bad days, I'll reign shitstorm down on you so hard your skin will darken" he growl even more "And don't EVER seekers of knowledge no matter what or who the ARE!"
" As you say, Grandfather. Then deal with this mess..." she kept her hand wrapped tightly around the ruby.
"Blue-Shadow, come on down here, let me have a look at you, will ya. Nareth and Featherpants are gunna have a little chat" said the elegant Mr.Grr
Time to leave. "Thank you for the help. I'll be back soon" and without waiting an answer I just stepped out.

Marana was sitting at the bar "there you are".
I showed her the book I asked to Redd in all that mess "Lady Weston borrowed us this one". On the cover there was the title 'Mating Behaviors'.
She laughed out load taking the book and reading the title "You must be joking" then she started to laugh again.
I looked down the book and back up to her blinking "er... no?"
"Well I'm curious now. What kind of info were we looking for Noir?" she looked in my eye's with a lopsided smile on her face.
Suddenly I realized that I caught the wrong request "Hm. Something suggests me I'm wrong"
"Haha.. silly kitty.." She looked down at her pad and turned the page to fresh one. She wrote something down before ripping it from the pad and handing it over to me.
Totally wrong.

"Blucket! Can't you do that OUT OF SIGHT?".
I peeped in the Library back, in time to see Picket stomping her foot while Blue was throwing herself down by the fire racked with both Picket and her own personality traits. Curling herself up she was determined to keep this one whit and yet will fail miserably at it because it was not her body. Her unguarded mind was flooded with those damned sexy images, that came along with all the sensations too and once more overloaded that she half passed out. Clawing at the ground she shook with the surge of pleasure arching her back as she laid on her front arching her back to slam her hips against the floor, half out of consciousness she screamed both in rage and sheer released as she burst. When she came she panted softly breathing hard, she rolls her eyes at Picket. "I can't... control your body.... you aint.. used to this".
Pieter, the Shadow Lord, was sitting there.
"You can take it off? Take it off me damn you take it off" she hissed to him.
Picket facepalmed and grumbled "then PLEASE make it stop Pieter. This is really beginning to piss me off". She narrowed her eyes and said "I fucking hate all of you" then quietly walked out the door once more, thinking that her family was proving to be asshats to their own members, probably.
"Shadow Lord enough with these shenanigans in my Library, perhaps you should torture your own in the pit cause you are boring me..." said the grandfather/Danny while Blueray curled up on the floor unable to get the stupid body to comprehend what was happening.
"Take it off me, I didn't know you could you said you couldn't the last time... Stop being an ass, I want my body back". Curling up tighter she shook choking, "This isn't fun".
"You know my name Denny, please do use it properly.The name is Pieter Denny, you know that.." the Shadow Lord said in his dark tone and smirking slowly he lifted himself out of his chair, some flecks of shadows whispering over his body slowly "Alright Blue, did you learn a lesson?".
Blueray was burning holes in to the cushion "Never leave mindlinks open ever".
Pieter the Shadow Lord nodded into not Pickets direction "That will suffice, now come along" he patted his tight once as a gesture for her to come along "we're going to have a little talk in the Pit".
"Yes my lord".
"That's nice Pieter Denny.. accept your fate Shadow Lord" the grandfather/Denny provocative, obtaining the Shadow Lord's attention "Do not test my patience boy, the pain I can cause you, will have you begging me to end your existence" and he left, followed by the demoness.

Redd was a little aside with the white dressed woman. As she spotted me she smiled and I stepped towards her showing the book with a little embarrassment.
"What do you need dear?"
"Well... I'm sorry bothering you again but my friends suggested me to borrow the wrong book... So I'm here to deliver it back and ask for the real one... if I'm not bothering you too much"
She looked at me puzzled "It is a book on mating behavior yes? I'm confused dear"
How explain her that my mind just switched off once in the Library? Well, was easier tell her that was a joke "Er.. yes the book is right but my friends were kidding me, I think. They thought maybe this way I could learn something but the argument was wrong".
"Oooh.. I see Dear.......hmmmmm..I'd be happy to help in any way i can" she smiled wider as i returned her the book "thank you for returning the book so quickly. If there is anything you need to ask me feel free okay..don't be embarrassed, it's all kinda new to me too".
"Thank you. The right argument was about curse and voodoo dolls. Something I'm totally ignorant about"
She giggled "We have a great book on voodoo if you need it hun"
"Oh really?"
"You do have a library card right..I forgot to ask before..it was so hectic....please don't tell anyone"
Never heard about a card. Well, never been in a Library before, so i simply asked "A.. card?"
She grinned "I'll fix you right up my friend!"
"Thank you. It's so nice hearing some politeness".
She handed me a piece of paper and a quill before scampering off to the shelves."fill that out love, and I'll be right back with your book!"
The white dressed Lady smiled "Hi, I'm Tonks" and I smiled at her before filling up the request.
"Fuckity fuck fuck fuck" Danny yawned looking in Redd's direction as she gasped "where is it berry...oh yesssss......thank you. Cover my ears berry..thank you"
"Yo, Tonky, he's right here, if ya wanna ask him those questions we were yarnin about the other day" I heard Mr.Grr tell waving a clawed paw at Denny.
"I think he answered my questions" she answered.
"Omegans do no fear to ask questions, isn't that right, Spirit?" Danny asked apparently to the Library itself that, I can swear it, shook its walls.
Tonks nodded to my surprised face and headed down the stairs while Redd scampered back with two big old leather bound books, dust free.
"Here we are...now don't hurt yourself with those...you're much too cute" she winked and handed over me the big books.
"Oh they look... ancient"
"They are quite old..but notice how not dusty they are" she grinned and twirling.
"Thank you very much Lady. I'll take care of them like my own skin"
"Very happy to help" she smiled widely while I handed her the filled request and after signing a brand new library card, she handed it to me with a curtsy.
"Here you are..enjoy!"
"Thank you"
She grinned blushing "You have lovely manners"
"Oh you're the lovely here"
She looked down the filled request "Yer so lucky to live in South Tox Noir.. those sort are killed before they make it to yer end of town"
How tell her that those sort were the last of the problems? But why destroy her nice point of view "South is a nice place, we have the beach where you can sit and stare the ocean when no one is around to shoot at you but.." in my mind flashed Serv telling to a new kitty he was showing the city "Oh, most interesting place are located in North like the sexy shop.." I cut out the thought in 1/2 second "...here in North there are amazing places just like the Library. I love the smell on the books"
She nodded, apparently not noticing my hesitancy "Me too..it is a wonderful smell".She rubbed her chin "Though ..you kitties have that machine" she grinned blushing "Finn showed it to me".
Ah. That machine."Er.. yes. Yes it's a strange thing even to me. I must confess I haven't tasted the... product of that yet. It scares me somehow..".
It gives me the shivers.
"I wonder about it..like if some people are better than others" she giggled and still with my lips curled in a grimace I confirmed as if it was my opinion as well, and I was obviously misunderstood "Soo who do you wanna try?" she whispered leaning in and smiling from ear to ear she poked gently my arm.
"Oh I.. I've only heard them say something about it. I don't feel the desire to taste someone" I hate myself when I blush every time someone looks confident. I feel so clumsy.
"Aren't you curious????" She looked surprised and screwed up her lips in a look of puzzlement, leaning back on her heels and arching her eyebrow, shrugging "well I'm curious".
"Well, a kitten gave me a little flask of the sample. You can find it in my back pocket. You can take it just as a souvenir.."
She giggled "....."whooo???....whisper it to me ....i don't wanna taste just anybody"
I turned slightly in order to allow her to take it if she wanted after whispering her the name.
"Wait, what? Who's in tha bottle? suddenly Mr.Grr asked from his chair.
She scrunched up her nose "You keep it.....no offense....just not my type"
"It's milk Sir" I smiled at him while Redd span and laughed.
"Milk? From a person?" he was curious.
"She's very nice...but..I dunno...she doesn't make me hungry" then she nodded to him "Yes mister Grr"
"Someone got milked? Ha, and here's me without my wheatbix . . . "
Redd ran to the fireplace near him "Mister Grr..it's upstairs at Fishco..an you put your....you know..you dun got em..in these cups and away it goes into a biig bucket"
"So, -who- got milked?" he asked and Redd whispered to him the answer, then again aloud like an excited child "They showed me! They all do! Thats where the milk they have comes from"
"Wicked! fresh milk fer my cookin. But don't ya have ta be lactatin fer that to work?" he asked and Redd shrugged "I think it's a team effort".
"Hahahahaha" he laughed "that's awesome, talk about self sufficency"
"I still prefer the milk from the bar.." I muttered embarrassed.
Redd nodded seriously "It is quite a thing.. I do declare, I just wanna taste the people I know.....see who's...more milky..it's a scientific thing...for the library ..I think" she paused "don't give me that look Tonky"
My cell flashed silently, my family was calling me. "Oh. Well, thank you again for your help Madam. I'd be happy to help you back so, feel free to use my number if needed"
She smiled "You bet!"
I nodded to the white dressed Lady called Tonk and to the elegant Mr.Grr "Have a nice evening" and I stepped outside hearing Redd's shrill pleasant voice 'be safe Noir!"

Switched demoness (part II)

Walking back to FischCo, I spotted Quiet, Ian and Marana that, spotting me, grinned in anticipation "Mmm wonder what he found this time. He's doing a little thingy for me, finding some books. But the poor dear got a bit confused. And came with a book called animal mating habits I think it was called. Almost fell of my barstool laughing''
I asked for Quiet's attention showing her the two ancient books "I've this for you from the Library. Marana over there asked me to take them and yeah, never listen Serv babbling around".
Quiet rubbed her paws together "Oooooooo what do you have there" so I handed Quiet both the"Voodoo dolls" and the"Curses" books.
She almost stumbled a bit to keep one of the books tried to slid away "Well looks like I have some reading to do"
"Just take care of them or they will rip me" I smiled looking the ancient tomes.
"Uuummm no worries I won't spill the milk on them I promise"
"Mmhmm would be a shame. Spilling that delicious milk..." Marana giggled and Quiet handed both the books back to me, her attention drew by Picket running past in the back.
She returned after few minutes slipping a little filled orb back away safely "Oh yea but there was no way to hit her with the little present"
Marana smelled the air picking up a scent becoming all to familiar to her ''sheee's here again..here we go again.... oww its you Shay''
Shaynee blinked looking over "ummm Hi"
''Saw someone walking up in the corner of my eye and thought it was one of those interlopers again.. hehe'' Marana turned to Picket finally back "Hey Picket.."
Shaynee stays back from Picket that stalked inside, and just flopped down on the floor, ignoring everything and everyone in sight. She held her arms around her knees, the flames burning around her, engulfing every inch of her. She didn't care though, she didn't even notice. All she could do is rock herself back and forth, back and forth.
"Shaynee can you help with Picket" asked Quiet to her wife that swallowed hard "Ummm.... I don't think she wants anyone near".

A wolf was sitting on the edge of the overhang. She turned and wrapping her legs around the support cable, she hung upside-down and looked under it and back into the FishCo. She looked at everyone from her position hanging over the edge by the cable, giving an awkward, upside-down nod to Quiet "Afternoon everyone.... anything fun going on down here"
"What.. the..'' Marana walked into the street and stared up at the lycan sitting on the edge of the roof, frowning and mumbling something to herself while Quiet glanced up "Well she is on fucking fire. I would guess for a demon that is ok but I would rather she not set everything in FishCo on fire".
The wolf smiled as she lifted herself up some to look at Marana "Don't worry about me... if I wanted to cause trouble for you, I would. Unless you want me more involved, I tend to have a soft spot for you guys.... either that, or I'm just bored stiff"

Picket was on fire and not far away from her the dried leaves of catnip were ready to burn.
Shaynee walked in slowly but staying near the door "Hey ummm Picket..."
Picket's flames suddenly burst higher and brighter as Shaynee approached, reaching half way to the ceiling. She began to scream in rage again with every step she took closer.
Quiet winced watching the flames "Thanks but so far I don't have an idea what to do"
Shaynee covered her ears "Ummm Picket....the kitties might be upset if you burn their catnip up, maybe we can go back to the Pit and search a revenge on Blue. Yeah... because she was playing with your body in the library"
The demoness on fire snarled and hissed at Shaynee, her voice no longer Picket's but deep, it came from within her and all around her "Let the cats buuuuurrrrrn". No doubt she still hated cats far more then Blue.

Marana let her hand slip into a pocket and pulled out a round cylindrical doggy snack, sniffing it.. "Yup still fresh" then looks at the lycan ''You want these hun? They still fresh.. and i can't stand the things..sooo''
The wolf laughed at the dog biscuit, "That makes two of us...." before looking back at Q and watching the light from the fire inside, "...might I suggest a few fire-extinguishers... the CO2 ones, not the flame retardant foam, so that the fire goes out and so does she...."
"Well don't think we can get close enough to use a fire extinguisher" stated Quiet and the wolf grinned "then throw it next to her... they explode under extreme heat, which would probably put out the flames... if not the CO2 will"
Shaynee took a deep breath as she stepped inside of the FishCo "There is this pup out there talking about putting you out with fire extinguishers, now we could let her come in and do that or we could go back to the Pit"

Marana shrugged, pushed the snacks in the gl of the rifle and turned her face in the general direction of Haven. She tilted the barrel upwards and let it rip with a satisfied smile on her face. The snacks shot of like bats out of hell arcing beautifully over the building in the back of the streets.. She probably stood there smiling to herself chuckling at the thought of the foul snack raining down a few streets further.

Taking advantage of the distracting shoot I stepped closer to Quiet "Is there someone of her family we can call to help her? I mean, one of her closest friend or so?"
Quiet just shrugged, her eyes on the burning demoness "Well that would be Blue but from what she said I think even Blue is pissing her off"

Picket stood slowly and walked out the door as she had heard the wolf's comment and suddenly her wrath was redirected.
She shrieked "DIE MUTT SCUM" her voice multiplying, becoming high and shill... sounding much like a multitude of angry ferrets. Her fire rose higher and brighter now, and she begun to fling it in waves at the wolf, trying to burn her alive.
The wolf looked up with an "Uh...oh" and dropped off the ledge, stepping into the street, to move away from the fire and probably to protect the FishCo form more damage.
Picket explodes another volley of fireblasts in the wolf's direction, her voice changing once more, now becoming the screams of millions of people in anguish "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
The wolf dived to the side, skidding in the snow on her stomach, standing up and pulling blades, lifting her tail and putting out a small flame caught on the tip "Damnit, that's not very nice...." she rubbed some of the snow into the singed fur, looking at the demoness as if deciding for the hell of it to toss some at her.

Quiet, Marana and me backed off from the fighting area, trying to shield ourselves form the heat of the fire.

Picket McDonnell snarled, all reason gone from her, she was fulled solely by the wrath she had boiling inside her like a furnace. She began to chant "adeo mihi creatura of atrum" but suddenly she was smacked with snow. It broke her concentration and her flames flickered and died, but as the fire subsided roaches and and scorpions began to crawl out of every corner, every crack in the pavement and surrounding buildings. They headed straight for the wolf that looked around at the advancing skittering masses with a growled "You have got to be shitting me....".

Shaynee looked down seeing the bugs crawling all over the place "Gawd... bleck" she squeeled as she looked for a place to jump to.
Right. Shaynee. I pulled out one of the book from under my jacket and silently I moved behind Picket hoping that the demon attention was all for the wolf.
I safely reached the wooden stand where the shadow was sitting showing her the book "Madam do you think this one can be of any use right now?" but shook her head "No hun I don't know about Voodoo yet". Well, the wolf was unlucky in that turn.

The wolf looked at the all of us kitties momentarily before dancing to the side a bit away from some of the crawlers "None of you would happen to have a few industrial bug bombs would you..." but Picket smirked as her little minions crawled towards their goal. She barked at the wolf that was dancing further to the side, stepping on one of the larger crawlers as she came down, causing her foot to slide, sending her to the pavement with a rather loud clatter as her blades were knocked out of her hand. Her ankle made a rather awkward angle with the rest of her leg as she let out a rather loud howl of pain.She started to struggle to her feet again, several of the scorpions crawled onto her arms and legs, stinging her thrice before she was able to knock them off, causing her to grit her teeth and growl at the pain, grabbing her paw and wrenching it into alignment with another howl.

Picket began to cackle as she watched the wolf howl in pain. She became smug and let her guard down for a moment as she turned around to make a snowball, probably intending to toss it at her to add insult to injury -though she had to pay close attention to forming it, as it would melt in her hands if she wasn't very careful.
The wolf gritted her teeth and snarled as she took a dive at Picket, to knock into her and break her control over the insects, finding the opportunity too, worthwhile to waste, trying to cause them both to crash into the road-snow.

Picket toppled her face first into the snow as the wolf's weight hit her back, bashing her chin into the pavement and snapping her teeth together with a painful clacking sound. "FUUUUUUCK!" she screamed as she tried to scramble out of the snow, but couldn't seem to get out from under her. Tears of pain began to flow from her eyes, dropping onto the sidewalk with a hissing sound, the ground slowly being eaten away by the acid. Without her full attention the bugs went about their business and crawled away.
Shaynee jumped down seeing her sister take the fall running over towards them but keeping back some so as not to interfere and Quiet suddenly ran inside FishCo grabbing me with her going for the stairs."Quick gather up the snow near the edge so we can try and shove it off" she said running around, dropping to her knees and using her whole body to shove the snow towards the edge of the roof "we need to get our piles over where we can dump it on Picket".

Meanwhile the wolf grabbed one of the chains hanging from Picket's tail, tearing it off and slinging it around her neck and pulling back on it firmly, using it to garrote the demon.
"If she only moved a little closer..." I whispered to Quiet helping her to gather the snow and she nodded her agreement. "If you can pull her over we can help " she yelled down to the wolf standing behind the huge pile of snow.

Picket gagged but she didn't passed out since demons don't breath. It however did make it nearly impossible to swallow and the glue from her saliva began to pool on the ground in front of her. She used all her weight and strength to pull free of the chain, but only succeeded in slamming her face into her own glue mess and hopelessly stuck herself to the pavement. She growled, exhausted "I fucking give... you win"

The wolf heaved herself up, taking the demon at her word. She wanted evidently stop and heal her visibly broken and swollen ankle. She hobbled off to the side under the overhang, leaving the chain wrapped around Picket's neck. She unceremoniously dropped to the ground, to take pressure off her ankle.

Shaynee ran over towards Picket, to help her up. "Owowowowowowiiiieeeeeee! My face is glued to the pavement!" she screeched.
"What is there superglue on the road or something?" the pale skinned Shadow stopped pulling only to try to wiggle her fingers under her cheek.
Picket screamed in pain as her fingers wriggled in between the pavement and her skin "Shayyyyy huuurrry" her wrath seeming to subside for now, returning a bit to normal Picket.
Fire dripped from From Shaynee's fingertips as she wiggled her way across Picket's face, pulling it free from the pavement but looking as her hand was stuck to her face. "What the hell!" she started shaking her hand growling "LET GO!". She span both of them around where Picket's back was towards the FishCo.
"NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW" yelled Quiet shoving with her legs to push all the snow on top of Picket while Shaynee put her foot up onto Pickets stomach pushing against her trying to pull herself free.
Picket looked up rolling across the pavement quickly, just as the snow plopped behind her. She just looked up again and gave us all the finger.
But I was not helping Quiet. Shaynee was too close and I not wanted hit her by chance.

Marana let herself drop from the ledge to the ground and held a fieldflask out to the wolf ''Here, it will help against the pain" and the wolf smiled with a grit of her teeth, gladly taking the flask and opening it ".... thank you".
''Your welcome.. you need that bone set dear? I'm no mender but I have had my fair share in the past''.
"If you would be so kind, it's been a while since I've had to set my own bone... I'm out of practice".
Marana crouched down in front of the wolf ''better take a few more drinks of that bottle hun.. this gonna hurt..''

Shaynee got free and Picket rubbed her cheek where there was now a swollen area in the shape of Shaynee's hand. She grumbled a bit and stalking off she shouted "REVENGE"
Quiet watched Picket go and got a little grin. She hopped off to other roofs " take care of Jamie" she yelled back as she followed the demoness.
I took back the books I left on the windowsill dusting a snowflake from the cover following the demoness run until she turned the corner down the street.
At least, now she has a real reason to hate me.


No more potions

Servher glared at everyone.
Finn tilted her head and flattened her ears as she was glared at "What? What's wrong?".
Serv glared doubly at me just for effect and broke into a smile "Hello pretty kitties".
"I thought you were mad!" Finn grinned
"Nah I aint ever mad unless it is fun"
"Well, I get mad. It gives me a tummy ache" she snickered.

"Finn I have to tell you Noir beat my ass today" Serv said sitting near Finn that looked obviously surprised "Reeeally? Tell me the whole story, leave nothing out".
"Well see Noir had this snowball and she chunked it at me, I was like all dodge dive duck" he started to tell "then I scooped up a snowball and dove through the air and hurled it at her head and BAM a cloud of snow and she tumbled back, then she got her whip and beat my ass. Oh it hurt yeah but I put up a good fight".
"Sounds like fun..." Finn snickered "except when people hit me with snowballs, it always goes down my shirt"
"You don't like ice down your shirt?"

Serv looked behind Finn and grunted nodding and she looked behind her "Who are you nodding at?"
He pointed north and spoke soft "Quiet's wife was walking up but she turned".
Finn blushed "Ohh. I gotta go talk to her. Will you excuse me?"
Finn sighed "Yes.. I have to. I was wrong. Gimme a break Serv, it's hard enough to admit, as stubborn as I am".
He smiled concealing "Ok take a break"
Finn grinned and kissed his cheek running down the street.

She came back after few minutes, along with the Shadow we know as Quiet's wife.
"Yay she accepted my apology" she smiled with obvious relief.
The Shadow looked up at me "I was here looking for you". She leaned up on her tip toes "We do have the issue with your looks, if you don't mind following me back to the Pit, I will try to see if I can pull whatever remains of the potion out of you"
I stood feeling rather nervous. I knew she was there to help me but I couldn't help it.
Serv's eyes went wide as he spoke softly "Back to the Pit?"
She looked over at him "That's where all my supplies are" and he rocked back and forth shaking his head side to side "Oh well that makes sense".
"it's ok, she's going to help me" I reassured with a weak smile before follow her where I'd never thought to go for any kind of help.

The Pit was dark. Some braziers were burning in several corners of the large hall and a red glow barely lighted the place making difficult to see even to my feline eyes.
The air was dense of acrid smoke and something that reminded me somehow the vet...
The Shadow tapped a square dark altar "Ok hop up here".
"No reason to run away, she's going to help me" I said in my mind while I followed her instructions, laying on the dried-blood stained altar.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Shadow watched me with a smile "Now don't move I need to get my stuff".
I was petrified, no need to ask, but she was fast and walked over laying sheets of paper by my waist, near my feet laying a ball of red yawn and a dagger.
"Do you have something, like a charm I could borrow?"
At the sight of the dagger I closed my eyes moving aside all the stories about sacrifices and demonic rites, focusing on her words "...yes... you can take it from my pocket. A necklace".
She reached into my pocket taking out the necklace, taking the little charm from it and placing the chain back into my pocket "Ok, there will be steps. Step one, I need you to be very still for, I will be using my mind to go inside of you to pull out the potion". She looked to me "I will need your mind open for me. So just relax and take deep breaths". She placed the charm on my forehead as her other hand ran over my throat.
"Are you ready?".
I was unable to speak so I closed my eyes again taking a deep breath while my heart was bouncing against my chest. Feeling ready to potentially die I nodded.
She closed her mind as she started to chant softly. A fireball floated above my face, sliding into my nose, as I inhaled.
I was amazed at the fact there was no burn but I felt a warmth inside my mind. Her hand ran from my throat down over my body as the fireball followed inside of my body.
I felt the heat melt inside me and I shivered when the fire engulfed the last of the potion causing a shift to my shape back to male.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The fire split up inside my body replacing the cells that caused me the ability to shape shift into cells that make me feel... extremely smart.
She picked up the charm as she spoke once more "Now, the second step,".
The Shadow grabbed the yawn placing it on my stomach as she picked up the dagger taking the end of the yarn threading it through the charm.
She looked at me "This part is very important for you to remember".
I nodded panting, my forehead beaded with sweat, a new feeling growing inside my awareness.
She cut the yarn with her dagger as she laid it back down tying it around my neck "I bind you Noir from drinking any potions" she repeated three times in a soft chant "Keep this around your neck to protect you from drinking any potions that are not good for you".
My attention was all for the melodic voice chanting in a strange language. Among the incomprehensible words I understood something that seemed to be very important "Potions.. not good to me".

She smiled "How do you feel now?" she asked moving her hand to help me up.
With my lips still on the last word I stared the ceiling. All went silent for a long moment, all went dark. The echo of the melodic voice reverberate against my conscience making me blink and focusing the world around. I glanced up the pale lady with a weak smile and slowly I stood, rubbing my face.
She grinned as she looked up at me "Take your time, I wouldn't want you to get dizzy". She grabbed her dagger and the ball of red yarn along with the papers from the lessons.
"You may want to get some paper and pen from the Coven or Library because I have a feeling you will be finding new words to use on your enemies" she suggested smiling.
I felt gradually better, my body switched to the usual myself.
"Thank you very much Madam" I said with my usual rather male voice "I'm in debt with you".
She raised an eyebrow as a joker like grin "Think nothing of it and you can call me Shay".
"Shay. Beautiful name".
Her pale cheek blushed a bit "Now you better run back before they get worried about you and think I'm torturing you".
Was true, plus we were not alone. I stepped closer to her reaching out an hand to grab hers. I found myself kneeling and daring to kiss her pale hand.
"I will not forget your help" I just said and before someone could find it improper I stood and walked out, revived.


Just another day in Toxia

You don't really need to kill yourself to bump in odd situations in Toxia.
Well, if you're lucky enough.
That day I felt lucky so I walked down the street to the Voodoo Shop with the hope to meet someone inclined to share some information about potions, shapeshifting and sprouting tits.
But I stopped as I spotted a gathering of demons and two.. mutants.
One of them, with mixed features of a cow and a duck, was standing with a furious look in her eyes, running up behind another with a tiger head. Leaning close she looked like she was going to bellow "Squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek squeek" was all she was able to express.
A woman stepped outside the shop hearing the noise and looked to see what was happening. "What in the hell..?"
The cow-duck, whining like an excited horse, reached for her sword with her wing. Batting at it over and over before figuring she couldn't grab it any more.
"I heard moaning and ass slapping.. kinda wondering why I decided to brave coming outsid--" the woman looked over to the thing that made the horse sound."Oh god.."
"Just another day in Toxia" stated a masked man sitting arm crossed by the entrance of the shop.
"Another fucked up day..." the woman commented eyeing the thing, deciding it might be wise to keep her mouth shut.
The 'thing' tried for the sword with her other hand. A dull think was heard about when her cloven handed hit the hilt. She snorted shaking her head swinging around her horns, then she turned and left in a huff.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

She padded to the FischCo and jumped awkwardly on the cantilever roof.
"Holey shit there is something on our awening Noir". I almost jumped hearing Serv's voice. He stared mouth agape trying to reason what it was. "Did you speak to it yet?" he whispered out the side of his mouth. "Nope but if you get a little closer it smells like Quiet...".
"You think it ate quiet?" he gasped.
The mutant glanced down and looking like she was going to yell just "Squeek squeek squeek" like a little mouse.
"It has Quiet's saber swords look it" he nudged me "I think it is Quiet, go touch it ".
"Hmm... I've seen it near the voodoo shop some minutes ago..."
The mutant hoped down and slowly walked closer on unsteady hoofs.
"Woah god it came down" Serv looked as it wobbled closer "Oh shit Quiet?"
"Bbbbaaaaaaa bbabaaaaaaaaaa bbbabaaaaaa" the mutant shook her head up and down.
"See it is Quiet" Serv looked at me "don't be scared go closer"
"Err... Quiet? But... but it..she has horns!"
Serv sighed "Ok stay here, if it eats me aveng me".
The mutant barked suddenly.
He stared into it's eyes "Oh fuck Quiet sweety what have you done?" asked as she huffed and pointed her wing in the direction of the voodoo shop.
He touched the wing as it extended "Damn, the Coven. You drank something?" he turned to me "Noira come closer it is Quiet and she is fucked bad"
The mutant Quiet shaked her head and thumped her chest with the cloven hoof; heaver than her hand and harder she knocked her self off her cloven feet.
"I've told you, something happened to the Voodoo shop. I've seen another mutant with a tiger head".
Serv tried not to chuckle but couldn't help it "No no be still Quiet be still"
She shivered and started balking and clucking.
"Ok I'll go ask, Noir you watch it ..erm her"
I helped her to sit while she holded up her cloven, barking and growling glancing up.
Someone started laughing hard. The pack leader and his she-wolf were staring Quiet. "My god!! What the fuck is that!!!" Wotan pointed frantically.
"Bawk bawk bawk bbbbbbbawk bbbbbbbbbawk"
Aaryanna Parx placed a hand on her stomach as she laughed even harder... She was almost doubling over she was laughing so hard.
"The fuck?!!" Wotan stopped "Wait a minute..Chicken!!!"
Serv came back and talked to Quiet like she was deaf " QUIET I brung Callieh to help, stay calm"
"Quick call the Wolves!! We are having Chicken!!" Wotan hoped up and down but Calleigh glanced at Wotan and groaned "No eating faction leaders!".
Quiet snorted slashing at the air with her horns
"Hey... He did it before.. Why not now?" Aaryanna stated.
Calleigh grumbled darkly not having much to say to that one, kneeling down next to the Quiet creature. "Well it's apparently stupid to ask you to talk.. or..cluck..or.. well fuck."

Zoie suddenly ran off screaming "They are everywhere!!!!"
Quiet pointed a wing at the screaming feline and started quacking.
Zoie ran up to the others trying to keep composure and asked through grinned teeth " do you have a razor . . . anyone ?"
Quiet shaked her head and pointed at Zoie and then pointed up to the second floor of FishCo.
My sister was acting weird after a bad meet with some Shadows and I knew that Quiet had a cure for her. "Yes... yes we have one, Zoie" I said with a smile "we have a very nice razor up here. Please, follow us so you can get it".
Serv hugged Zoie "Come on upstairs we can fix it".
Zoie dug her claws in her own leg screaming "Get off get off get off!!" and Serv whispered "Of course I will get the razor for you come along".
Zoie realized we were speaking of a razor and said with a plastic smile "I'll need to be alone with it if you don't mind".
Noir Dreadlow pads a little more closer to Zoie "Sure, we just show you where find it. This way" I moved few steps to the doorway and smiled to her.
She placed her hand on the stub that once was her beautiful white tail trying to hide the severd spot, she clawed her leg once more and followed me upstairs where
she grabbed me by the hair and got inches away form her face saying with grinned teeth "I must stop them, you hear me".
"..yes, yes I'll help you.." I winced gesturing to Serv to reach the couch.
She let go my hairs and cried covering her face "They won't shut up they are telling me awful things and I should die" she slashed mid air with her claws.
Serv grabbed between the cushion and produced a vial and passed it to me, trying to restrain her "Be still Zoie I'll help listen to Noir sweety".
She wiggled away slightly saying forcefully "Ahhhhhh I don't know who is talking to me your all running together shuuut up!!!"
Serv pulled at Zoie's arms trying to restrain her now in a full bear hug as she kicked and ranted "Calm down let me get them Zo", so I grabbed the vial and reached out the free hand towards Zoie's face to caress her cheek "Shhh, we're going to kill them all"
Zoie cried out distracted from all the voices at once not fully hearing either kitty and too distracted to realize either of them dug her claws in the arms around her seeing demons all over and around them.
Serv squeezed harder feeling her claws dug deep into his arm and the warm blood ran to his elbow. He grunted "Hurry make her drink it Noir".
She was not listening, lost in her mad illusions. "I'm sorry Zo" I whispered and quickly I uncorked the vial, grips her mouth and pours the liquid in her mouth plugging it.
Serv, surprised by her sudden strength, wrapped his leg about hers and applies his full weight, her claws digging out of his arm the flesh splays back with his shirt "Noir hold it shut make her swallow" he said as they stumbled about in the struggle while Zoie choked and sputtered the blood.
She finallywent limp in Servher's arms, exhusted from hours of fighting the demons, tried to regain her breath.
We carried her on th couch "There finally some good comes from coming to meetings" Serv hoofed while I took place near her.
"Stay with her sweety, it may be a while before she wakes up" he said before turn to bolt downstairs.
Zoie began breathing hard and shivering harder as thought ice ran through her veins, fully unaware of anyone in her presence, only dreams of the hidious demons and her tail. The only thing needed was resting and let her relax so I caressed her locks, kissing her forehead "It's over Zoie, they're gone. Now you're with us, with your family".
She flinched then opened her eyes partially and whispered "Thanks Onyx... " then she falled back to sleep, voices and demons gone jsut exhustion.
I felt tears in my eyes hearing her calling my old name. I leaned on her, kissing again her forehead for a long moment. "Sleep well Cookie" I whispered caressing her cheek "I love you" and slowly I stood up, letting her rest.

"You want me to shatter your puny little brain with what I know about the shadows? Guess what, I don't care what you think you know about me. I couldn't care less than I do about whatever respect you think you deserve".
Finn's voice was full of anger as I approached the sidewalk outside FishCo.
Serv raised his voice for the second time ever in Toxia "Finn please".
"Finn, you realize you being an ass to my wife". Quiet finally was again herself.
"Again do I know you? No... Do I know my family? Yes... Did you know that Picket and Quiet have played around before with spells and magic in the past? Which I keep saying but apparently you aren't catching on". The pale skinned woman, Quiet's wife, was standing arm crossed near our Leader.
Finn grumbled and sighed, then cleaned her claws.
"Noir show me that green potion so I can drink it and understand this shit" Serv was evidently exasperated.
During this past days I've learned to appreciate that feline's humor and kindness.
But even in girly features I was -and I am- still unable to understand female psychology. I smiled at him while he made his way inside FishCo and I just waited I for the tension to calm.
That shadow was right: just another day in Toxia.


...oh shit!

There's something going on, something... strange.
While I write this down I still can't believe it's happening. That's why I've waited three days before fix it on this diary. Ignoring the fact was giving me the illusion that all this was only a stupid bad dream. But.
Today something new had cast a light on this mess...
Ok. Let's start from the beginning.

Days ago I needed to help a family member sneaking near the Pit where she was confined. The place was guarded by many shadows so I had the bad idea to borrow a potion in the Voodoo shop. No one was around so I took the first green bottle with the writing 'shapeshift' and I drank it. All. Well it worked because some minutes after I was an anonymous big housecat.
And so was the day after. And the day after tomorrow, until...

***** ***** ***** *****

Noir rubs his eyes and stretches his arms, waving to the felines
Redd: "oh Gosh....!"..Redd looks ashamed.."Do ya want any gummis?"
Finn grins with relief at Redd and nods 'please'
servher: "Noir, Gosh I figured you was dead Man"
Redd fishes out the pack Finn gave her and offers them around.....
Noir smiles and yawns.
Finn scuffs the toe of her shoe against the sidewalk and looks around as she takes a gummie out of the baggie.
Redd pokes serv..."gummi sir?..gummi??..hey wanna gummi??"
servher turns and looks "got a green one ?"
Redd nods.."but of course"
servher smiles and opens his palm
Redd hands him the best green one in the bag.."here you are sir I love how gummy they are"
Finn nods and excuses herself for a moment, then walks toward Bato, nodding and smiling at Noir as she passes.
servher bows his head " thank You Ma'am " and he scoffs it greedy like
Finn "Hi Bato, how are you feeling?"
Redd hands the pack to Serv.."here you are sir..give them back to Finn..i cant eat at the library..well i can...but its a bad example ya know"
servher makes a contented sigh as he licks his whiskers "greens are best don't you think?"
Finn "I just wanted to tell you thanks for guarding us all last night. That was really good of you.
Redd shrugs.."I like pink!"
servher holds the pack delicately between his fingers like a rare treasure " ok they are Finn's ?"
Redd sighs...."I love you kitties..but I gotta go sweep now , noone wipes their feet in this town"
servher frowns and nods "I will from now on "
Finn: "Hmm ok. Well, just thought I'd tell you that."
Redd shouts.."byeee Finn!!!!..bye serv..bye everyones!"
Finn turns and waves at Redd 'See you at the party!'
servher "Bye Redd *waves frantically* sweep well !"
Redd turns and rolls up the street.."see ya tonight!"
Noir waves to the red haired lady while he stretches again
servher notices he has a packet of gummies in his hand so he eats a orange one
Finn scratches behind her ear and looks around. her ears flatten as she shifts from one foot to the other. "anyway. um.. bye."
Finn smiles to Noir and waves "Hi. I'm Finn"
Noir smiles back
Finn waves happily to Fritz.
Fritz smiles and waves to Fin 'Finn!! Heya serv"
Finn McCellan: how are you doing? We had a good party last night. i hope we do it again tonight. It was a no pants party we were all mostly naked. it was exciting.
servher looks up from a pack of gummies " Hi fritz gummi?"
Fritz "I'm good hun, you?"
Finn "good.. i got all hopped up on beer and catnip.. it was really great.
Fritz perks at the gummi "ohhhhh yeah! thanks!" plopping one in his mouth
servher slowly passes the bag in front of Finn on his way to Noir " gummi?"
Finn grins and plucks a couple out of the baggie and pops them into her mouth "thank you".
servher smiles " no worries Redd says they is yours "
Noir smiles "Thanks" he says reaching out an hand but he blinks hearing his strange voice
Fritz noticing Noir "I don't know if we've met..... I'm Fritz"
Finn McCellan laughs "well, they were, then I gave them to her, now she gave them to you. so they're yours"
servher takes a second look at Noir
Noir looks at the new cat surprised and coughs slightly
servher "Noir! You is hot what happened?"
Finn smiles to Noir "And I'm Finn. Nice to meet you."
servher peeks under the bill of the cap " Noir?"
Noir clears his throat "er...yes?". He blinks again and touches his neck.
servher rubs his head looking confused " erm you got boobs, nice one's too "
Noir, still surprised, looks at Serv and gulps. He takes a moment to lowers his eyes towards his own chest
servher backs up not wanting to make Noir more uncomfortable.
Finn blinks and chokes on gummie bears as servher comments on someone's bewbs.
Noir blinks and rises his hands, trembling
servher smiles wide his face livid with delight " Dude you been erm damn "
Noir looks up at Serv again with a surprised look and slowly faints

servher's eyes grow wide and he gets quiet enjoying Noir's moment of discovery "...oh shit!"
Finn's eyebrows scrunch in concern for the obviously distressed young girl "oh.."
Fritz looks at Serv, "why are you calling her dude?"
Finn kneels down beside her and takes her pulse ,once determining she's just fainted, she digs through her medical bag for some smelling salts.
servher shakes trying to contain himself " well she was my mentor and she was like a dude "
Fritz: "Ohhhh" looking at Finn "Why'd the kitty fall down?"
Finn: "What is with all the.. gender and species swapping.. this is out of hand.. here serv.. take these. Break them under her nose.. when she wakes up she should see a familiar face, it'll calm her down..
Finn hands Serv the smelling salts. "I don't know, Fritz.. apparently she's not used to having boobs
servher palms the salts "Yes it just happened to Lei dissn't it "
Fritz: "OK I'm confused, she looks like a girl to me"
Finn: "yeah.. to me too. And yes it happened to Lei.."
Noir sniffs something pungent and wrinkles his nose muttering something
Fritz hisses at the mention of Lei's name and spits
servher's eyes follow Noir's body lusty then palms his face " just break this on his nose?"
Finn: "so that when she inhales, she'll smell it"
servher sets it on the sidewalk and slams it under his palm
Fritz: "Ok Serv, ya keep calling her him, you're confusing me!!"
Noir opens his eyes and rises his head looking around confused
servher scoots it with his finger closer and makes a yuckie face " it stinks "
Finn: " kk, lets get her off the cold pavement.. yeah it stinks..but it brings people out of a faint.. you did a good job serv."
servher whispers " Noir you ok buddy?"
Noir looks at Serv and to Finn and tries to speak "Is.... is it... a joke?"
servher pats Noir's head "I am afraid not .. you are dead sexy though pal"
Finn tries to give a comforting look and shrugs "We don't know.. but it'll be ok. I mean, we'll figure it out. and.. this happened to someone else and they went back to their true state.."
Noir sits on the cold ground
servher: "Come inside Noir by the heater"
Fritz tilts his head watching "Serv, ya just hit on her, who I take was a him and your friend"
Noir stands on unsure legs and slightly walks inside
servher looks over at Finn "I so did not hit on Noir "
servher: "He fainted you saw it!"
Finn: "... um.. no. you just said her boobs were hot, which.. is flattering, actually"
servher furrows his brow and his voice goes up an octave "well they are look at em "
Fritz "Then said she was dead sexy"
servher continues in the high voice so he must not be guilty " she is look at him "
Noir plops on the cushion still confused
Finn: "Noir? It's Noir, right? What do you remember?"
Fritz: "Oh that's her name, Noir"
Finn pats serv's shoulder "It's ok... it'll be ok"
servher turns red in the face " ok Finn "
Noir rises an hand and notices that all his body looks very female "What the fu-"
Finn: "what's the last thing you remember? you're not the only one who's had.. changes like this.."
servher stokes the fire with a stick " yeah you eat any cookies from the coven?"
Noir frowns listening his voice so girlish and rises his glance on Finn "...I.. I remember.. I was a ..cat"
Finn nods and gives a comforting scratch behind the ear 'you're still a cat. You're just.. at the moment, a girl cat. But like I said, I don't think it's permanent, others have changed back."
Noir looks at Finn with a little hope "Yes! You remember? You met me after I... I..". He purses his lips "..a potion"
Fritz "Better hope no boy cats get at her, then she'll change back and.........ewwww"
Finn "Fritz!"
Finn frowns at him and shakes her finger 'Bad cat!'
servher smiles glad he has been quiet
Finn looks back at Noir. "I.. a potion? Where did you get the potion?'
Fritz shrugs "Well I'm just saying, already got Serv hitting on her, err umm him, whatever.....either way still could happen"
servher turns stone faced " I dissen't hit on her erm Noir I just wanted him to know what has happened "
Noir looks at Fritz as he just realizes that he maybe should check between his own legs but Finn's question drives his attention on her "The Coven shop. I.. well, I stole a potion in the Voodoo shop"
Finn: "Noir! ohhh!"
Noir blinks
Fritz shakes his head "Ohhh that's not good Noir, not good at all"
Noir sighs
Finn sits on the couch and wraps her arms around him "Sorry I'm so bad with names.. but now I remember.. I remember. You took that potion.."
servher smiles " wooo I only shrank I feel so much better! "
Noir nods to Finn
Finn: "...and you turned full on kitty and cuddled with me when i was hurt.. I remember.. oh we can fix this. It's ok. It's a potion. They wear off or there's an anti potion.. We'll fix it."
Finn nuzzles Noir, comforting him gently "Where have you been since that day?"
Noir smiles slightly to Finn looking at her grateful
Fritz: "Ok I'll be back, I'm gonna go see if I can find my friend, she might help"
Finn nods and smiles at Fritz
Noir crawls on the couch "Oh I've spent two days.. I think, in cat form"
Finn: " See, Noir. It'll be ok.."
servher begins to shake as his smile breaks his face in half " you .... you will be Ok buddy * cough mock cough * I better go outside "
Finn tilts her head and studies serv.
Fritz stops hearing that "What what?? She wasn't even a kitty before?"
Finn "Yes she was. He was a neko".
servher giggles his way to the door holding up his hand
Finn: "and then he took a potion to help me when i was at the pit.."
Fritz: "Ohhh ok, ok I misunderstood"
Finn: "and it made him.. a cat. a little kitty.. like a housecat.. only bigger.. sort of.."
Noir finds the bravery to check his own tail, at least
Fritz: "Ohhhhh, gotcha"
Finn smiles and continues to cuddle Noir gently "Try not to worry. we'll get you back. And no more potions for you."
servher snorts cupping is laughter in his hands
Finn: "serv! bad cat!"
Noir looks down at his chest and blushes slightly
servher full on belly laughs being scolded by Finn " baw hahaha ha ha ah Noir AAhahahahaa"
Noir zips better the jacket
Finn gives a pouty look "Don't listen to him, Noir. We'll beat him up later."
Noir Dreadlow takes a cushion and throws it to Serv. He looks desperate "Gosh I'm acting like a girl!"
servher deflects a cushion as he wipes his face " I'm sorry , it is horrible I know man but .." bites his lip
Finn smiles and shrugs
Noir buries himself in the couch
Finn: "Hey, at least you're a pretty girl! I bet if i was turned into a man I'd look like some bad road.
servher gasps "oh bad kitty stop flirting"
Finn: "I'm not.. but if you're going to.. temporarily... switch genders, I'd rather be a cutie".
Noir sighs "That's bad. People already think I'm gay. That's my end"
Finn "oh who gives a fig what people think?"
Noir shrugs "Nevermind"
servher's face screws up "I never thought you were gay Noir "
Finn: "I didn't either".
Noir looks at his hands "On the bottle... There was the writing 'Shapeshift'"
servher: "well there was that time I had you strip to your underwear"
Finn takes out pen and paper and writes that down "what color was it? How'd it taste?"
servher: "You will be so much more fun in truth or dare now"
Finn: "Oh I love that game.."
Noir rubs his face and looks up at Serv making him a face
servher grins and winks " hey there doll "
Noir: "Well, the potion was.. hum.. green, I suppose"
servher: "at first you were full cat ?"
Noir nods
servher "can you remember how long ?"
Noir scratches the back of his head "Hum... today is?"
servher: "Sunday the eleventh. Full moon tonight"
Noir counts on his fingers "hum... I was cat Saturday. And I remember I felt tired all of sudden and I took a nap"
servher: "anyways Miss i would wait and see maybe this will wear off. Who knows what else might happen if you take another potion"
Noir looks at serv worried "Oh... that's a good point..."
Finn writing down notes 'what did it taste like?'
servher " but then I am no doctor I just play one upstairs"
Finn smirks at serv
servher pipes up " she said it tasted green I think "
Finn "tasted green? no she said it was green. The color. Right?"
Noir turns to Finn and tries to remember "hum... taste. It was like... a rusty tube and rotted spinach"
Finn bites her lip and writes that down. "When you took the potion, you wanted... what was your desired effect? to be a full cat?
Maybe as long as the potion is in your system, you can shape shift.. not saying you wanted to be a girl.. but if you fell asleep maybe you dreamed it.. and that's what made you change.. dunno.. just thinkin'".
Noir touches his throat muttering something but turns again to Finn "Ah.. yes. I wanted to be an anonymous cat to jump on the roof of the Pit while they... well, you know what"
servher stops looking at Noir's breasts and turns to Finn's " so you think she should just rest ?"
Finn nods..
Noir narrows his eyes "A dream...". He purses his lips "I was... I've dreamed my sister"
Finn: "I don't know.. but it couldn't hurt.. maybe rest and while he rests we'll keep looking into it and see if there's an anti potion.hmm.. Noir.. close your eyes and concentrate on being a boy.. on how it felt,.. you know.. um.. just sort of go back to your last moment as a guy.. and see if you can will yourself back to being yourself...couldn't hurt, right?"
Noir nods slightly "Guess I'll be ok..."
servher nods " explore yourself and try to think about men i agree "
Finn "you'll be fine.. we'll figure it out. just relax and.. you know, imagine yourself doing things as a guy.. i don't know.. imagine.. peeing standing up.. or.. opening tightly stuck jars...
Noir smiles at Finn and zip up the jacket, shivering slightly
Finn: "Hey Fritz. Did you find anything?"
Noir folds his arms and leans back in the couch "You said something about.. Lei? Something smilar happened to her?"
Fritz runs is and jumps up on the couch "Yeha kinda, I got Nikki coming over. She said Detain Noir till she gets here, well like detain as in keep her here so she can get a grip on what this is that did it and stuff"
Finn nods
Fritz hisses again hearing that name
Finn shows the paper "I wrote down what Noir could remember about the potion..
Noir looks up at Fritz and mutters "Sumimasen"
servher "yes but i am not sure what happened to Lei"
Finn: "prolly not the same thing, but if she can change and change back, then Noir can too"
Noir lowers the cap on his forehead and nods "I want trust it"
servher: " Well I know not to drink anything green"
Fritz: "Yeah that's usually a good rule to follow"
Noir flashes a glance to Serv "Unless you want tits"
servher smiles
Fritz snickers thinking of serv with tits
Noir folds better his arms around his chest feeling unease at the soft thing against them
servher "I have had tits before just not attached to me"
Fritz "I'd never leave my bed I'd be playing with em all the time " mocks like hes playing with jumblies
Noir almost kicks Serv and giggles
servher laughs at Fritz "I know right " and mocks it too
Fritz almost falls off the back laughing
Finn laughs lightly and shakes her head
servher collects himself " Noir tell your sister she is Hott "
Noir Dreadlow: "pfft"
servher smiles and scoots back a bit
Noir: "you know her very well dude, and yes, she's hot, actually"
servher looks closer at Noir
Noir draws back and frowns
servher rubs his hair back "Noir don't worry pal we will get things straight "
Finn nods in agreement
Noir nods "Thank you"
servher: "but you should stay indoors it is the full moon and well you are sexy now"
Noir gives a look outside "What's with the full moon?"
Finn: " the werewolves go a little nutty."
Noir gasps "Oh. I see"
Fritz: "Ohh they went nutty? glad I was gone"
Finn: " yeah. A bit. Bato protected us. Isn't that nice?"
servher "did you mention a party Finn ?"
Quiet yell running in after her" I am helping her" giggling
Finn: "yeah we had the no pants party last night, and i think we're having another one tonight"
servher waves at Sabby and Quiet
Finn smiles at Sab
Noir looks at Sabtina and Quiet and nods sighing
Finn waves at Sab and quiet
Quiet gigg and take a straight lign for the run "hiya everybodies"
Fritz: "Heya Quiet, ya see Noir is a girl"
servher nudges Quiet " look at Noir closely your kittyness"
Finn grins and taps her pencil on the little notebook
Noir buries himself again in the couch
Finn tries to comfort noir by scratching behind his ear. "It's ok"
Quiet looks about to the kitties and then up to Servher "where is he?"
Finn: "right here."
servher bites his lip and breathes through his nose not wanting to laugh again and points
Finn "that potion.. that he drank, to turn full kitty when i was hurt. apparently it's got some kind of side effects or.. we don't know. he said it was green and tasted.. like rust and spinnich..he went to sleep as a kitty and woke up as a girl. did i forget anything, noir?"
Quiet follows her arm finally looking to the new female kitty" uummmmmmm nnoooo your kidding
Fritz: "I got someone coming to look into it, she's a friend from the coven, Nikki, ya'll know her"
servher nods his eyes welling with tears
Noir 's lower lip trembles and shakes his head, a little vexed by his so girish attitudes
Fritz snickers quietly watching Quiet
Finn frowns and points at fritz and Serv, then nuzzles Noir a little.
servher cackles "I gotta find a mirror " and he runs upstairs
Noir takes another cushion and throws it to Serv, folding his arms again leaning back against the hard structure of the couch
Finn's pointing makes it worse and the snicker gets louder, Fritz's face getting red
Quiet shakes her head" uuummmmmm well this is different"
servher: " Ahaha ha omg too rich"
Quiet : "maybe it is only temporary"
servher searches lockers till he finds a compact
Finn: "That's what I thought.. you know, he said the potion was called shape shifter. When he took it he wanted to be an anonymous kitty.. so he was. Then he fell asleep and dreamed of his sister.. so he woke up.. looking like her I guess..maybe once it wears off he'll go back to normal."
servher hands Noir the compact "I think it is your shade "
Fritz falls off the couch this time in a fit of laughter
servher: "no seriously look in the mirror Noir I am so sorry .. again"
Noir tries to bite Serv's hand taking the compact harshly
Fritz laughs uncontrollably snickering "Your shade"
servher squeels "Eeek careful " and prances about like a girl
Quiet scowls at the two males in the room before looking back to Noir "well maybe it would be a good idea to ask the coven or toasters for help"
Fritz crawls over the back of the couch
Quiet: "depending on if it was magical or non magical"
Noir snorts at Serv and nods with a smirk
Fritz: "I got Nikki from the coven coming over"
servher: "he got it from the coven originally"
Finn watches Noirs reaction to seeing him/herself
Noir opens the compact hesitantly.He closes his eyes tightly and rises the little mirror in front of his face. He takes a deep breath and opens one eye
Finn holds her breath as she watches
servher looks at Finn " should i go get eyeliner?"
Finn scrunches her brows at serv "you should be spanked"
Noir opens both and blinks. He opens his mouth as if to say something, then snaps it shut again
servher wipes his eyes " i agree Finn but not for this "
Finn shakes her head but can't help but smirk
servher socks Noir in the shoulder " come on fella it will be ok "
Noir closes the compact and hands it to Serv again, remaining silent
Finn: "yeah, it'll be ok Noir. Do you look like your sister?"
servher pockets the compact and listens
Noir shakes his head "Not at all"
Finn "hmm interesting"
Cierra turns to enter the Fish co.
Finn waves and smiles at Cierra
Noir rubs his face as if to delete it
servher looks as a shadow grows " hi Cierra "
Cierra waves back to fin and the rest of the kittehs "Hiya Serv" scratches behind her ear "Hows everyone today?"
servher fidgets suddenly feeling ashamed of his antict at Noir "I will go now and ask Lei about her experience "
Noir Dreadlow stands, looks down the street and rushes out.
Cierra looks puzzed "did I miss something?"

***** ***** ***** *****

So, that's what happened. "You'll be ok". "We will fix it". I clung to those words, the hope that the effect of the potion would be finished soon.
But today, at FishCo, my hope crashed like a sheet of glass.

***** ***** ***** *****

servher looks at Princess puppy pants " Lei I would like to ask you something personal"
SahngLei "ok serv, shoot"
servher: "when you was turned uhm nonfemale how did that happen? Cause my friend Noir has got boobs and is worried"
SahngLei: "Well serv I have something called Bi polar disorder....and because I am non human it manifested in two seperate sexes"
Noir turns hearing his name.
servher gasps "No shit?"
SahngLei: "Yep"
servher "that is ... is ... all you life?"
SahngLei "I will time from time turn into Andie"
Noir drops his shoulders
servher waves Noir over "come here sweety "
SahngLei: "Depending on my state of being....He just comes when he feels like it but he has no idea who I am although I know everything about him"
servher looks at Lei "That must be hard on you doll"
Noir steps closer and rises and hand "Hallo..."
servher frowns "I am afraid Lei does not have a similar problem Noir I am sorry"
SahngLei "Yes it's difficult because I get locked inside and I cant speak for myself. Whats wrong with her?" points to the kitty
Noir nods and smiles faintly "That's ok, Serv, thank you for caring"
servher stammers " y y you see what is happening when you are Andie?
SahngLei "yes I do"
servher rubs his chin "Do you feel stuff?"
SahngLei "Yes just as if it were me, I feel every hit every cut everything Andie goes through"
servher scratches and smiles "I can't imagine"
SahngLei: "His emotions, his stresses, his fears, we are the same person, essentially"
servher furrows his brow "Afraid of homosexual talk maybe just about guys"
SahngLei "Homophobic?"
Noir looks at the beautiful wolf and hardly figures her in male shape
SahngLei "There is no instant cure for that....only time and positive reinforcement that it is normal and ok to express and that it doesnt mean that one has to be homosexual to comprehend and understand ones feelings that might be".
She smiles at Noir.
servher: "Oh sorry Noir this is Lei, Lei this is Noir who had a accodent with a shape shifter potion and became recently female, and hot"
Noir smlies back "I've met her when I was in housecat form". He nods "Nice to meet you again".
SahngLei "Ah! Potion...Yes thats how I got my disorder. I was given a potion"
servher: "with her cute perky breasts and tight bumm"
SahngLei: "you too Noir"
Noir kicks a little snow against Serv flashing him a severe glance
SahngLei: "Serv *snaps her fingers* back to the problem at hand"
servher: "huh ? you took a potion and oh"
SahngLei: "Yes I took a potion and it gave me this disorder"
servher: "Well then perhaps you could take Noir private someplace and help him maybe tell him anything to help?"
SahngLei: "And now randomly I switch between sexes"
servher: "her"
SahngLei: "If he wants. She. Her. It" She shrugs "whatever".
Noir blinks "....er... may I ask.. what color was the potion?"
SahngLei tries to remember back to the day...."was Green as snot"
Noir nods ".. I took one greenish... with a bad taste"
SahngLei Xue blinks "You may have the exact disorder I have...if so...it's incurable"
Noir drops his jaws
servher: "well Noira better get used to it sorry"
SahngLei: "but... the good news is...you can control it...I'm still learning how to control mine"
Noir rubs his face and takes a deep breath "Ok. Ok, it was green. There are *many* green potions, isn't it?"
SahngLei: "Perhaps...."
Noir bites his lips tring to stay calm
SahngLei: "This ones taste was unmistakable however...like rust and spoiled cabbage"
Noir slaps his forehead and covers his eyes with an hand
servher points at Noir " man that is almost exactly "
SahngLei yawns slightly
Noir steps a little back "O..ok... I need to sit... a moment"
servher stops looking at Noira's boobs
SahngLei blinks
servher stops again " damn I feel funny "
Noir tries to organize his thoughts and starts to bite his nails
SahngLei suggests one thing "Think about something you liked doing as a guy...and maybe it will trigger him back out of you"
servher coughs and fans his face
Noir nods slightly and takes his sketchbook, the thing he loves the most. Not really a male thing, ever. He puts it away and looks at the wolf, thousand questions coming in his mind while she and servher run down the street.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖


Pack's feast

If you live in Toxia, the sight of plenilune is always supported by the howling of the wolves. Werewolves.
There were many tonight, very close to FishCo.
Hiding in the shadows of the park, a pack of wolves was gathering around something. *Someone*.
That someone let out a growl when the Pack Alpha bit on her shoulder, a black blood seeping out the wound.

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

A demon was struggling to survive the attack of the Alpha and the Zeta while two wolves were biting her legs.
The demon grunted as she was tossed aside into the more open, her hand going to hold the wound she growled.
Was clear that it hurted like hell but seemed she wouldn't let it show.
Aaryanna, the Zeta, wiggled her way back and got up onto her feet. She began to pace a bit, growling lightly as she eyed the demon.
The Alpha roared out loud for the other wolves to attack the Demon that harmed the Zeta.
An huge wolf hunched down low and licked the blood off his muzzle. His eyes widened at the sound of a aggressive roar.
A Grey wolf jumped aside to avoid her fist, but wasn't possible so trying to find another weak point of her, made some jumps around her left and right, within the area surrounding him, the other wolves and tree and the tank behind the Zeta.
She watched the other wolves for a moment.. She watched them all jump at her and she decided the best part to attack would be her legs seeing everyone go for her upper body. She growled deeply and jump at her right leg, her jaw wide open.
The Alpha roared in the face of the demon and reached back his left claw, looking into her eyes with pure rage and menace. He opened his claw as he thrusts it forward to try to impale her with them. He the keeps her held there gripping her by the space between his fingers... He then lifted her up and kept her there while the other wolves attacked her.
The demon's eyes went wide as the Alpha roared and then she let out a demonic roar as Wotan pierced her chest making a weird sound.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Grey wolf made another attempt to jump on her side, as best as he can, made an attempt to bite her belly from her left with his jaw full open, with rage.
Aaryanna growled as her jaw came down around the demon's leg and she bit into it, her fangs quickly piercing the skin.
A White wolf bit into the leg she had harder and dug her teeth into the flesh more and started ripping the meet of the bone. Parts of meet fell to the ground that she wasn't catching at first and soon would get to where there was bone and chomped down harder to brake the bone in her leg.
The Omega arrived, smiling as she walked up seeing what was going on as she reached out and grabbed onto the demon's horns.
A black wolf bit her ass trying to take a big chunk out of one of the cheeks.
The Grey wolf bit the demon from her belly on her left, his teeth buried grasped a piece of meat from there furious, shaking his head rapidly left and right to snap the meat from her body.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Omega grinned and cackled as she held the demon's head in place letting the others rip into her.
Aaryanna pulled her head back, pulling a chunk out of her leg. She began to chew on it.
The demon let out a loud roar griping onto Wotans's arm trying to dislodge his hand from her chest. She would start to cringe then letting out a yell as one bit her ass she started to swing her arms to hit anyone she could. She had already lost a lot of her blood and she was losing her energy. She turned her head trying to bite the Omega, her tail idly twitched on the ground as it had now fallen off.
The teeth of the white wolf brake the bone and she started to chew more on the parts of the leg that were still attached to the rest of her body so she could rip it from her body dodging the attempts at hitting her and growled louder as she started to yank on the leg to rip it from her body.
The Omega growled and gave a toothy grin as she began to try to rip the horns from her head laughing sadistically.
The huge wolf growled and gnawed on her shoulder, pulled chunk flesh off her, gnawed it and snapped jaws tearing pieces of her apart.
The Grey wolf finally snapped a piece of meat from her flesh, stepped a little back for other members of the pack to grab a piece of her, started to chew the meat between his bloody teeth chewing quickly.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The black wolf bit down on her right arm hard trying to rip it off.
The Alpha became satisfied that the Demon was now in the height of being destroyed. He tried to sense her horror and took delight in it. Feeling satisfied enough to grip down and finally tear out the center of her chest and took her heart and watched it stop beating before his eyes.
The demon's head was pulled back as the Omega pulled. She would have a hard time getting the horns as they were rooted to her skull she then started to loose strength.
The Alpha stepped back, satisfied with what he has taken.
The White wolf growled loudly as she felt the leg ripped form the rest of her body and ran off with it finding a place to eat it in peace growling as she ate while the Black one growled a little at the Omega trying to say he understands and threw his body forward to bite another piece of flesh from her body. He swallowed the first one, his nose buried to the open wound he made before, got wet from blood, his saliva mixes into her blood, snapped another piece shaking his head crazily after biting her.
Aaryanna swallowed the piece of meat she had taken from the demon and she looked around at everyone else. Blood was now covering her shirt. She looked to Wotan and watched him pull the heart out. She then watched the demon's body begin to fall to the ground. She jumped the body quickly, her claws out she shoved her hand into stomach.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

The Omega pulled out her sword and looked into the demon's eyes "You ready to pass?".
while the huge wolf bit at pieces of unrecognizable flesh, licking blood off his nose.
The demon's eyes went wide as her heart was ripped out. She looked at it making a sort or sound, surprised more then ever her body then dropped like a rag doll as her body let out a demonic roar and her demonic essence tore from her body shooting away.
The Alpha held up his prize and licked off the bits that surround the heart. He cleaned the heart off with his tongue to look at closely and admire it when he has gotten all other parts removed from it. Nuku's demon heart alone in the palm of his hand. Ready to be enjoyed and tasted by itself.
Aaryanna pushed her hand into her stomach, blood getting all over her clothing but she didn't mind at all. She growled deeply feeling around in her stomach for her liver. She grabbed a hold of her intestine and began to pull it out.
The demon's body just laid on the ground starting to grow black from the blood and being an empty shell even as her head was chopped off and the Omega taking her horns and teeth.
The Zeta grumbled a little bit as she kept pulling out the lower intestines. "Fucking hell" she growled and threw them over at the kitties that were being so loud.

The Alpha took the heart and hold it up over his mouth letting the last few drops of black blood spill onto his tongue. He has already tasted it but uses it to wet his appetite and clear his pallette for the one thing he wishes to taste and injest the most. Her cleaned and ready heart.

Turning the gaze away from the scene I noticed three Shadows standing next to me. They were flicking pieces of popcorn up in the air with a claw, snapping at it catching it as they watched the rest of the scene.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

"Been fun sister" I heard from down below, the voice of the Zeta "Shame things had to end this way".

I forced myself to watch down again, in time to see black dust where the body of the demon was and the Alpha sinking his teeth into the heart.
Enjoying the sensation of piercing it with his teeth as he closes his jaw on it to pull off a nice piece, careful to make it last at least three bites. He chewed the piece slowly and breathes a happy sigh at how good it feels and tastes to him. He finally took the rest of the heart in careful bites and finished his meal.Content with what he has taken and done. He looks at the others wolves who have fed and feels a sense fulfillment that they have fed well.
He has done a good job as Alpha.

Savage howls of satisfaction raised from the Pack while the Alpha watched at the rest of the demon body disintegrated into nothing, before heading off barking to the brothers and sisters happily as they padded off.


A dark sense of humor

From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

picture by Finn McCellan

Dante glances to each of the kitties, then with a subtle deep tone he questions "Where's Finn?"
Cecily edges to the door.
Servher pipes up "I think she must have his shirt and he is cold "
Dante looks from Serv to Cece "I need to speak with her a moment"
Mai "About your shirt?"
Cecily "Well, why do ya need to speak to her for a moment?"
Servher Welles smiles.
Dante points to both Mai and Serv, still looking at Cece "I'm not in a mood for games, please tell them to hush".
Cecily looks to the two "Chill for a moment please?".
Servher scowles " damn and I was just going to ask for a hand of goldfish".
Shaynee walks up behind Dante with a smile.
Dante nods and continues "Finn...where is she?".
Cecily sighs "Dante I asked why you needed her".
Dante glances behind him a moment before returning his gaze towards Cece "And I heard, perhaps when she's being spoken to...I can speak with you about it".
"How about we tell her you would like a conversation when we see her next?" says Servher "Kind of like tag not to press the whole game thing".
"Well.. whats up?" asks Cecily.
Servher smiles at Mei "Hiyas again".
Mei smirks, "Hi kitten".
Dante closes his eyes a moment, his shadows steaming from his shoulders and rushing around the current group....finally returning to his being his eyes open slowly. "She's not here" he states as he turns back to his family. Waving a hand towards the rest of the city and towards the North, "Spread out, find her".
Shaynee nods and walks away.
Cecily steps forward "Whoa.. hold up. What the fuck is up? Why do you need her so bad?"
Mei nods and pivots her frame towards the south and dashes off.
Dante's eyes haze with dark figures "When she's found...you'll be filled in." Then turns to make his leave.
Cecily "Nope... tell me " she walks in front of him "Your not *CENSORED*ing with my family members Dante".
Dante pauses midstep and turns his head calmly towards Cece, "Then perhaps keep your own kittens in check before they try their little acts", and sidesteps heading past the vet.
Cecily shrugs her shoulder "Keep your little demons in check and perhaps our little kittens would be also".
Cecily opens her phone and goes to walk inside "I need you guys to walk around and try to find Finn, and if you do bring her home".
"Wonder what's up with Finn.." she muttles "ok.. I'll head west".
Noir doesn't know how this Finn looks like...
Cecily hands Noir a picture "Here, since ya haven't met her yet".
Noir looks at it and nods.
Cecily "We cant let them get her".

Noir looks at the stray "Hey Finn! Please come to FishCo".
Finn grins and nods "Hi".
Noir smiles a little worried glancing around.
"Ok. What's up?" asks Finn.
"Hum, better coming there, Cece will explain it, I think".
Isabella Sideshow holds the silver steak in her hand and lets out a screach for her family to here "I have her . . ."
Finn tilts her head and scrunches her brows "Alright. Are you coming?"
Noir glares the stranger with the silver thing in her hand and follows the kitten.

Celebratemy pulls out her cell calling Ceci
Noir takes his phone and calls Cece but puts it away noticing Cele "Go ahead"
Celebratemy "Finn where you been. You in trouble?"
"Idon't think so.. I was fishing"
"Well you should go inside and hide" says Cele
Finn blinks, looking back in forth from Cele to Noir."Hide from what?"
Cecily "Gawd there you are".
Noir nods "I've found her near the KA place, she was alone"
Celebratemy "Idk, sounds like there's a problem"
Cecily looks over to Stralack.
Finn: "Well, I didn't know those fish were endangered"
Stralack looks to Cecily and then to Finn as she walks off
Cecily: "Problem?"
Stralack "No...no problem...."
Cecily smiles "good.. good". She twiddles her hand in the air and waves "C ya"
Finn: "What's going on?"
Celebratemy whispers "Did you do anything to any shadows?"
Finn "Whaddya mean?"
Celebratemy "Where you by their base?"
Cecily steps closer to Finn
Finn arches a brow and studies her closely "uh uh"
Celebratemy shrugs "Maybe we should all talk inside"says looking over at Starlack
Finn: "ok.."
Noir looks at Cece "Why don't we just ask to him?"
Finn is confuzed
Cecily nods "Good idea"
Noir glances the white demon approaching.
Stralack looks to Finn, "Finn, would it be okay if you would come for a walk with me?"
Finn "A walk?"
Stralack nods
Cecily answers for her "No.."
Mei: "We don't want to hurt you. We simply want to talk."
Stralack: "I was not talking to you Cecily..."
Cecily: "Well I believe I'm speaking to you.."
Stralack: "Well I am not so watch what you say to me...."
Finn tilts her head, hikes a brow and tugs on her ear in uneasy confusion. "Why not just tell me what's going on?"
Mei: "We'll explain if you walk with me.I will not harm you"
Cecily smiles "Hard to take something back that's already happened eh?"
Finn: "where do you suggest we walk?"
Mei: "Just follow me. We need to have a talk."
Cecily: "You take her.. I'm going with you"
Mei: "No.This is for Finn only.""
Noir looks at the snow demon "Don't touch her Finn, she could freeze you"
Cecily raises her brow "Oh really?"
Celebratemy: "Sorries it doesnt work like that"
Mei shakes her head, "I will not touch you, Finn."
Finn shakes her head to Noir "I won't. I just want to know what's the big deal.. I'm little miss popular all the sudden"
Cecily shakes her head and laughs "Get out of my face little boy.."
Noir nods a little worried
Mei: "Finn, I'm asking nicely. Please come with me."
Celebratemy: "Finn you stay right here. Thought you didn't want to hurt her?"
Stralack raises a brow and chuckles, "Little boy? you must not know who I am..."
Cecily holds her hand between her chest and Stralack "Get.. out of my face. Are you *CENSORED*ing deaf?"
Stralack shakes his head, "Well...you said get out of my face.....I was never in your face but I am next to you if that is what you were referring to....."
Cecily smirks "See this little space between us? Your in my *CENSORED*ing face"
Mei: "Stralack... we can settle this peacefully.Finn... I just want to speak with you"
Stralack sighs "Apparently you do not understand the English language.....I am not 'in' your face....."
Cecily rolls her eyes and mumbles something about her bubble and shoe polish on the guys coat
Mei: "Please, come with me."
Cecily shrugs "Let me rephrase..if you were any closer to me you'd be in my vaj.."
Finn winces at the amount of tension
Mei: "Finn, I've asked you several times...Will you come with me or not on your own accord?"
Shaynee walks over to Mei then to the one Quiet calls Finn smiles ever so sweetly
Finn chews her lip, looking uneasy and backs up a step or two
Cecily looks inside and sees Jason "Is this a *CENSORED*ing hotel?" then turning to Finn "Finn hunny, go inside"
Noir looks at Cece then to the white demon "Well, if it's only a talk you'll not mind if some of us will stay around out of 'hearing zone', just checking that she will not be harmed?"
Finn nods to Cecily, still confused, looking back over her shoulder
Mei: "If that is your wish, but I simply wish to speak to her alone in the Pit"
Cecily draws her attention to Mei "Why do ya need her.."
Mei "That is a private matter."
Dante casually enters through the back door of Fish Co, walking past the couch he gives Jason a nod as he approaches Finn from behind. Stopping just short of her, his voice echos through his chest "Evening, Finn"
Finn jumps about three feet off the ground
Cecily shakes her head then turning to hear Dante's voice
Finn: "Evening.. What's going on?"
Noir sighs
Finn "Yesterday no one knew me, today everyone knows my name.."
Cecily "Get out.." she takes Finn by the arm "Go sit down love"
Dante nods sincerely to Cece "Mhmm, you know I'm good for my word. I'll be leaving with this one" pointing to Finn "So she can be spoken to."
Finn looks around with a frown, her ears flattening with worry for the other prowlers and apparent danger she brought on them, she looks behind her ready to bolt.
Cecily raises her brow "And you know I'm good for mine to Dante, no.. your not"
Shaynee walks in behind Finn putting her hand on her shoulder "That's not true.... I knew you from the party"
Finn mews and lets out a low feline growl
Celebratemy looks around the suddenly crowed room, curious as to whats this is all about.....stand up touching to get a better look
Mei extends her hand to grip Finn on the shoulder as frost accumulates where she touches her and a dread chill runs through the feline's body, "You will come with us."
Shaynee: "Oh wait... No I've known you since before then you were looking for Lei I believe *smiles and stays close looking around* where is Quiet?"
Dante grins devilishly behind his mask as he turns his body towards Cece now "..We've been through much Cece, and you know when something needs to be done, or I want something...I get it" then nods towards Finn, yet still speaking to Cece "And what I want...is a talk with the little one here."
Finn: "Talk? Is this about me not being nicer to superior beings? because.. I've really been working on that."
Cecily "You wanna talk with her? you either do it here, or let me come with you all"
Finn nods
Dante smirks and shrugs "Sure, you may accompany her...the rest stay here, and you'll be checked at the door while she comes inside to be spoken to. You can watch from there."
Noir looks the snow demon hand on Finn's arm and frowns remembering her words
Celebratemy "Will be near I will go where I want"
Cecily shakes her head "No.. im going in there with her. take the offer. if not, shes not going with you"
Jason lowers his hand from his chin, causing the light reflecting off his watch to lower to the floor, he is quiet and gentally rolls his wrist to change the position of the orb
Finn jerks her hand away and jumps back with a hiss
Shaynee looks to Dante and smiles moving her hand out to Finn's "Ready to go?" hearing the hiss thinking she has a little spit fire in her.
Finn scuffs the toe of her shoe on the ground and chews her lip, her ears going flat as she whispers to Cecily.
Dante snickers, his head tilting to one side as he looks to Cece in amusement "You've always had claws...I'll give you that. However, you made one negotiating point...and that was the last. Either you come and get checked at the door, or we can simply take her by force?" Looking around Fish Co a moment he shrugs "Hate to mess this place up...I've grown fond of it."
Celebratemy prepares to follow placing her blades on her hips.....
Finn nods to Cecily
Cecily "Fine.. I'll come"
Finn "can't you just give a hint what this is about.."
Cecily looks around "But everyone who isn't a part of this family, I want you gone from here when I leave..And I want you kittens to stay put.."
Shaynee nods "at the Pit we will" shakes her hand for Finn to take it.
Celebratemy looks and frowns
Noir notices another shadow advancing from the back door and does the easy math
Finn looks at Shaynee's hand and shakes her head "No thank you. I can walk on my own"
Dante lets out a small sound of laughter from deep within his mask "Oh, they'll be coming...no worries." Looking to Shay he nods towards Finn, accompany her in front "Please...Shadows, follow behind Cece and myself"
Shaynee nods and allows her to take the first step.
Mai: "Uggh.. we can't just sit here while they slaughter the two of them.. did you see how many of them there were!! I don't care what Cece said, I'm not gonna let them get hurt"
Noir looks at Mai "Please don't give the shadows a reason to break the promise to be quiet"
Mai: "Hehe.. I won't.. just want to make sure nothing happens.. I don't trust them."
Noir nods and sighs and suddenly has an idea on how reach the Pit's roof without being noticed.

Noir rushes to the Voodoo Shop and looks around in search for a shop assistant "Anybody here?"
Noir looks at the little colored bottles lined on the shelf and figures out the writing on the labels tranlslating something like "Poison" -hum no- "Healing" -useful but no- "Shapeshift" He giggles "Yatta!"
Noir Dreadlow takes it and runs away.

Mai: "Hey"
Noir: "Hyas" he shows her the bottle just stolen
Mai: "nice"
Noir: "have you ever used one of this?"
Mai: "nope"
Mai: "what do they do?"
Noir looks down at it "Hum, it says shapeshifter. I'm going to try it"
Mai: go for it
Noir nods
Mai: "where'd you get it?"
Noir coughs a little "Err... in the Voodoo shop"
Mai laughs along "well I'm gonna go check on Celeb"
Noir nods

I ran towards a dark corner and uncorked the potion sniffing the content. "Oh well, let's hope it will work" I said, and shrugging I quaffed it.
There was no pain, no particular sensations. Just the point of view changed. Looking down I noticed that the ground was closer than usual.
"Meow?" I said trying to spell a word but I was just able to yowl.

Mai: "Noir.. is that you?"
Noir mews
Mai: "We need to get the the back rail.. do you know the way?"
Noir shakes his head
Mai: "Ok.. well I'm gonna go find it"
Noir turns and mews slightly


Legion nods pleasantly to the feline before the Fishco, looking down to the sidewalk for a moment. Stepping inside the Fishco, She draws the fan over the floor in a wide sweeping motion, and something begins to materialize there
Cecily heads to the doorway "Get.. out! Put her down and leave.."
Shaynee follows Legion and Cecily in "Ask nicely"
Cecily "Im telling you.. put her down."
Celebratemy "she can lay on the couch"
Shaynee shrugs and says again "Ask nicely"
Cecily puts her hand on her sword "Put her.. the fuck down"
Shaynee walks over to the hello kitty rug and just drops her
Legion smiles pleasantly as the form of Hello kitty appears on the floor, waving hello. She looks to Shaynee, bobbing Her head towards the blanket.
Cecily looks at Finn again and grins, thinking in her head of there next trick being a little more vicious "Well.. thanks for walking her home"
Legion reaches into Her kimono, producing a small form of a pig, and a small turtle, laying the small plush animals near to Finn
Shaynee looks at Cecily after she drops Finn on the floor "would have put her down nicely ya know" starts to chuckle and looks to Legion
Dante briskly passes through the entrace to Fish Co, waving his hand in a small circular gesture befoer Cece "Well?...the need for tempers to fly?"
"Alright.. get the fuck out" Cecily says drawing her swords to her hands.
Celebratemy gets on the floor besides finn, carefully placing a oxygen mask on her face....setting it at 2.0 l. She checks her pulse........looks at her watch.....
Cecily Fhang lowers her arms straight to her side, her swords dangeling on the cement causing a distinct scratching noise. She lowers her eyes in dantes direction with another growl "get them out"
Legion turns to Shaynee, and the others there, nodding that the job is finished, and looking round to the Prowlers. Her whispers drift down round the Fishco "We thank you kindly for your gift. We hope you treasure Our's giving bvack to you." and turns around to walk out
Celebratemy pulls out a needle taking some blood preparing it to be sampled
Shaynee yawns and awaits for Legion command eyeing the kitty that is getting the swords too close to her
Stralack turns around and walks away knowing that being here is no longer needed.....
Celebratemy runs a scanner over her torso "shes fine she just needs some sleep" standing up wiping her knees off
Vishous leans up against the wall and simply watches letting her eyes gaze over the room, crossing her feet at her ankles occasionally checking her nails and picking at them
Mai glares at the 'doggy' in the back
As Legion steps out the door, and onto the street, each of the plushies stirs just slightly, inching a little closer to Finn. As they start to grow, however, they fall upon her vishously, plying her flesh with jaws of needle teeth, and howls of fury
Cecily points her sword at dante "Did you hear me? get the out"
Celebratemy "follow the leader" she giggles
Quiet walking over to the entrance of her home looks a little suprised at all the guests
Shakirah walks in to find her friend surrounded by Shadows and inquires " Hey CeCe....do you need a hand?"
Dante grins, winking to her casually "Mhmm...as much as i'd love to play with your claws, perhaps a bit later." then turns over his right shoulder to face the door "Shadows, let's go home."
Shaynee walks over and looks at Dante with a smile nodding
Legion getting briefly up on it's hind legs, the turtle exerts it's weight upon the pig, pushing it back, then turning back to sink it's needle fangs into Finn's throat
Quiet looks down at the plushies as she mutters" did that move?
Noir glances the feline laying on the strange carpet
Finn moans and shudders as the plushies tear at her flesh
Cecily looks to lorne and then down to the kitten, noticing something funny about the stuffed animals
Noir moves closer sniffing the thing
Celebratemy runs inside hearing Finn scream
Cecily tilts her head slightly "What the fuck! There eating her"
Cecily steos closer and goes to kick the animals off of the blanket
Noir blinks and looks at the plushies
Noir claws the one close to him
Mai kicks the animal closeby
The pig snarls, lunging back at the turtle, but missing, as the turtle turns glowing red eyes upon Noir
Noir gives a low growl
The pig is kicked, rolling away slightly
Cecily follows the pig, attempting to kick it the rest of the way out the door
Celebratemy shoots the stuffed animal and stuffing flies...the pig is no more
Mai claws at the turtle
Quiet circling around the cat and turtle she draws her blades
Noir extends a sharp claw and rips the back of the turtle, stepping a little back, a clear invite to follow him
Celebratemy takes aim and shoots the turtle twice stuffing looks of snow in fish co...its crumbles
The pig had righted itself with some effort, bending low to marshall itself for a lunge back at Mai, growling hideously as it's fabric lips pull backl across it's very fleshy looking gums. It explodes into a cloud of fluff as the bullet rips it
Shakirah gasps. "What the hell are those things?"
Quiet yelps as she nearly gets hit with shrapnel from the guyshot
The turtle had inclined it's head, growling low at Noir. It's head comes off, however, as it's body bursts, but still the head snarls, snapping it's jawes at Noir's hind legs
Shakirah "By the way....you have a visitor , Q. He is waiting for you on the boat out back."
Mai stabs her sword straight through the head, pinning it down for it's last goodbyes
Quiet Thunders shaking her head she swings her drawn blades towards the head but hold up short seeing Mai was a little faster than she
Noir gives a yowl of surprise and steps back a little further
Mai twister her blade, thus ripping the head into two, vanquishing it once and for all
Cecily bends down, her eyes scavaging over the kitten "Noir.. go get the medical box from upstairs please"
Noir nods and rushes up
Shakirah keeps an eye on the front and back of the Prowler base of operations to make sure no one sneak attacks her friends.
Cecily pulls finn towards her, bringing her to roll over on her back and puts her hand on her face "I hope they know this only means were going to get them back twice as hard"
Finn bleeds and shivers, her eyes open but are glassy and rolled back. She weakly raises a hand to swat a halluciation away and makes whimpers a bit pathetically.
Being cloth, though the gums drip with slobber, the head is no match for the blade. It heaves a sickenning rattle, cleaved in two with a wet hollow *clitch* sound
Cecily oulls her face away quickly to avoid the swat
Noir drops the medical box near Cece's feet and meows slightly
Cecily shifts her body to rest on her legs, "Ok Mai.. i need you to come here and get outa cloth, medical pads, gauz, and the alcohol
Heart is almost afraid to ask, "Is she gonna be alright?"
Cecily opens one of Finns eyelids
Finn 's eyes are dialated, glassy as if drugged and in shock. she mews a little and growls, not seeing the prowler in front of her, but something terrifying. Her mouth curves downward and she tries to pull or roll away.
Heart walks closer to Shakirah and whispers, "Where the hell have you taken us?"
Mai takes the gauze and alcohol in hand
Cecily pulls finns legs out and crinkles her brows a little "No fins, stop.. its cece. calm down"
Shakirah responds. " These are my friends...and when they are in trouble i help them. They would do the same for you or I."
Mai applies the alchool to the gauze "now stay still.. this will sting a little.."
Finn lets out a soft little yowl and closes her eyes to concentrate on Cece's voice. She shudders and winces, sucking in a breath.
Cecily holds the kittens hands down with one hand and attempts to calm her by scratching behind her ear with the other
Finn stills even more, relaxing as she feels the comforting scratch behind her ear. She purrs and shivers, her chin trembling a bit
Cecily moves her body to the left giving room for mai to work, then nodding to her "go ahead kitten.."
Noir meowing softly, curls near Finn purring to help her to relax
Mai finishes wrapping the last of Finn's wounds
Finn still trembles and shudders, occasionally winces with pain but is greatly comforted by the nearness of other kitties. Her eyes stay mostly closed, for each time she opens them, her glazed gaze seems to focus on something unseen. something terrible
Cecily rolls finn to her side and stands up "Ok, let her rest for awhile"
Mai "they really did a number on her.."
Cecily folds her arms lookin down to finn "wait til we get our little number in"
Finn starts to revive a bit, not as out of it, feeling much better now that she's bandaged.
From ✖ ToXic Noir ✖

Noir thinks it's a good idea let her rest on the comfy FichCo couch
Shakirah is relieved to see that Finn is going to be ok. " I take it the Shadows are a lil pissed about the other night and wanted revenge. "
Noir walks a little towards the couch and mews to Finn
Finn turns and rolls a bit, she stumbles as she brings herself up and decides to sort of cruch / crawl to the couch.
Noir helps her offering his back
Finn takes the help gratefully, purring weakly to Noir
Noir waits that Finn is properly resting and looks at the boiling thing on the stove, tilting his head
Finn smiles at them weakly. "Thank you. Thank you so much"
Noir whishes he had hands to offer something hot for the kitten. He now thinks was a bad idea quaffing that potion
Shakirah Savira grabs Heart and heads out to the street. " We will give you time to get Finn together. H and I are goin out to see if we can find out anything else. We'll return in a while to make sure she is ok. "
Finn scoots a bit, offering part of the couch to the kitty, eager to share warmth.
Noir jumps on the couch and curls up near Finn
Quiet wanders over to Finn looking down with a little nervious smile
Finn blinks with sleepy somewhat glassy eyes at quiet and gives a shakey smile. She cuddles with Noir a bit, trembling as they share warmth
Celebratemy "Mai you were wonderful tonight"
Celebratemy "thanks for standing wif me against that doggie guy"
Mai "no problem, I had to. Couldn't let anything happen to anyone"
Celebratemy nods in agreement
Finn cuddles with Noir and shudders a bit, drawing a shaky breath "Guess they didn't think our joke was as funny as we did."
Noir sniffs Finn's left ear and starts to lick it
Quiet "um Finn are you ready to talk?"
Finn's chin trembles and she squeezes her eyes shut tight for a moment. she hugs noir tight and then nods, drawing a long breath. "yes." she says, her voice just barely above a whisper. "Yes." She says again, more clearly this time.
Quiet smiling softly she kneels dowm beside the couch. Bitting her lip she humms for a second before starting " You are quite the trooper hun. Um I can guess this had to do with the little prank we played. So I guess they grabed you at some point tody?
Noir licks her ear again purring softly
Finn licks her lips to moisten them and squares her shoulders. She shudders remembering and opens her mouth to start speaking but can't seem to find the right words. she closes her mouth and considers. "Well, .. Thank you" She blushes a little, encouraged and flattered by the compliment. "I went fishing for most of the day.
When I got back to town, almost immediatly i ran into Noir." She gives him a scratch behind the ear. "He said that he heard there was some kind of trouble and I should go to the Fishco. There was a shadow nearby, yelling about how they found 'her' . i didn't know they meant me.
So we came here." She takes another breath and absently teases the edges of the bandages on her arm. "Some of the other prowlers were here, and then shadows. That one.. Shaynee she kept asking me to go on a walk with her, and Celeb and the others said no, and I should come inside. so i did. But that one.. Dante was in here. Behind me.
It was getting to be a standoff, and I was worried that kitties would get hurt because more and more shadows were showing up. And I thought, if they know it was me, the plushies, they'll hurt me but i didn't want everyone hurt if we could avoid it.. I wanted to run, but i thought they might not just follow me.. Anyway then Cece made up her mind and agreed we'd go with them to the pit.
Quiet nods slowly listening and smiling proudly at how well Finnn was doing after all this
Finn shudders and licks her dry lips again. "Once we were there, that Dante ushered me inside and kept the other kitties outside." She closes her eyes for a moment and steadies herself. She plays absently with the bandages and cuddles closer to Noir for comfort. "While i was in there, there was one with big tentacles, and that Dante and Shaynee.. and some more.. Have you been in there? it's hot and smells like burned things..
"Anyway this other one showed up and.. she scared me the most. She was.. elegant. but not in a good way. Asian i think.. beautiful and she hid her face with a mask but that was even more terrible, that i couldn't see all of her. you know? She said that they appreciated the gifts but they weren't the right style. I offered to go find the person who did it.. just in case. I mean, why would i come right out and say it was us?
Quiet sniffles shaking her head " Yeah I am sure a little scary with them all surrounding you
Finn says "She got close to me... and.. It gets hazy. Yeah they were all around and I didn't have a real exit and i knew if the others heard me scream they'd be inside.. but i didn't want anyone to get hurt and i didn't want to scream if i wasn't in real danger.. and they weren't hurting me...
Noir narrows his eyes remembering when months ago the same elegant Lady was in the cyber's place, supporting the experiment on the now Pack leader
Finn tenses a bit and trembles a little, tears welling up in her eyes. "But then that one, the asian lady thing, she got real close to me and put her hand on me and then i felt a sting. sharp.. like a shot.. It didn't hurt too bad.. but.. i didn't think it was good.. It felt like a bee sting..
Then I started getting dizzy.. and I kept seeing little... ratbats.. or something..
I don't know, some dark furry little tumor things.. with rat eyes and teeth.. running around, and I was trying to step out of their way.. I lost my bearings.. I couldn't stay up straight.. then i woke up here.
Quiet nods" so do we have any idea how long they had you uncontious"
"Well.. i don't think it was that long.. cece and noir were outside.. so it couldn't have been that long... i don't think.
Noir mews a nod
Quiet sighs reachs toawrds Finn but holds back figuring better to not accidently shifter her causing her kitty more pain than she already has received
Finn jolts slightly and sucks in a breath but reaches toward Quiet, eager to be comforted by the touch of a familial kitty as she is with Noir
"I hope .. well next time we'll just plan our joke better so they don't know who it was"
Quiet reaching out she takes her paw and nods" yea that well will have to do.
Finn sighs and snuggles into the comforing warmth of kitties
Noir gives out a slight sigh and moves closer to Finn
Finn scratches behind noirs ear and nuzzles him a little to thank him for his gentle comfort
Quiet smiles " well don't you worry hun you just rest and get better.
Noir mews softly, still feeling a little uncomfort being unable to speak
Finn nods and wipes at her eyes. she trembles a little and nods more emphatic. "I'll be ok. A little payback... nothing to whine about, right?"
Quiet nods" well lets take our time though"
Finn nods "Well, I'm not.. I'm gonna rest a while."
Quiet giggles shaking her head" well yea that is an order you will rest up
Finn gives a weak chuckle and nods "Is everyone else ok?" blushes with shame "I'm sorry.. i didn't even think.."
Quiet patting her paw" yes hun everyone else is fine"
Finn relaxes, relieved
Quiet shakes her head " what a good kitty worried about your family
Noir purrs to Finn nodding
Finn responds with a purr and a nuzzle then she rests silent.